I ate 3,000 calories today, and...



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Spoken like a true TWENTY TWO year old.

    Try that *kitten* in 5 years and let me know how it works out.

    Ninja PLEASE

    You don't even have to TRY to stay thin at 22. Its easy, its called awesome metabolism.

    Go to any ice cream place and look who is ordering the 2000 calorie monster shakes, its model-thin teenage girls.

    Talking a lot of *kitten* for a kid with great metabolism.

    When I was in my early 20s, I'd eat a candy bar and sugar soda at every break at work, I'd eat the 2-3000 calorie meals when dining out, drink sugared alcohol drinks with impunity and still stayed at 10% bodyfat. That all changes fast. You get into those bad habits and "once in a while" turns into a permanent fat gain every time.

    I'm 22, I'll be 23 next week. It's NOT easy. I DO have to try to stay "thin."

    If I'm ordering a shake, you bet your *kitten* I'm working that off.

    I can't eat 2000-3000 cal meals all the time and stay thin.

    Guess I missed that "awesome 22 year old metabolism" gene. :huh:

    Bitter, party of flucking one over here. Get over yourself. You missed the point. An excellent point at that.

    Edit: You're A GUY? Lmfao. Holy *kitten*, no way a guy wrote that.
  • got2befitnow
    got2befitnow Posts: 108 Member
    Hahaha!!! Love it!! LaurenAOK, I think you're my new best friend (whether you like it or not!!) :happy:
  • DavidHusky
    DavidHusky Posts: 112 Member
    hah I totally owned a giant piece of turtle cake last friday... AFTER bernaise covered steak fajitas and beer (and ate tons of meat at a work putluck for lunch). I did do a long run and I think I broke even (the scale thinks so too!).
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Spoken like a true TWENTY TWO year old.

    Try that *kitten* in 5 years and let me know how it works out.

    Ninja PLEASE

    You don't even have to TRY to stay thin at 22. Its easy, its called awesome metabolism.

    Go to any ice cream place and look who is ordering the 2000 calorie monster shakes, its model-thin teenage girls.

    Talking a lot of *kitten* for a kid with great metabolism.

    When I was in my early 20s, I'd eat a candy bar and sugar soda at every break at work, I'd eat the 2-3000 calorie meals when dining out, drink sugared alcohol drinks with impunity and still stayed at 10% bodyfat. That all changes fast. You get into those bad habits and "once in a while" turns into a permanent fat gain every time.

    I'm 22, I'll be 23 next week. It's NOT easy. I DO have to try to stay "thin."

    If I'm ordering a shake, you bet your *kitten* I'm working that off.

    I can't eat 2000-3000 cal meals all the time and stay thin.

    Guess I missed that "awesome 22 year old metabolism" gene. :huh:

    Bitter, party of flucking one over here. Get over yourself. You missed the point. An excellent point at that.

    Edit: You're A GUY? Lmfao. Holy *kitten*, no way a guy wrote that.

    Agreed. That is the first time I have heard a guy whine about his slowing metabolism.
  • queencat3
    queencat3 Posts: 30
    Thank you, this was just what I needed to hear today:smile:
  • TheSwoleMinister_deleted
    Here's my take on it all.

  • ReadyToShine
    Thanks for posting this. I was beating myself up over gaining .8 of a pound for my weigh in today and I was ready to throw in the towel. This really helped me "Get over it" and move on Thanks!!
  • jessready
    jessready Posts: 129 Member
    You are so right food is not the enemy. We just can't go over or weekly/monthly calories and we will all be fine. thanks for the post!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Spoken like a true TWENTY TWO year old.

    Try that *kitten* in 5 years and let me know how it works out.

    Ninja PLEASE

    You don't even have to TRY to stay thin at 22. Its easy, its called awesome metabolism.

    Go to any ice cream place and look who is ordering the 2000 calorie monster shakes, its model-thin teenage girls.

    Talking a lot of *kitten* for a kid with great metabolism.

