College life, limited food part 2



  • G33K_G1RL
    G33K_G1RL Posts: 283 Member
    Also a student here.

    I like to use "Mother, colour, other" principle.

    At the grocery, get something that had a mother (meat, poultry, fish). Find what is on special that week and buy that. Quality sausage, blood pudding, liver are also excellent choices if you like them (if you don't know, find an opportunity to try them!)

    Then grab some colour --> Vegetables of all sorts. Brocolli, zuchini, peppers, green beans... again, find whatever is on special. I like to sautee or roast most of my veggies.

    Other --> Rice, legumes, potatoes, bread, whatever you want as a carb source.

    Then play mix and match. One portion* of each cooked and in your plate. Soon enough you'll find favorites :)

    For recipes, just google "cook item x" and you'll have basic recipes to start from. As you gain confidence, don't be afraid to experiment. Just a few basic spices can go a long way!

    *I use portion here as a very general term, not as an official measurement.