Goal outfit?



  • GeddesFit
    GeddesFit Posts: 75 Member
    Sorry guys I have terrible body image issues and I can't help it. The scale is dropping and I am losing inches but can't seem to get into smaller pants and it's frustrating.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    edited September 2015
    I don't know what size I'll be, either...and I have the same problem with my hideous thighs. I'd bet my house that mine are worse.

    I do buy clothes I like in a couple sizes down, though. It's just such a shame to part with them when I go through them so fast and like them!
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    I'd hold off buying that perfect reward outfit!

    I used to buy clothes I liked that I would have to lose to fit into. That never worked, never made me happy. For me, something nice that fits well now fits the bill!
    I've spent too much of my life with a closet of lovely clothes that won' t ever fit well!

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i will only buy one size down from what i currently am, and thats namely so i have something to wear when i start creeping INTO that size ;)

    You simply dont know where your weight will come off, or how fast.
  • hybridtheory45
    hybridtheory45 Posts: 84 Member
    I bought a super cute dress from ModCloth, and you can never quite be sure from the size measurements what will really work, so it came and was a little small. That's my "goal" dress for now because I'm so close! It actually fits, but it a little clingy. Almost there!
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    edited September 2015
    I have this really sweet leather thong that I would love to fit into. I have to hanging from the handle of the refrigerator as a reminder of my goal every time I open the door.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited September 2015
    I was quite slender ... then gradually gained weight, and packed away my slender clothes.

    Now I'm getting back down to that weight again, and have been digging out my slender clothes with the hopes of wearing them again.

    However ...

    Some of them are all right, but some of them just don't fit right. Even though my weight is the same as it was ... something has changed.

    Pants are the worst. It is so hard to find a pair that actually fits me nicely. So I wear a lot of skirts.

    And I only buy clothes that fit me now, or are very, very close to fitting. For example, I bought 2 skirts last week. One fits nicely ... the other I could probably wear, but is just a tiny bit tight. However, they didn't cost me much, so I figured I'd go for it.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited September 2015
    I do not have any "this is how I want to be when I am done" size clothes, because I have no idea what size I will be when I am done with my weight loss.

    I sometimes get something in one size smaller.

    P.S I also have to buy pants to fit my legs, and they are baggy around my lower back. We all have funny shapes and clothing is made to fit the masses, you don't have a horrible body shape any more than I do. I think my body is looking rad!
  • SoleSister1234
    SoleSister1234 Posts: 16 Member
    You have to listen to the lyrics for that song, "It's all about that base." I heard it this morning while I was jogging. Very cute! I'm my own worse critic, too. I have a few extra pounds, but at 44, I'm getting ready to run my next half-marathon this Saturday. My goal is to finish and not lose any toenails like I did the first time! lol Be proud of everything your body does for you - it's the only one you've got. Treat it well and it will feel like the body you want (notice I said "feel," not "look."
  • crystalcement
    crystalcement Posts: 9 Member
    GeddesFit wrote: »
    anyone ever buy a goal outfit or pair of jeans you're hoping to fit into at your goal size? I'm 24 pounds away from my goal right now but honestly I have no idea what size I'd be when I got there. I feel like my thighs hold me back in achieving the size I want to be but I'm hoping they shrink down. I'm currently in a size 12 due to my thighs, the pants are big around my waist but I've got one of those horrible body shapes. I seriously hope it changes. Anyone have this experience?

    I too have the same problem (large thighs AND a "well endowed" behind) so I have only ever found one pair of jeans that fit me properly and sadly they don't make them anymore. That being said, stop worrying about finding the perfect fit. Find a pair that fits comfortably in the hips and this and have a tailor nip in the waist for you. I didn't think it was possible with jeans but my tailor has fixed this problem for me many times (and it generally only costs around $15). Oh and as far as buying a goal pair of pants I wouldn't suggest going more than 1 size down. I always prefer to celebrate my accomplishments sooner than taunt myself with something that seems ages away.

    Good luck with your journey and feel free to rock those jeans at any size :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    I hit up thrift stores for goal clothes all the time. I also try on things in my size. It teaches me that designers create their wares for different body shapes, but that's okay, because if I look hard enough I will find something that works for my shape.

    And if you reach the fat loss goal you're striving for and end up with big muscular thighs, be happy with them! Muscle is expensive, it keeps you burning more calories. Not to mention carrying you where you want to go.

    Great advice!!
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    No goal outfit here. Although I splurge every 20 lbs on a new custom-made dress from Eshakti.com. No matter what size a person is, clothes that fit well really help.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Only buy clothes when you can fit into them. If losing weight isn't motivation enough, a dress or jeans isn't going to change that.