Worst boss stories



  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    It's not really a story, but I had a boss that farted non-stop. Seriously, constantly farting out loud...in meetings, talking to you at your desk in your office, walking to the parking lot, everywhere...
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    so this boss of mine, she also invades my space a lot. i am in a white collar position that has a lot of prestige. she comes into my office and walk right to my desk to see what i have up on the computer. she is hoping to catch me on ESPN, but im always on a worksheet because i am actually working sincerely.

    i work with people with a lot of credentials and huge egos. the money is good but comes with a price tag. i dont understand how these people become managers when they dont have basic social skill set. then we bemoan the downturn of US economy and how industry of any kind is dying

    Its a BS system anyway.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    When I first graduated college, I worked for a consulting firm that a woman operated out of the third story of her home. One day, she decided to take the day off and lay in her back yard to get a tan. She came up to the office a few hours later to check phone messages and email - COMPLETELY TOPLESS. She just stood there talking to us like nothing unusual was happening and we just answered and tried very hard not to look at her.:noway:

    I'd apply for that job :)
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    When I was younger, I had a female boss come onto me because she liked my boobs. :grumble:
    I had one come on to me because I was pregnant and he liked knowing he couldn't get me pregnant and made it known.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    I got a promotion at my last job and my boss didn't accept it and kept referring to me as the receptionist even though I was the office manager and above her. She even at one point said " oh don't worry about her, she's just the receptionist". She was let go pretty soon after that though so all was good.
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    Oh I forget to add that when I threatened to go to HR my boss told me that if somebody crosses him he never forgets it. I said, "Who do you think you are? Tony Soprano?? (RIP James Gandolfini). Then I went to HR.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    When I first graduated college, I worked for a consulting firm that a woman operated out of the third story of her home. One day, she decided to take the day off and lay in her back yard to get a tan. She came up to the office a few hours later to check phone messages and email - COMPLETELY TOPLESS. She just stood there talking to us like nothing unusual was happening and we just answered and tried very hard not to look at her.:noway:

    I'd apply for that job :)

    They weren't the good kind. LOL.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    When I first graduated college, I worked for a consulting firm that a woman operated out of the third story of her home. One day, she decided to take the day off and lay in her back yard to get a tan. She came up to the office a few hours later to check phone messages and email - COMPLETELY TOPLESS. She just stood there talking to us like nothing unusual was happening and we just answered and tried very hard not to look at her.:noway:

    I'd apply for that job :)

    They weren't the good kind. LOL.

    There is only one kind!
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    Oh I forget to add that when I threatened to go to HR my boss told me that if somebody crosses him he never forgets it. I said, "Who do you think you are? Tony Soprano?? (RIP James Gandolfini). Then I went to HR.

  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    one of my managers was addicted to meth amphetamine, an being a young dj I had a few connections, not that it was my kind of thing lol.

    hed ask me about 5 times a shift to call my "friend" but it was actually more funny and sad. he would come in on the end of a bender and then crash and sleep in a small crawlspace area, come in with a black eye, call up with really crazy excuses why he cant come in, you could see him smoking a giant bong and hotboxing his car in the carpark. but yeh, he was a nice guy so although his antics were funny, it was a bit sad too.

    it made for an interesting final 6 months at starbucks thats for sure. lol I have quite a few boss stories.
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    I worked on a horse farm and the owner would attack us with a pitchfork and shoot us with bbs. But it was a fun place to work. He had drug problems
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    I worked for a woman who would only allow one person to be off at at time There were four of us, counting her. In order to have the day scheduled off, you had to write your name on her calendar. Except that as soon as she got the calendar for a new year, she would write her own name down to be off on any days that she thought anybody might want to take off. . . . .you know, like days that book ended three day weekends, every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, other employees birthdays and anniversaries.. . . .. and then she would show up and work on those days.
  • simplyciera
    simplyciera Posts: 168 Member
    Worked at a property managment company. My boss had me lie to a tenant & tell her that if she paid $1000, we'd let her stay in the house she was renting. I listened as the tenant asked her boss for the money & he agreed. While I was giving him the account numbers to wire the money, my boss told the Property Manager to continue with the eviction. The property manager later told me how she & the sheriff went to the tenants house for the eviction while the tenant's 3 children (under 15) were in the house. They threw the kids out! I was so disgusted. AND THEN my boss refused to speak to the tenant. I had to deal with her tears/frustration. I quit like a week later. She wanted me to forge court documents. Ugh. Hated that job all 8 months I worked it.
  • april27kelli
    april27kelli Posts: 338 Member
    The devil does in fact wear Prada... and super-absorbent tampons. How do I know this? She sent me to Walgreen's to buy some for her.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    I worked for a woman who would only allow one person to be off at at time There were four of us, counting her. In order to have the day scheduled off, you had to write your name on her calendar. Except that as soon as she got the calendar for a new year, she would write her own name down to be off on any days that she thought anybody might want to take off. . . . .you know, like days that book ended three day weekends, every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, other employees birthdays and anniversaries.. . . .. and then she would show up and work on those days.

    wow, just wow. that sounds like one sad, lonely individual.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    ^ yes, how much must their lives suck to be like that!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    The devil does in fact wear Prada... and super-absorbent tampons. How do I know this? She sent me to Walgreen's to buy some for her.

    should come back with some vagisil and haemorrhoid cream just to complete the tri-fector
  • april27kelli
    april27kelli Posts: 338 Member
    Hah! Should've, yes. Thankfully, she isn't my boss any more. She left, I didn't. I'm serving a life sentence, I think. The boss I have now is a guy...and even though he talks about inappropriate things sometimes, I don't mind. Reading these posts crack me up... and make me feel grateful that I haven't had too many horror stories to tell.
  • xstarxdustx
    xstarxdustx Posts: 591 Member
    No where near as bad as some already posted on here, but throwing it out there. Mine was so controlling, even a presentation I was making had to be controlled down to the background colour and font (not like I'd chosen hot pink or neon green).
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm fairly sure that my first boss ever (at a bookstore) hired me specifically because he wanted to get in my pants. I actually went on a date with him (who knows why, I didn't even like him) right after I stopped working at the store and he basically pinned me down and shoved his tongue down my throat without permission. So yeah. Not cool. I bolted pretty fast. Douche!