    When I was in my early 20s, I'd eat a candy bar and sugar soda at every break at work, I'd eat the 2-3000 calorie meals when dining out, drink sugared alcohol drinks with impunity and still stayed at 10% bodyfat. That all changes fast. You get into those bad habits and "once in a while" turns into a permanent fat gain every time.

    I gained ALL my weight between the ages of 17 and 24. I lost 70lbs starting at 25 years old. Age is a number and metabolisms can be f*cked/fixed at almost any age. Your argument is invalid.
  • Roger_Vaughn
    Roger_Vaughn Posts: 49 Member
    This was a great Post. Having dealt with weight gain and loss for many years, this is what I have learned to live by.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Spoken like a true TWENTY TWO year old.

    Try that *kitten* in 5 years and let me know how it works out.

    Ninja PLEASE

    You don't even have to TRY to stay thin at 22. Its easy, its called awesome metabolism.

    Go to any ice cream place and look who is ordering the 2000 calorie monster shakes, its model-thin teenage girls.

    Talking a lot of *kitten* for a kid with great metabolism.

    When I was in my early 20s, I'd eat a candy bar and sugar soda at every break at work, I'd eat the 2-3000 calorie meals when dining out, drink sugared alcohol drinks with impunity and still stayed at 10% bodyfat. That all changes fast. You get into those bad habits and "once in a while" turns into a permanent fat gain every time.

    What?? I could have made this post, and I am 45 years old.

    I am a lazy bish outside the gym, do no cardio and am trying to bulk but am maintaining on 2,500 calories!

    ETA: oh, and I am female!
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks for posting this. It was well said and a reminder to us all.

    In the last 4 weeks ago, I hurt my ankle and got sick with the flu and I had one event after another. I didn't really exercise and I did over eat with the wrong type of foods and I didn't track it. So I was really suprised that I only gain less than a kilo. I think that I still must have been eating around my maintenance level without really realising it because I have been eating a deficitency for awhile now. I still mainly ate healthy foods at main meals but then I also indulge my sweet tooth with biscuits and ice cream. Also having extra wine with meals.

    Now I am not recommending doing what I did but it does go to show that sometimes life does happen. Its not the end of the world, if you have a day/week of a little over indulgence. Just enjoy that time and then start a brand new day.

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Spoken like a true TWENTY TWO year old.

    Try that *kitten* in 5 years and let me know how it works out.

    Ninja PLEASE

    You don't even have to TRY to stay thin at 22. Its easy, its called awesome metabolism.

    Go to any ice cream place and look who is ordering the 2000 calorie monster shakes, its model-thin teenage girls.

    Talking a lot of *kitten* for a kid with great metabolism.

    When I was in my early 20s, I'd eat a candy bar and sugar soda at every break at work, I'd eat the 2-3000 calorie meals when dining out, drink sugared alcohol drinks with impunity and still stayed at 10% bodyfat. That all changes fast. You get into those bad habits and "once in a while" turns into a permanent fat gain every time.

    I was fat at 22.

    I'm now 32, and on Thursday for dinner I had a huge pot of fondue, almost a liter of beer, a plate of fried fish and french fries, then a big bowl of ice cream. 3500 calories that day, roughly.

    Oh, and I'm about 10.5% body fat.

    LOL at "permanent fat gain"
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    You know those super obvious things that you should know but forget constantly? This is one of 'em. Thanks for the reminder!

    Totally this ^^^ Fab post OP :))
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I missed the great metabolism of the teens and 20's too.I feel cheated lol. Anyway, all through my teens and early 20's I was fat.....I went through some mild cases of bulimia and one time didn't eat for 2 weeks because of how bad I felt about myself. When I was 22 I finally got serious and lost 60 pounds. I ate 1200 or less every day and if I went over on a day I made myself not eat the whole next day. I know horrible:( I gained all the weight back due to partying and just not caring anymore and getting pregnant on top of that. I now have lost 20 pounds and I'll be honest I do find myself still wanting to go back to my old ways of obsessing over the calorie count....but for the most part I don't stress that much over it anymore.I love this post! I now don't sweat it if I go over here and there because in the end all that matters is the average for the week and even if I do gain...I know it's not the end of the world.I plan to cheat on the 4th of July,whoo hoo, can't wait for beer and bbq!
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    well written
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Love! This made me not feel SO bad for my dinner Thursday night...and the wine I will enjoy. :drinker:
  • nicalexx
    nicalexx Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for this post, definitely gave me some needed perspective in my journey.
  • DonnaW_78
    DonnaW_78 Posts: 76 Member
    Like :)
  • heywithers
    heywithers Posts: 99 Member
    I feel great.

