The worst addiction in the world is FOOD

People can live without Meth, dope, and booze. Granted, ask anyone addicted to these substances to live without it, they may feel like they will die. They will live without it.
Food on the other hand, well we can't live without that. So of all of the things I could be addicted to, it is food. Of course, why not?
Why is there such comfort and joy brought on when eating something sweet or loaded with gravy? The true irony is, though during the initial consumption of unhealthy foods make me feel happy, merely seconds later I am laden with guilt.
Why can't I take pleasure in something physical, feel those same endorphins race through me after a nice walk around the block?
Why are there so many experts on the subject of diet and health yet we, as a country, are one of THE most obese countries?

I am so tired of being a slave to food. I want to quit it. Oh wait, silly girl, you HAVE to eat to stay alive. May as well enjoy the taste and continue to battle those terrible demons that plague you, pulling you like a tug of war rope to one direction then another. (Low fat, Low Carb, Low Calorie, Low food)
Lose lose situation unless I learn to look at things differently. How do you reprogram your 40 year old brain to stop beating yourself up, stop hating self, stop punishing self?
Love is all you need, right? Love thyself in order to really know how to love others. Is that it?
Gosh, I feel like a child that was tossed into a world of adults expected to perform like an adult. Sink or swim kiddo, sink or swim. How does a donut sound? No? How about some fried chicken...mmm.......

Oh, no, keep eating that apple- temptation will catch you later this afternoon when your will is weak. See ya then weakling!


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    It sounds like you might want to talk to a professional about your relationship with food.
  • Venus_Red
    Venus_Red Posts: 209 Member
    You aren't addicted to food. No one is. The whole slave thing, maybe-but that's between you and a therapist.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks Deguello- One would think so right? I am the type of person that resists the help of others. Stubborn- the sort that won't go to a Dr. Because I already know the problem. I think I can fix it myself. I have in the past, just have to find my 'self' again. Kinda lost her over the past few years. That is expected to happen when you are focused on family and put your own needs last, or not at all. The above writings is more like mental excrement. Had to take a dump ya know? Get it out to make room for better things.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    Withaflourish, your statement is a bit ignorant. How can you be so certain that not one person is addicted to food?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Withaflourish, your statement is a bit ignorant. How can you be so certain that not one person is addicted to food?
    Because it's a behavioral issue, not a substance issue.

    However, that discussion is going to get your thread deleted sooner rather than later.

  • Venus_Red
    Venus_Red Posts: 209 Member
    Do you know the definition of your body being addicted?

    You may be behaviorally addicted to eating/overeating. You are not addicted to food.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    You might have some poor eating habits, however food is far from the worst addiction that anyone could have. Have you seen the way that one person's drug addiction can devastate a family, including children who haven't done anything?
  • Venus_Red
    Venus_Red Posts: 209 Member
    Withaflourish, your statement is a bit ignorant. How can you be so certain that not one person is addicted to food?
    Because it's a behavioral issue, not a substance issue.

    However, that discussion is going to get your thread deleted sooner rather than later.
    Please tell me how this is ignorant apart from solely your feeling about it. I would appreciate data and scientific study.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    Isn't addiction behavioral? Yeah- I am pretty sure it is.

    I mean any addiction is behavioral.
    Anything that drives us in our life away from whatever is considered the 'norm' is behavioral. ADD, OCD, all are behavioral as well.
    There are chemical responses to certain stimuli, these responses are triggered in the brain. No?

  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    There are behavior components wrapped up with the addiction, but the addiction isn't behavioral. The addiction is a matter of (largely) brain chemistry that simply doesn't apply in the context of food.

    Again, though, this is a discussion that's going to end up with your thread being deleted.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    Okay fair enough. The worst addiction for ME. Not for all or of all. Thankfully I am not addicted to any other substance. This was just a rant of sorts people, sheesh. Sorry withaflourish, I didn't realize you were an expert in life and have all of the answers. Thanks for your great wisdom .
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I can think of many addictions I'd consider worse than food. Heroin, crack, alcohol, etc. As hard as it was (and as long as it took!) to flip my diet, I'd still rather do that again than try to get off cocaine, I've seen what those people go through. I don't want to go through that. There's no fun there.

