


  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    The next time they get you to drink start a bar fight. I'm not talking smack talk. Grab a bar stool and go Tarzan on th-- no? No? Okay. SERIOUS advice then. It's already been said, but balance your drinks with water. It'll probably do you good to balance out the peer pressure you're giving your kidneys. I've PLANNED alcohol into my daily allowances a time or two so I could enjoy guilt free even. In the end though, it's about respect for yourself and what you want to do. Make it a point to keep people around that RESPECT what you are trying to do to better yourself. If they gotta poke at you even after going "Hey guys, I want to live past 50 unlike you" (or you know, an actual conversation with them regarding your health) it probably isn't going to change.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited September 2015
    I was at a bar for 4 hours last night. I had one glass of wine. No one noticed or cared. Eventually everyone got drunk and REALLY didn't notice. I just smiled because I knew I had calories saved up for a lovely snack at home, and that I was going to wake up feeling awesome.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Sometimes it's more fun/entertaining to be the sober one, and watch your friends get sloshed and make total fools of themselves.
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    i'm drinking beer 4 of the day. football comes on later, i should hit like 20-25 total. Not even with friends lol. i say CHEERS!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member

    Just a note to let everyone know this thread has been cleaned up a bit.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member

    All the talk here about peer pressure and girl drinks reminded me of this KITH'S sketch - Girl Drink Drunk :D
    Honestly though, I wouldn't hang with people whose friendship depended on how much I drank. I've also never been one to cave to peer pressure though, so I can't really offer effective tips there. When people try to pressure me, I just become more resistive, and eventually get pissed off. ;) I've been known to kick people out of my house for being jerks, even family members.

    Yup, this is me too.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited September 2015
    rockmama72 wrote: »
    We also don't know what "the amount of hell I take" really means. It's not always easy to just get new friends. Remember what happened to Elaine when she met a new Jerry, George and Kramer?

    Yes! It's always a good idea to model our own lives/behavior on the lives of fictional TV characters.

    I remember when I was looking for a job, I took a page from another classic sitcom and got a job in a candy factory even though I had no experience. And then when it got too much for me, I just ate all the chocolate! How do you think I got to the point where I needed MFP? :wink:

    ****. I had my money on the books, not the chocolate.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Ha! Quick of wit as always, tincan. I expect no less of you.
  • I add my alcohol into my daily calories. How often are you hanging out with these friends and drinking? My friends and I get together once a month so I just consider it a cheat day because we always drink too much. Doing it once and a while won't kill your diet. Doing it every week will...
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Ha! Quick of wit as always, tincan. I expect no less of you.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    How is being an adult and saying no rough?
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I was hoping for a Brooke Candy songs discussion, oh well.
  • GrammyM
    GrammyM Posts: 40 Member
    "All the talk here about peer pressure and girl drinks reminded me of this KITH'S sketch - Girl Drink Drunk :D"

    Lourdesong, that skit was hilarious, had to fwd to friends. Thanks for sharing.
  • markburnett70
    markburnett70 Posts: 66 Member
    I had a friend who was kind of a jerk about smoking when I quit smoking. He got pretty obnoxious and I started avoiding him. He never quit smoking and last week died of a heart attack which his cardiologist said was likely if he didn't quit. Most people really didn't care when I quit drinking, even the drinkers. If your friends really care, even after you explain how important it is to you they are likely jealous. If they give you too much crap you may have to avoid them to meet your health and fitness goals. It sucks to lose friends, but if they're not supportive what kind of friends are they really? Life is too short too hang out with jerks, even if they're your friends.
  • Werk2Eat
    Werk2Eat Posts: 114 Member
    led tv on wall + treadmill + alcohol = win

    Also, maybe its just me but once i start eating food i dont want any more beers. I could drink 6-12 beers no problem on an empty stomach but if im 3-6 beers in and eat dinner, i dont want anymore beers.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i drink every weekend.

    last night was too much LOLOL
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    My goodness you have a lot of excuses.

    Be a grown up and either say no or consume a limited/reasonable amount.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I was at a bar for 4 hours last night. I had one glass of wine. No one noticed or cared. Eventually everyone got drunk and REALLY didn't notice. I just smiled because I knew I had calories saved up for a lovely snack at home, and that I was going to wake up feeling awesome.

    This is pretty much my experience. I'm at bars two or three times a week for social dancing and hardly ever drink.

    Nobody cares.
  • Werk2Eat
    Werk2Eat Posts: 114 Member
    i drink every weekend.

    last night was too much LOLOL

    Its ok. Everybody knows calories don't count when your drunk.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Werk2Eat wrote: »
    i drink every weekend.

    last night was too much LOLOL

    Its ok. Everybody knows calories don't count when your drunk.
