Worst boss stories

NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
My new boss is really socially awkward and a complete miser. She told me to park at the cheaper parking lot, which is a good half mile away, for a client meeting, to save 3 bucks.

I am hoping someone can top that so I can say my life doesnt completely suck!


  • xvxCelticWandererxvx
    xvxCelticWandererxvx Posts: 2,890 Member
    One of my old bosses when complete ape **** crazy when I had a baby because she couldn't have children due to her husband's vasectomy! :huh:
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    When I was younger, I had a female boss come onto me because she liked my boobs. :grumble:
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    I had a boss call me to come change her tire....

    Thought that was kinda weird but she was nice so I did it but yea..just weird.
  • lalaland82
    lalaland82 Posts: 176 Member
    My old boss used to sit and talk to me in the office about how his marriage was going wrong, it was really awkward :huh:
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    my last boss (i had just been fired cause my previous boss did not like that i raised questions on procedures or offer alt suggestions on how things could be done)

    interviewed me while eating pizza

    told me i was in charge of the IT of the company, then complained when i asked for simple things, you know, like valid licenses for office, windows

    dared to ask for the raise that i had in writing in my contract after 6months

    blew off questions about why we were just throwing away urine tests in the garbage instead of hazmat bags

    the list went on and on

    thankfully i no longer work there
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    love this thread. I was in college working at Dunkin Donuts and when I gave my two weeks my boss looked at me said "F*** you. F*** YOU!!"

    awkward situation since it was while was wearing a big donut shirt and smelled like jelly.
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    I worked at Sprint handling business line calls, and my manager pulled her chair up behind me to listen one day when I was on a call with a customer that had been, well, royally screwed over and I was trying to solve the issue. She sat behind me and started chanting "Hurry up, get off that call. Get off. Hang up." The problem was the CUSTOMER could hear this, and he asked me if that was my boss talking to me in that manner and I gave a simple "Yes sir". He cancelled his business with us on the spot because he found us to be a poor company for treating employees like that. He had a total of 75 lines that he cancelled under that one account.
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    my last boss denied all requests for vacation for Christmas off, My birthday and scheduled me to work all holidays for the last year.
    complete and utter *kitten*. also committed several go to jail offenses and wanted me to cover those.
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I was routinely called a c**t and b***h by a co-worker. My boss said that I just needed to keep him (the co-worker) happy.

    P.S. We worked together out of the same vehicle everyday. No getting away from him.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    I feel so much better already! Thanks for the support you guys :)
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    My last boss told me "a trained monkey can do your job". He resented the wage I was paid and brought it up often. He threatened taking shifts away from me. Any accommodation I asked for in regards to a second job I was denied but it was routine for him to accommodate the other employee (the other employee changed through the years but they were always accommodated for their jobs - often requiring me to rearrange my schedule). If I questioned him on it, he would deny there was any accommodation. I was never permitted a coffee or lunch break. I once soothed an angry bride and when the couple complimented him on his staff he called the other employee at home to give her heaps of praise. She told him it wasn't her. He never called me or even mentioned it in person. When I asked him about it, he was abrupt and said, "I didn't know who it was." I pointed out he only had two employees. "Well, you heard it from her so what does it matter!"

    I lasted 13 years only because of the money I was making although it got pretty toxic at the end. I took a paycut when I finally found something else but my happiness level is so much greater. I didn't realize how much of a toll that toxic environment took on me.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I recently retired from a job where EVERY supervisor was an idiot, *kitten*, moron, incompetent, and STUPID. I had to get out of there.......................and when I put in my retirement noticed, my *kitten* boss posted my job in a higher unit with more pay (I had tried for many many years to get my job upgraded to that very place, but he would NOT give that to me.)

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I'm not in that ****hole anymore!!!
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Bosses...oh man.

    1st Boss:

    Was young working in the pipe laying area.

    I was in a 16ft deep trench when in caved in on me. I was crushed and under ground for 20mins. They rescued me, but i was already half dead.

    Had 8 months off on compo due to injuries, depression, anxiety, claustrophobia...

    Went back and was put straight back down into another trench when the boss started kicking rock down upon me.

    I had to quit.

    2nd Boss:

    I was pouring house foundations. Busting my *kitten*. Hard hard work.

    The boss would trip me up and stand on my head pushing it into the concrete against the reo.

    I held onto that job for months as i needed the money, but again, had to quit.

    3rd Boss:

    Was cutting a large concrete pipe when the quick cut saw bounce off and sawed straight through my calf.