    Bad eating habits are TOUGH to break. But it can be done! You have to stick with it, forgive yourself for failures and learn from them, then keep going.

    Just don't quit. If you keep trying, you'll get there.

    Stop focusing on what you can't have and start focusing on what you can have. Learn about Nutrition from a reliable source. Learn to make healthy foods on ways that taste good! Then you get to eat foods you enjoy while losing weight and making yourself healthier.

    It's all a lot of work, but it's a lot of fun, too. You'll be really happy with yourself, too. :)
  • Venus_Red
    Venus_Red Posts: 209 Member
    Wow. No. Your knowledge of addiction seems to be purposefully limited and wrong to fit what you want it to fit.
    ADD, OCD-how do those fit in this context?

    You really really want to believe you are addicted to food. You are not. Sorry.
  • Venus_Red
    Venus_Red Posts: 209 Member
    Op- nm. Believe what you want (except for the ADD/OCD stuff as behavioral because you really are whack about that).

    I have zero interest, shouldn't have engaged. You do you.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    Thank you Kalikel, I have to agree with you. The focus is wrong. That is why I dumped it via this thread. Need to refocus. There are far worse things to be addicted to. I am well aware of that and am thankful that I am not addicted to any of them. My issue should be a lot easier to change than any other that I could be faced with.

    I need to focus on what triggers the bad behavior- find a way to redirect it. Answers are there, now I just have to apply it. The next time I want to take a mental dump, I'll keep it in my blog, not a forum. People don't know me, don't know how I think or function and don't know how to 'take' me. Most certainly , with a grain of salt.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    LOL sjohnny....omg....this is how it feels! YES! Love it!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    You aren't addicted - sorry but that's just an excuse.
    It's a barrier you need to overcome to take responsibility for what you put in your mouth. Every swallow is your choice and yours alone. Doesn't make it easy of course.....

    By the way the excuse that I used for 20 years was a really silly one but it seemed real enough to keep me fat and absolve me of responsibility.
  • lyndahh75
    lyndahh75 Posts: 124 Member
    this cookie monster bit made my day :)
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    People can live without Meth, dope, and booze. Granted, ask anyone addicted to these substances to live without it, they may feel like they will die. They will live without it.
    Food on the other hand, well we can't live without that. So of all of the things I could be addicted to, it is food. Of course, why not?
    Why is there such comfort and joy brought on when eating something sweet or loaded with gravy? The true irony is, though during the initial consumption of unhealthy foods make me feel happy, merely seconds later I am laden with guilt.
    Why can't I take pleasure in something physical, feel those same endorphins race through me after a nice walk around the block?
    Why are there so many experts on the subject of diet and health yet we, as a country, are one of THE most obese countries?

    I am so tired of being a slave to food. I want to quit it. Oh wait, silly girl, you HAVE to eat to stay alive. May as well enjoy the taste and continue to battle those terrible demons that plague you, pulling you like a tug of war rope to one direction then another. (Low fat, Low Carb, Low Calorie, Low food)
    Lose lose situation unless I learn to look at things differently. How do you reprogram your 40 year old brain to stop beating yourself up, stop hating self, stop punishing self?
    Love is all you need, right? Love thyself in order to really know how to love others. Is that it?
    Gosh, I feel like a child that was tossed into a world of adults expected to perform like an adult. Sink or swim kiddo, sink or swim. How does a donut sound? No? How about some fried chicken...mmm.......

    Oh, no, keep eating that apple- temptation will catch you later this afternoon when your will is weak. See ya then weakling!

    I'm sure technically you can live without 'sweet stuff and food loaded with gravy'!!

    The easy solution is just eat meat and vegetables.

    Problem solved - food is now longer the worst addiction in the world (geez that was easy).

This discussion has been closed.