Am I too muscular?

I'm a 23 year old female, about 125 pounds and 5'5". I work out six days a week, lifting four days according to the following split:

Tuesdays: chest and shoulders
Thursdays: Legs
Saturdays: Biceps and Triceps
Sundays: Back and abs

I also am an avid runner. Monday and Wednesday are my long cardio days, and on lift days I will generally run 2-3 miles before my lift as well.

My coworker just came up to me and said "Damn, Jess! Looking swoll over there. You're getting big". I'm not sure how to take this. Does he mean that I am gaining weight? Am I too muscular and should lay off the weights for a while? It made me really self conscious and am kind of embarrassed now.


What do you think?


  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I don't think you look big at all. You look very slim with a bit of muscle. I think most women aim for what you have!

    You will not get "big" unless you eat at a caloric surplus. Your lifting and running schedule sounds great and I think as long as you are enjoying it you should stick with it!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Oh also - I didn't catch the part that it was a male coworker who said this. I'm sure he meant it as a compliment, then - as in, a lot of women don't have visible muscle, so it's cool that you do. I don't think he meant it as in you actually look big. To a lot of men, "big" is a compliment. If a woman had said it I might be a little more offended, haha.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    I really don't think you need to worry about being too muscular. Although that term is totally subjective, I really wouldn't think most people would use it to describe you.
    Think that guy was just joking, or sort of complimenting you on looking fit.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I think he meant it in a good way. I don't think you look big at all. You look healthy and fit. The real question is, do you like how you feel and look? Because that's all that matters.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I can't see picture but I doubt it. And honestly why are you embarrassed? Do you like the way you look? If yes keep on keeping on.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member

    It was a compliment.

    I'm really hoping that you wouldn't actually stop lifting if we said yes you are too big. You are in charge of your goals, not anybody else.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    You're tiny girl, dont dwell on what he said, keep lifting, you look great!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Nope. You look great! Although the only opinion that matters is yours.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    Who cares what your coworker thinks? If you really want to know ask HIM. Few women and men for that matter are too muscular. At your size and weight I would ignore him.
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    Keep lifting. You look great!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    I think you're just fishing for compliments :) . OTOH, my son thinks you need to get a little more definition and he's perfectly willing to be your lifting buddy. :)
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    edited September 2015
    You might want to add a few more reps or sets. Or go heavier, depending on your goals.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    You look fit but don't fit my definition of muscular. I would guess he meant it as a compliment. You'll never please everyone with something so subjective so just please yourself. :)
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Do YOU think you're too muscular?
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    Can ppl tell that you actually make an effort to exercise - yes.

    Can ppl tell that you spend as much time at is as you say - I can't see that in the picture provided, so no.

    The only reason to change would be if you are unhappy with the results ... and only you can decide that.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I'm sure he meant it as a compliment. If you like how you look, that is all that matters.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    He was probably trying to be nice and start a conversation

    Self image is about how your feel about you.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    hill8570 wrote: »
    I think you're just fishing for compliments :) . OTOH, my son thinks you need to get a little more definition and he's perfectly willing to be your lifting buddy. :)

  • Hannah220190
    Hannah220190 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm a 23 year old female, about 125 pounds and 5'5". I work out six days a week, lifting four days according to the following split:

    Tuesdays: chest and shoulders
    Thursdays: Legs
    Saturdays: Biceps and Triceps
    Sundays: Back and abs

    I also am an avid runner. Monday and Wednesday are my long cardio days, and on lift days I will generally run 2-3 miles before my lift as well.

    My coworker just came up to me and said "Damn, Jess! Looking swoll over there. You're getting big". I'm not sure how to take this. Does he mean that I am gaining weight? Am I too muscular and should lay off the weights for a while? It made me really self conscious and am kind of embarrassed now.


    What do you think?

    Certainly not!!!