28 y.o. guy, lots to lose, much to gain.


I've always been a bigger guy. I've got that "bigger frame." I've lost and gained too many times now. It seems like when I'm single, I'll lose weight and when I'm in a relationship, I get comfortable and gain.
When I was 16, I was involved in powerlifting at school. I was in a tournament and weighted in at 337 lbs. I was strong as a bull - but - I realized that that weight was way too high. The only people who weighed that much are professional athletes making millions of dollars.
I decided to make a change. I started then and from January of 2003 until September of 2004, I lost a total of 125 lbs. I felt great. I could finally run for an extended period of time - something that I never had the ability to do before. I found myself being faster on my feet than some of the kids that were my HS's basketball players.
I then met a girl in my senior year of HS and we were together for 7+ years. In that time I gained almost all of my weight back. I would work out but my diet wasn't there. I was back up to 320 lbs when we split in June of 2012.
After that of course, I lost weight again. I got back down to about 260 and met another woman. My now-ex fiancee. We were together for 2 + years and in that time I gained back the 60 lbs I had lost before. She is a real petite gal and can eat junk, not exercise and not gain weight. The reason there was that she was such a picky eater, and I found myself eating what she did.

So here I am again. Back to square one. I know how to lose weight. It's just a matter of being consistent now, especially with my diet.
I'm tracking calorie intake and exercise stats now, because that helped me in the past. I need to stick with low"er" carb intake and higher protein - that worked for me too. I also need to stay away from beer. I find myself drinking too much on the weekends. I dont drink to excess, but there's just too many empty calories that really add up quick.

Wish me luck!



  • healthyrachel1979
    healthyrachel1979 Posts: 414 Member
    Welcome and good luck! I'm always looking to make friends who know the struggles that comes with weight loss. If interested add me!
  • Chubby_to_Cut
    Chubby_to_Cut Posts: 25 Member
    @johnzdroikjr Wow that's an amazing journey regardless if you have to start from square one. Each time you learn something new that can better you for long term success. Weight loss is a pain in the booty but as long as you have the wrath from the fire inside you, you can do it!!

    Positive vibes your way Johnny!
  • Dray222
    Dray222 Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome! I have no doubt you'll meet your goals!
  • dragonfire12601
    dragonfire12601 Posts: 166 Member
    I've also lost and gained too many times. You did it before you can do it again. Feel free to add me. It's always more fun with friends :)
  • Cass0422
    Cass0422 Posts: 26 Member
    Good luck! You can totally do this! :)