Ketopia 10 day program

Has anyone heard of this product? If so, have you tried it? I recently started a ketogenic lifestyle.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    It sounds like yet another MLM scam. :-1:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    What a stupid name for a product. Jeez.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I have not, so I googled, and it seems this product is basically supplements that you take three times a day to force your body into ketosis. Frankly, it doesn't seem worth it to me, as from what I understand of ketosis (which I will admit is limited), the carb count is something you really need to watch in order to stay in that state. I would think that trying to go from supplements to just managing with diet would be counterproductive, and there is probably a better (and cheaper) way to get there that will help you develop the knowledge about that way of eating that would be useful in the long run.

    I would recommend checking out these two groups, we have some long-term keto dieters here on MFP who are very knowledgable:
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    This is a another hoax. I cant believe how many people come up with these ideas. Is it because they think its too hard to count calories? What is it????
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »

  • Kcnurse2003
    Kcnurse2003 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone for their candid input. I've been eating ketogenic since 9-1-15 and went into ketosis 9-21. Yes, I pee'd on a stick lol...
    Since 9-1 I have lost 20.6 pounds. It's like melting butter...I have started exercising 3 x week for about the past 5 weeks. I log all my food everyday and I've almost reversed my T2D!! I figured this was a "too good to be true" thing. Just wanted some honest feed back. Thanks!
  • tryin2die2self
    tryin2die2self Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks everyone for their candid input. I've been eating ketogenic since 9-1-15 and went into ketosis 9-21. Yes, I pee'd on a stick lol...
    Since 9-1 I have lost 20.6 pounds. It's like melting butter...I have started exercising 3 x week for about the past 5 weeks. I log all my food everyday and I've almost reversed my T2D!! I figured this was a "too good to be true" thing. Just wanted some honest feed back. Thanks!

    My niece reps the product and her parents take it. The results I have seen are amazing. My only concern are long term heath risks. I know they tested it but a lot of products that have more rigorous testing are rife with health problems. The ambulance chaser lawyers are out in spades on meds approved by the fda only to get pulled a year or so later. I am playing the wait and see approach. Anything that forces your body into a state worries me a bit.

    I am extremely happy it has worked for you.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    edited September 2015
    Google search yields all hype and advertising, including trying to get people to sell the stuff, and zero info.

    What is in it, what does it do? There isn't even a Wiki page? Yet there are Reddit posts on it going back two years?

    Scratch that last bit, that might be a Redditor's idea of a good forum name and unrelated. Still, if anyone has any real info, how about you post it in this thread today? I want ingredient lists and what the stuff is supposed to do.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    No offense meant, honestly....but it concerns me that this OP is doing this diet given that it seems she is a nurse. A low carb/keto diet is fine, but no need to add this kind of unchecked supplement. And I guess it bothers me more that a nurse believes it is this med and plan that is causing the weight loss and the reduction in T2D...and not the caloric deficit, etc.

    It would seem from her update that she didn't actually take it:
    Thanks everyone for their candid input. I've been eating ketogenic since 9-1-15 and went into ketosis 9-21. Yes, I pee'd on a stick lol...
    Since 9-1 I have lost 20.6 pounds. It's like melting butter...I have started exercising 3 x week for about the past 5 weeks. I log all my food everyday and I've almost reversed my T2D!! I figured this was a "too good to be true" thing. Just wanted some honest feed back. Thanks!

  • tryin2die2self
    tryin2die2self Posts: 207 Member
    The product throws your body into ketosis. If you fall out of ketosis you can take a supplement and be back in ketosis in about an hour.

    They have a 10 day program that has an eating plan. A 30 day supply runs about 100 bucks.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    The product throws your body into ketosis. If you fall out of ketosis you can take a supplement and be back in ketosis in about an hour.

    They have a 10 day program that has an eating plan. A 30 day supply runs about 100 bucks.

    And how does it do that and what are the ingredients in it? Actually, in all the products, I believe there are several.

  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    The product throws your body into ketosis. If you fall out of ketosis you can take a supplement and be back in ketosis in about an hour.

    They have a 10 day program that has an eating plan. A 30 day supply runs about 100 bucks.

    And how does it do that and what are the ingredients in it? Actually, in all the products, I believe there are several.


    Haha! Someone wake me up when the magic pill comes out that lets me eat cake and ice cream all day and stay in a good mood, healthy, energetic, and slim!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    kgeyser wrote: »
    shell1005 wrote: »
    No offense meant, honestly....but it concerns me that this OP is doing this diet given that it seems she is a nurse. A low carb/keto diet is fine, but no need to add this kind of unchecked supplement. And I guess it bothers me more that a nurse believes it is this med and plan that is causing the weight loss and the reduction in T2D...and not the caloric deficit, etc.

