I don't log my exercise. Who else does this?



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I log my exercise just to track the expected calorie expenditure, but eat to my own derived TDEE ( not a special snowflake just petite and older).
    If I find I am losing( been maintaining for a few years), it is easier to adjust my intake if I know exactly what I have done, and for how long.

    It all comes down to what works best for the individual's goals.

    Cheers, h.

  • CardiLuxe
    CardiLuxe Posts: 89 Member
    I haven't been lol.
    Because I've stopped doing as much cardio to lift and do other muscle building exercises.
    So its only my diet with proper nutrients that have my complete attention right now.
    I know what I do in the gym. ;)
    So I'm only concerned with my protein intake, calories and other macronutrients.
    And if I burn extra calories, awesome.

    Don't get me wrong, if I had knowledge of a big calorie burn, I'd probably add it.
    But that isn't my goal right now. :)