Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • shimacrema
    This is Day 1 of week 2 for my Turbo Fire / ChaLean Extreme hybrid. I love it. I am so sore its crazy but I love it. I find myself missing TF a lot. I add a 45 or 55 in here and their to keep my addiction fed lol. Glad everyone is doing well. Keep up the great work!

  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm kind of doing my own thing with TF and not following the schedule right now. I did HIIT 20 today and Sculpt 30. I am amazed at how high your heart rates stays during Sculpt after you do a HIIT workout. 426 calories burned...whoot! whoot!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    TF 45 today...heading to the beach. Have a great rest of the week my TF warriors!!!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Rest day, today, but still worked out. I just took a rest day from TF. Did BL Last chance workout & Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. Still got a sweat on. Tomorrow is HIIT 15 & Tone 30.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi fellow TF'ers! I've been lurking on this thread for awhile and just wanted to add my $0.02 about the wonders of this program. I am in the middle of week 7 and have lost 7 lbs and 4.5 inches since starting. My favorites are 55 EZ and 45 EZ. This second month eliminates all HIIT workouts so you really just concentrate on long cardio sessions. I use a HRM and I seem to burn a minimum of 550 - 600 calories per workout...although I've logged results of 1000+ at times. I have a hard time believing that I'm burning that many calories and I certainly don't want to eat them all so I typically just report 500 in mfp. It doesn't seem to be hindering my progress. What do you guys report...actual HRM results or something else?

    Good luck with your progress everyone. I'll drop in from time to time to see how things are going.
  • shimacrema
    Hey everyone!

    @ Telcochik I have almost had 1000 calories burned doing the New To Class option on 55 and 45. I have also done those classes not putting as much intensity in it and my calorie burn was lower. I think the only way to know for sure is to get a BODYBUG. Thats on my Christmas list lol. I do believe that its possible to get that much of a burn. Tonight I did Zumba Cardio Party for 40 min and burned 441 calories. I then did about 15 min of Fire 30 and my heart rate was significantly higher. I put much more intensity in it and burned about 150 calories. Just the warm up alone had my heart rate pumping lol. I said all that to say, only you know your intensity level. If you don't want to wonder if your HRM is lying to you get a Bodybug. Its the only device specifically designed to rate calorie burn.

    I hope that was helpful.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Shima - yes I've been thinking about getting a Bodybugg ever since Chalean started talking about how great it is. Today I did Core 20 and Stretch 40 (per the schedule) and my HRM showed a total of 904 calories burned. My intensity level is typically pretty good, although I do still stop to take water breaks or catch my breath in the middle of a routine for a couple of beats. I try to at least time water breaks for when the circuit finishes so that I only maybe miss the introduction of the first move in the next circuit.

    The weight is slowly starting to come off and I really think this program is a major reason for why...although now thanks to this site I really believe that tracking my food has also been a big contributor.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    How do you ladies burn so much? I don't have a hrm but when I check it it's 170s-180s; maybe 190s after hiit, which is over my max heart rate. If I plug that into a calculator I get out about 600 calories for an hour of work! This is about what mfp gives me for kickboxing, too.


    Today was going to be a rest day but I ate a ton of sunflower and pumpkin seeds and have to work the overnight shift, so Im going to workout before I go. Haven't decided what I will do. Insanity??? :embarassed:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I don't actually beleive I'm burning that much so I only record 500 - 600 cals per Turbo Fire session (45 - 55 min ones). For the shorter workouts I use whatever mfp says a kickboxing workout for that amount of time should be. i'd rather underestimate than overestimate (until I hit a plateau anyway)! :wink:

  • CaptainJSK
    CaptainJSK Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone! Can I join your thread? I am new to this site but I am doing TurboFire as well. I am currently in week 6 and loving it so far. Today I did Fire55 EZ. So far I have kept up with the schedule and done all of the workouts but I'm not always good about eating and getting enough sleep.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new to your thread here, but I just wanted to ask if anyone was doing the Chalean Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid?