    I only took 1 week off, going back to work with 20 stitches, and a majorly ****ed up leg, knowing this guy want happy.

    During that time we had a kid working with us from 'Boys Town' its a group that look after abused kids.

    His dad used to beat him ect. Very angry, but also timid kid.

    My boss raised his fist at him and i stood in to defend him.

    I was against Him and most of the other workers. This poor kid just needed guidance. I threatened to report him if he did it again.

    I was then given a job in a trench, him knowing about my past, made to work 12 hour days 6 days a week on 38c weather hauling *kitten* till again i quit.

    Some people are just born Arseholes.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Not really about a particular boss but just a company in general.

    I worked for a large computer company doing their help desk. We had time limits (ten minutes) and at the five minute mark I remember multiple boss's would walk over to me and tell me to "rush" the caller. Now it takes 2-3 minutes sometimes to get the information just to pull up someone's accounts and then another 2-3 minutes to figure out why the hell they called.

    I had something similar happen that happened to g33kmommy (your post reminded me of it) where I had to tell a customer I was hanging up on him because I was out of time. He goes "I've been on hold like thirty minutes and we've been talking how long?" I told him we were around the 6 minute mark which he was like "are you f'n serious?" to which I responded something along the lines of "Yes sir, unfortunately it's going to take me the remainder of my time which we are now at 7 minutes and at ten minutes I must disconnect the call. I apologize for this but it will take me around 3 minutes to explain to you why I can't help you but the short version is my boss is standing behind me and is demanding I disconnect the call oh and his name is Patrick )(@&@& (can't remember) and his direct extension is blah blah" then I hung up. My boss wrote me up which I didn't care that job was hell but it wasn't just that boss it was the entire place. OH and the guy called my boss directly which was kinda cool.

    Worst place I've ever worked

    well wait I had a four wheeler fall on me when the chain broke and my boss peeked around the corner and laughed...he was too busy getting high. I quit within the week. Only worked there for like 2 weeks long enough to get an employee discount on a motorcycle maybe that was my worst job? hell I dunno

    damn I forgot about all of these maybe I block them out
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I recently retired from a job where EVERY supervisor was an idiot, *kitten*, moron, incompetent, and STUPID. I had to get out of there.......................and when I put in my retirement noticed, my *kitten* boss posted my job in a higher unit with more pay (I had tried for many many years to get my job upgraded to that very place, but he would NOT give that to me.)

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I'm not in that ****hole anymore!!!

    I think I work there now.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I recently retired from a job where EVERY supervisor was an idiot, *kitten*, moron, incompetent, and STUPID. I had to get out of there.......................and when I put in my retirement noticed, my *kitten* boss posted my job in a higher unit with more pay (I had tried for many many years to get my job upgraded to that very place, but he would NOT give that to me.)

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I'm not in that ****hole anymore!!!

    I think I work there now.

    you have my sympathy..........................................
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    I recently retired from a job where EVERY supervisor was an idiot, *kitten*, moron, incompetent, and STUPID. I had to get out of there.......................and when I put in my retirement noticed, my *kitten* boss posted my job in a higher unit with more pay (I had tried for many many years to get my job upgraded to that very place, but he would NOT give that to me.)

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I'm not in that ****hole anymore!!!

    I think I work there now.

  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    Years ago when I had my first pregnancy my boss at the time got pregnant at about the same time. We had a mutual friend in common, who told me that my boss spent the first few weekends of her pregnancy getting drunk in hopes that she'd lose the baby. I quit about halfway through my pregnancy, but later heard her son was born rather small and sickly.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    When I first graduated college, I worked for a consulting firm that a woman operated out of the third story of her home. One day, she decided to take the day off and lay in her back yard to get a tan. She came up to the office a few hours later to check phone messages and email - COMPLETELY TOPLESS. She just stood there talking to us like nothing unusual was happening and we just answered and tried very hard not to look at her.:noway:
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I recently retired from a job where EVERY supervisor was an idiot, *kitten*, moron, incompetent, and STUPID. I had to get out of there.......................and when I put in my retirement noticed, my *kitten* boss posted my job in a higher unit with more pay (I had tried for many many years to get my job upgraded to that very place, but he would NOT give that to me.)

    I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad I'm not in that ****hole anymore!!!

    I think I work there now.

    you have my sympathy..........................................

    One of my favorite saying is "If we sold hamburgers we would be out of business." Luckily for them, they have no competition.