    It would seem from her update that she didn't actually take it:
    Thanks everyone for their candid input. I've been eating ketogenic since 9-1-15 and went into ketosis 9-21. Yes, I pee'd on a stick lol...
    Since 9-1 I have lost 20.6 pounds. It's like melting butter...I have started exercising 3 x week for about the past 5 weeks. I log all my food everyday and I've almost reversed my T2D!! I figured this was a "too good to be true" thing. Just wanted some honest feed back. Thanks!

    I didn't take her comment the way you did. I took it as she figured it was too good to be true, but that she got all these successes, etc. So, I assumed she did take it with her keto diet. I still stand by the comment that someone who is a medical professional isn't aware of the water weight and that it is the caloric deficit that got the job done. I guess I have higher expectations, but I realize I shouldn't. Nurses, doctors, scientists all struggle with weight too and can want to believe just like the rest of us.

    Where did she say anything about water weight or that it wasn't the result of calorie deficit? She says she's been exercising, logging her food, and eating a keto diet. She's lost 20 lbs so far and improved her health. Good for her.

    OP, congrats on your loss, I wish you continuing success.
  • tryin2die2self
    tryin2die2self Posts: 207 Member
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    The product throws your body into ketosis. If you fall out of ketosis you can take a supplement and be back in ketosis in about an hour.

    They have a 10 day program that has an eating plan. A 30 day supply runs about 100 bucks.

    And how does it do that and what are the ingredients in it? Actually, in all the products, I believe there are several.

    I don't know what the ingredients are or how it triggers ketosis. One of the reasons why I have not tried it.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    The product throws your body into ketosis. If you fall out of ketosis you can take a supplement and be back in ketosis in about an hour.

    They have a 10 day program that has an eating plan. A 30 day supply runs about 100 bucks.

    And how does it do that and what are the ingredients in it? Actually, in all the products, I believe there are several.

    I don't know what the ingredients are or how it triggers ketosis. One of the reasons why I have not tried it.

    Alrighty, just was hoping someone who did know would cruise by and post that info. It seems like some fairly elusive info unless I want to deal with their websites and promo videos. I don't. Thanks anyway.
  • Snowdog999
    Snowdog999 Posts: 9 Member
    As someone who is actually using the product (unlike some of the people who have chosen to comment but know nothing about it), this product does work. Yes, it is sold via direct marketing which is not a scam but simply a way to distribute the product. I have never felt better with more energy than I've had in years and the weight is coming off. There is a plan to follow which makes it very easy to stick to.
    There are numerous videos available that explain the science and how it works if you want to look into it. This product was developed over 4 years as a result of research into something totally unrelated to weight loss. Weight loss was found to be a side effect of the product that was being developed to treat brain injury and brain related illness. If you want to research it for yourself, as I would encourage anyone to do before choosing to buy or not buy, go to this website and watch the videos. Watch the videos by Dr. Winterton or Dr. Hack and see what they say.
    Yes, there are other ways to lose weight, and I've tried many of them and most did nothing for me. This is a viable alternative. Some of you may not need this as you have obviously found something else that works for you and that's great, but don't poo-poo something that could actually help someone else, especially if you know nothing about it. I am not trying to sell anyone here, just trying to clarify some misconceptions.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Snowdog999 wrote: »
    As someone who is actually using the product (unlike some of the people who have chosen to comment but know nothing about it), this product does work. Yes, it is sold via direct marketing which is not a scam but simply a way to distribute the product. I have never felt better with more energy than I've had in years and the weight is coming off. There is a plan to follow which makes it very easy to stick to.
    There are numerous videos available that explain the science and how it works if you want to look into it. This product was developed over 4 years as a result of research into something totally unrelated to weight loss. Weight loss was found to be a side effect of the product that was being developed to treat brain injury and brain related illness. If you want to research it for yourself, as I would encourage anyone to do before choosing to buy or not buy, go to this website and watch the videos. Watch the videos by Dr. Winterton or Dr. Hack and see what they say.
    Yes, there are other ways to lose weight, and I've tried many of them and most did nothing for me. This is a viable alternative. Some of you may not need this as you have obviously found something else that works for you and that's great, but don't poo-poo something that could actually help someone else, especially if you know nothing about it. I am not trying to sell anyone here, just trying to clarify some misconceptions.
    It's nothing more than an approach to calorie deficit. This is just their "specialized" approach and it's doesn't discount the fact that WITHOUT a calorie deficit, no diet for weight loss will work.
    As for research, chemotherapy is used to treat cancer, but for many a side effect is weight loss. Does that mean someone should use it as weight loss assistance?
    What is disturbing here is that professionals in health care may be ambivalent to information given out by people who are very well informed on weight loss and go with people who focus more on naivety of people who may be desperate to lose fast.
    That's not to say that some programs are better for those who may have health issues, but for the general public, the diet industry is full of "the best program ever" weight loss programs that are just rehashed versions of something that's been around for decades.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
