500 +/- club

Hello ... this is one of my attempts to diet ... I've always raised the bar by saying " at least I'm not 300,350,400,450...". but I REFUSE TO HIT 500 # mark .... weighed in at 495 2 weeks ago , I've gone to mostly salad but I do eat chicken (grilled only) once a day or every other day ... looking for more people in my delema. I didn't get this way overnight, I don't expect miracles. If you need to lose 15-20 pounds, look for another group please .... I'm looking to lose 200-250 #.... please friend me if you want to egg each other on , please!


  • Good luck. My heaviest was 329, and I'm currently 178. So 151 lost and I'm close to goal but I wanted to say that you can do it!
  • bfcbiker2013
    bfcbiker2013 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks ... my wife like that ... she's wanting to lose about 150.... any tips from a woman's perspective ?
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    The best advice I've read on these forums applies whether you are male or female.

    Don't make changes to lose weight that you aren't willing to continue for the rest of your life.

    Don't eat things you don't like. Eat things that you like but in smaller portions in order to create a calorie deficit. Weigh your solid foods and use measuring cups/spoons for liquids so that you know (as close as possible) how many calories you are eating. Be honest in your food diary. Even if you have days where you go over your calorie goal, you can use your food diary to see where you are having challenges and make changes using that data.

    The goal is to avoid feeling deprived. If you feel deprived, you are likely to throw your hands up and quit.

    Small changes here and there are much more sustainable than trying to completely change how you eat.
  • dljones67
    dljones67 Posts: 88 Member
    seska422 wrote: »
    The best advice I've read on these forums applies whether you are male or female.

    Don't make changes to lose weight that you aren't willing to continue for the rest of your life.

    Don't eat things you don't like. Eat things that you like but in smaller portions in order to create a calorie deficit. Weigh your solid foods and use measuring cups/spoons for liquids so that you know (as close as possible) how many calories you are eating. Be honest in your food diary. Even if you have days where you go over your calorie goal, you can use your food diary to see where you are having challenges and make changes using that data.

    The goal is to avoid feeling deprived. If you feel deprived, you are likely to throw your hands up and quit.

    Small changes here and there are much more sustainable than trying to completely change how you eat.

    Well said seska422 :) This!! You both can do it :)
  • seells
    seells Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome and it's awesome you're making the first steps! I started at 390 July 5th and am currently at 357. It's work but so so worth it! I always see people with 20-30 lbs to lose but it's so nice to see people in my same situation who "get it" about losing 200+ lbs.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited September 2015
    I no longer have 100+ pounds to lose, but reading your post made me want to post this little bit of advice. Feel free to take it or leave it. :)

    Plain chicken will get old after a while! Experiment with herbs and spices. Try pork, turkey and fish. Learning to cook healthy foods in ways that you love to eat is a huge plus for both weight loss and health, IMO.

    Veggies! Make them lots of different ways. Try combining them and again - add herbs and spices.

    When you get good at making yummy, healthy foods, the whole weight loss thing is way easier. IMO, anyway. Again, free advice, take or leave. :)

    Also, forgive yourself if you slip. Just get back on the horse.

    Good luck!!! :)
  • tinger12
    tinger12 Posts: 62 Member
    As you may have read elsewhere, I was at 490 on July 6th. I am down to 450 today. I am working towards a 300 pound loss over the next three years. I eat what I like but have drastically cut amounts. I no longer eat when bored I go do something. I now have days that my knees and hips are not in constant pain. I also just got a whole slug of new clothes even with just 40 pounds lost.

    The first three weeks were hell, but I was determined to change my life. You can do it as the cliche' says. Everyone can do amazing things if they want.

    Oh yeah, I weight my food and do no additional exercise at this point as it was too painful. I eat between 1800 and 2000 calls a day and cannot eat more. I know MFP says I should be eating about 2700 a day but I just cannot. You will lose a lot right out the gate but I imagine it will slow down over time (it's a math thing).

    I would say good luck but luck is not involved in weight loss. Determination and confidence make a big difference.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Good luck, you've got this!
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    You can do this. Stay strong and positive :]
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I started out with more than 200 to lose. That seemed overwhelming. Then I realized all I needed to lose was one pound. And then I just needed to do that over again a bunch of times. I started out just setting a goal of recording every thing I ate. When I did that i finally understood what choice I was really making when I ate something and it was easier to choose something else. After a month or so of logging then I set MFP to lose .5 pounds per week. After several months of that I increased it to one pound per week and then six months after that went to 1.5 pounds per week. I set intermediate goals of 10 or 15 pounds to lose by a date three months or so out so I could celebrate wins along with goals for the year. I also realized it was going to take a long time. I didn't get fat quickly and I won't keep it off with some deprivation diet. I'm changing how I live.

    Down over 100 pounds over 20 months. I'm still fat but less than I was.