How often do you all weigh yourself?



  • InvincibleJ
    InvincibleJ Posts: 4 Member
    Now that I'm going to use the app and dedicated to losing 50 lbs im going to weight myself every week on Saturday mornings.

    Yesterday was the first time I weighed myself in 18 months. It was a hard thing for me to do/confront. I appear to be down 1.5 stone since then. But i only stated exercising again since this May so have no real idea of how much I really have lost. A big mistake.
  • LoveIshie
    LoveIshie Posts: 94 Member
    Weigh In Once a week. Any day of the week is fine. In your case you picked Saturday. Do not get caught up in weighing in everyday or you will get obsessed with the whole process of weigh in. Because your weight goes up and down during weight loss you don't want to be doing weigh in daily and then get disappointed, because you gain and start to beat yourself up for nothing. Once a week is good.
  • AlanEstrada35
    AlanEstrada35 Posts: 5 Member
    Once a week. I tend to use the mirror rather than the scale to see my progression.
  • indigojoy
    indigojoy Posts: 43 Member
    I started a practice of weighing daily a while back. It took a few weeks before I wasn't "ruled" by the outcome. But, now I have a good sense of how much my weight fluctuates from day-to-day (more than most, I think!) and it helps me to see what is actually going on/see the trend.
  • Miss_Mania
    Miss_Mania Posts: 163 Member
    I weigh daily. I just can't help myself. If the scale goes down - then I'm motivated to keep at it. If the scale gains or doesn't move - then I'm motivated to work harder. Just makes sense to me.
  • BandanaBlue
    BandanaBlue Posts: 2 Member
    Every few weeks. I don't own a scale, so I only weigh myself when I visit my mother. Of course she cooks so much I have to keep an eye on the scale, haha!
  • egorre
    egorre Posts: 72 Member
    Daily, an app on google play called Libra gives you a better look at your weight trend when you do it daily. i like seeing the trend line pointing downwards
  • marina_27_10_
    marina_27_10_ Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I'm from Spain but I'm living in London and I don't know where can I check my weight like a pharmacy I can't find any place! I want to lose 5 kilos and as well I am doing the fasting intermittent diet I hope it's gonna be okay!! Thank u guys
  • FrancyS85
    FrancyS85 Posts: 5 Member
    Once a week, but sometimes I can't resist the temptation to step on the scale when I wake up in the morning. When I weight myself I usually take neck, waist and hips mesurements too, that's it :blush: I think to weight yourself once a week is more than enough :smile:
  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    Miss_Mania wrote: »
    I weigh daily. I just can't help myself. If the scale goes down - then I'm motivated to keep at it. If the scale gains or doesn't move - then I'm motivated to work harder. Just makes sense to me.

    Same here!!