    Give me a second to explain myself. This is for all the topics I see on here, on a daily basis, that declare "I went ____ calories over my goal! I'm a failure!" Or "I totally binged today and ate 300 calories of cookies! I've ruined all my hard work!" If you've ever posted one of those threads, or thought something similar, I'd like to share some thoughts with you.

    My daily goal is to net about 1430 calories. Depending on exercise, this means I normally eat anywhere from 1400-1800 calories a day. I've been trying paleo recently (and actually loving it, but that's a different story), so my calorie intake has been a bit lower than normal because I've been adjusting to the new foods. Today, I was in a great mood and I decided I deserve a treat. I hadn't had a proper "cheat day" in a long time. Months, really. Maybe a couple hundred calories extra here or there, but nothing major.

    So today, I ate Wendy's, ice cream, Olive Garden, and I'm about to eat more ice cream. When all is said and done I will have eaten over 3000 calories today. Given that my daily goal is half that, you'd think I'd be upset.


    Why not?

    1) It was freaking delicious
    2) I won't gain weight this week, because I was under my goal the other days of the week

    and more importantly

    3) One day really doesn't make a gosh darn lick of difference in the grand scheme of things!

    Think about it. Many of you on this website have been overweight for YEARS, or maybe even your whole life. You've eaten thousands of calories on a daily basis. Now, you've turned yourself around. You're eating less, you're eating healthier, and that's great. But you're honestly going to get mad at yourself for ONE day of eating like you used to? C'mon, now. There's no need for that.

    Most people are on here are at a 500 calorie per day deficit (some more, some less... but for the sake of argument let's say 500/day). First of all, this means if you go 300 calories over your goal, YOU WON'T GAIN WEIGHT. You're still under your maintenance amount of calories. You won't even maintain your weight. You'll lose weight, maybe just not as fast as you would have at the 500 calorie deficit. If you go 400 calories over your goal, you won't gain weight. If you go 500 calories over your goal, you won't gain weight. Starting to see a pattern?

    If you go more than 500 calories over your goal, you probably STILL won't gain weight, because assuming you've been at your goal the rest of the week, you're still at an overall calorie deficit.

    Even if you have a true "binge" and go 5000 calories over your goal, SO WHAT? You might gain, what, a pound? Which you'll probably lose again in the next week? Calm down. Deeeeep breaths. If you've got 50 pounds to lose, and you've already lost 30, and you gain ONE, is that really the end of the world? In the grand scheme of your weight loss journey, does that really make a difference?

    What I'm trying to say is, too many people on this site see food and calories as the enemy. I can see where that's coming from - after all, calories are what made you fat, right? And you never want to go back to that! - but frankly, it's not healthy. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. And if you're beating yourself up about going a few hundred calories over your goal, you need to give yourself a mental break. It's OKAY. Seriously. You're going to be fine. You've done so well already, and you're going to keep doing amazing, and a bump in the road isn't going to change that.

    So next time you find yourself with your hand in the box of oreos after a perfectly healthy week, just enjoy the darn oreos. Seriously. Life is too short, people.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to curl up in bed with my half gallon of Edy's Butterfinger ice cream.

    this almost made me tear up a little... and makes me want to have a cheat day soon lol
    its funny because to me when i eat a little something i shouldnt like a bowl of cereal at midnight and go over my cals like 60 i feel like such a failure because i keep thinking you just HAD to have that cereal and ruin your cals for the day.
    after months of dieting and losing almost 30 lb i have yet to have an actual cheat day like the OP... I haven't gotten to even 1,700 cals in months so 3000 would be a freaking field day! I am already planning it lol :bigsmile: