exercise while on the monthly??



  • dianebiaggini
    dianebiaggini Posts: 22 Member
    As someone who has had period pain, PMS and all the related side effects of a nasty period I have learnt over the years a few things:
    -while we ladies have many commonalities across our periods, there are differences too
    - I have come to know my cycle, and out of a month there are probably 1 or 2 days where I feel really crap. I time things so these days are rest and recovery days, or restorative exercise days (gentle walking, easy bike ride, yoga etc) which are so important for physical AND mental well being
    - take note of when you feel good in your cycle and take it up a notch at these times!
    -like someone mentioned earlier, if things are really painful/debilitating go see a GP.

    One little interesting note- after I had my son my periods really settled down... I'm not advocating having a baby to deal with period pain, but my doctor said this can help!!! Lol when she told me I was in my mid 20s and infuriated when she suggested this! But she was right...(ps had my son at 31) :)
  • sar1386
    sar1386 Posts: 39 Member
    Hiya, I think it's all personal to the person, some people are fine they can go about their day without a bother in the world, where if your like me your in agonising pain where it's hard to get up to go to the toilet, yes it is that bad, I've suffered since my first period and I'm extremely heavy, so if u have to change every hour because ur pad is full when ur inactive, can u imagine if ur exercising?
  • Godispromising
    Godispromising Posts: 11 Member
    I am already in menopause at 42! I haven't had that problem in 2 years...but I think you know your body the best & if you are hurting to bad, then just wait & exercise when you feel better. But if you just don't have the motivation then just do it! because once you get up and go the motivation usually comes if you just force yourself. My daughter has horrible cramps & can't do to much during that time. Everyone is different. I was always fine. I wish you the best on those days. :smile:
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