    I've been doing Chalean Extreme for a month now and I'm one Burn Circuit 3 away from completing the Burn Phase. I saw the hybrid workout and it looks like Week 4 would be a great place to jump into it, since I've pretty much done Weeks 1-3 already minus the few Turbo Fire workouts in there. If you're on the hybrid, how do you like it? I'm always looking for ways to get more cardio in, and I LOVE Chalean Extreme so far, especially the cardio workouts. Thanks everyone! I'll probably be starting on Monday, if I decide I want to do it.
  • esharrow
    Well my brand-new Turbo Fire arrived today. Hubby thinks he's going to do the 5-day Inferno Plan with me starting Monday. Anyone do that? It looks like starving yourself to death....1200 calories in, and burning tons doing the workouts....we'll see. There are before and after pics and it looks like there is no way they could have just been doing the plan for 5 days, so I am wondering if anyone has tried it and what kind of results you have gotten. I'm not sure I can give up my coffee and Propel fitness water as it recommends.....

    Do those of you following the class schedule also follow the Fuel the Fire nutrition guide?
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Well my brand-new Turbo Fire arrived today. Hubby thinks he's going to do the 5-day Inferno Plan with me starting Monday. Anyone do that? It looks like starving yourself to death....1200 calories in, and burning tons doing the workouts....we'll see. There are before and after pics and it looks like there is no way they could have just been doing the plan for 5 days, so I am wondering if anyone has tried it and what kind of results you have gotten. I'm not sure I can give up my coffee and Propel fitness water as it recommends.....

    Do those of you following the class schedule also follow the Fuel the Fire nutrition guide?

    You know I never got around to doing the inferno plan. It's basically a 1500 calorie deficit or more a day, so one could expect to lose 5 pounds or so plus some water weight I suppose. Maybe I will do it for my last few pounds since vie been eating maintenance for the last few weeks.

    I haven't been doing the fuel the fire. Just mfp and lots of fruits, veggies, and protein
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I never did the Inferno plan either. Just jumped right into MFP and week 1 of the TF schedule. If you haven't done any TF workouts yet you might consider going through week 1 first and then doing Inferno. The workouts with Inferno are the 2 longest ones so you really want to be able to get through them w/o too many breaks.

    Good luck!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Good morning all...back from the beach and significanty off schedule...trying to decide if I want to start over completely or just pick up where Ieft off.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Didn't eat that great yesterday, so did an extra workout this morning to burn off some extra cals. Fire 45 & Fire 30. Got a major sweat on!! I really need to invest in a HRM so I know exactly how many cals I'm burning, instead of the estimate I use (kickboxing including Turbo Jam).
  • SamanthaT01
    SamanthaT01 Posts: 30 Member
    Good morning all...back from the beach and significanty off schedule...trying to decide if I want to start over completely or just pick up where Ieft off.

    I'm in the same boat. I completely fell off track and don't know what to do either...
  • hemcwhorter
    hemcwhorter Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning all...back from the beach and significanty off schedule...trying to decide if I want to start over completely or just pick up where Ieft off.

    I'm in the same boat. I completely fell off track and don't know what to do either...

    Me too....I am off track. Maybe we should start a new thread and start over at day 1! Let me know what you guys think!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Good morning all...back from the beach and significanty off schedule...trying to decide if I want to start over completely or just pick up where Ieft off.

    I'm in the same boat. I completely fell off track and don't know what to do either...

    Me too....I am off track. Maybe we should start a new thread and start over at day 1! Let me know what you guys think!

    I think a new thread would be great. Do we want to start it now or on Monday??? I'm game for whatever you guys want to do.

    Did Fire 45 today...love that one!
  • esharrow
    Try the inferno plan. I am just finishing day 2, but after the first day, I was down about 4 pounds! I couldn't believe it. My hubby is doing it with me and he was down 4 pounds after the first day too! I know most of it is probably water weight, but it is still weight and makes my pants feel tight! So I am glad to be taking off weight of any kind! After Friday I will let you know how much we have lost doing the inferno. We are hungry, but not TOO bad most of the time. MFP does tell me that I am below the number of calories I should be eating, etc. but I figure it is only five days and then we will nudge the calories up a bit again.