Fruit diet



  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    I would like too
    Lose around half a stone a month I think
    I can do
    This with the fruit diet and lemon water
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    What is the best foods too eat I'm
    In need of help
    I don't know wat is the best way too lose weight guess I'm just looking for a quick fix which is not a good idea!!!!

    Eat foods that you like in portion sizes that fit your goals.

    Get plenty of fats & protein for healthy and satiety.

    Get plenty of fruits & veggies for the micronutrients.

    Fill in the rest of your calories with carbs, sweets, and treats as you see fit.

    There aren't really any right or wrong foods. An overall balanced diet and hitting your calorie goals are far more important than cutting out any particular foods.

    Read through the posts in the Must Read topic at the top of each section (especially the Getting Started and General Diet boards). Those have tons of good information to get you started.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    And erm if I loved my friend very dearly then maybe I would jump

    That's a troubling statement.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Hello I'm currently 13 stone I'm 5ft 5 want too lose around 3 stone I'm going too try the just eat fruit diet for one week has anyone ever done this and wat was your results ?

    @candygibbons26 welcome to the MFP forums.

    Living for a week just on sugar (carbs) is not that long and should be doable since people do it just on water only.

    As we know it is not what we do for one week that broke us or will fix us. Read what others have done to lose 30-50 pounds successful and come up with a plan to implement.

    It is what we do day by day for life that is the main driver of our health status in the end.

    The best diet plan for you is the one that you will work and it leads you to total health. It can be high/low carbs, protein or fats. There is NO magic diet.

    When the goal is 'Total Health' then the scales readout will take care of itself as we work to achieve Total Health.

    Best of success.
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    Everyone will
    Actually crazy and tell me off today I had a glass of lemon water I had a orange for breakfast I had a banana for lunch and for dinner I think I might have a apple lol with loads of water through the day I thought I would be starving just proves it's all in the mind !!
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    Diannethegeek dw it was a total joke!!
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    Thsnkyou so much gayle Hawkins I really appreciate that
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Everyone will
    Actually crazy and tell me off today I had a glass of lemon water I had a orange for breakfast I had a banana for lunch and for dinner I think I might have a apple lol with loads of water through the day I thought I would be starving just proves it's all in the mind !!

    Please tell me this is a joke too. VLCD's are not allowed on mfp
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,838 Member
    What is the best foods too eat I'm
    In need of help
    I don't know wat is the best way too lose weight guess I'm just looking for a quick fix which is not a good idea!!!!

    Eat the foods you would usually eat. Weigh and log them in MFP, including condiments, drinks, and oil you cook with. For the first week, either cut your portions a bit, or just stick with your routine.

    At the end of the week, look back over your log, and decide which things "cost" too many calories to be worthwhile, and - on the other end of the spectrum - which foods gave you great nutrition (especially protein, as you're first starting) for the number of calories, and were satisfying and filling to you. Next week, eat little to none of the former group of foods, and more of the latter.

    Voila, only one week in, and you will've already learned a bunch about your body and its needs!

    During that week, read all the "stickies" (permanent posts at the top) in the forum categories "Getting Started" and "General Weight Loss". They cover all the important points. By the end of week 1, you will know enough about dieting, and more importantly about *your* regular diet, to start losing weight at a healthy rate.

    Losing weight with MFP can be simple (not necessarily easy ;) ), and you can learn habits that will keep you slimmer permanently. The latter is never gonna happen with the fruit diet or the like. (How many of your friends who lost 7-10 pounds on the fruit diet have kept that weight off for a year?)

    Best wishes for success!
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    Everyone will
    Actually crazy and tell me off today I had a glass of lemon water I had a orange for breakfast I had a banana for lunch and for dinner I think I might have a apple lol with loads of water through the day I thought I would be starving just proves it's all in the mind !!

    Please tell me this is a joke too. VLCD's are not allowed on mfp

  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    It's not a joke!!! Everyone had different ways of doing things that's life !!! As I mentioned it's a fruit diet for
    1 week only! Just too kick start my process.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited September 2015
    Yeah I dun that I'm
    New too all this never dieted or anything in my life use too weigh 8 stone had two kids and now ballooned lol I'm Spose too be eating 1.200 calories a day but I thought I will do the fruit diet just too kick start the whole process

    No "kick start" needed. This is just a gimmick. Eat foods you like - except measure your portions. It's a learning experience that will help you pin-point changes needed to keep the weight (you lose) off.

    7-10 pounds of what?

    10 pounds of fat would be 10 x 3500....or a 35,000 calorie deficit. You don't get that kind of deficit in one weeks time even if you ate NOTHING. The 7-10 pounds is mostly water weight (and waste from many trips to the bathroom)....which will come back when you eat regular food again.
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    Anyone eat the belvita breakfast yoghurt crunch biscuits??
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    So, OP asks for info on a diet, and almost everyone says it's a bad idea.

    OP listens to the one poster who says go for it.

    Sounds about standard. Well, best of luck to ya.
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    It's not a joke!!! Everyone had different ways of doing things that's life !!! As I mentioned it's a fruit diet for
    1 week only! Just too kick start my process.

    So everyone told you this would be a bad idea, and you do it anyways? What was the point of asking us our opinions if you were just going to do it anyways?

  • coachRichie
    coachRichie Posts: 27 Member
    edited September 2015
    Diets are temporary fixes and after you finish your fruit diet you are more than likely to gain all of your weight or add more.. Please do not do these crazy fad diets.
    Eat clean and workout on a daily basis and you will get healthy and fit.
    I have lost 7 pounds in 10 days so far and my calorie intake is 2080 calories a day...
    I eat healthy foods all days including fruits but I also eat brown rice, lean meats, drink lots of water and most important I exercise just about every day.
  • questionfear
    questionfear Posts: 527 Member
    Honestly, I've read up on fruitarian diets because they seem so very strange to me, I was curious if I was missing something.

    From what I've read, anyone who claims to have had success as a fruitarian had it while eating that way for several months, and they had supplements and specific proportions of veggies/oils/protein to eat as well. For a simple concept, it's remarkably complex to execute in anything close to a healthy fashion. It's definitely not something to try for a week on a lark.
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    Thankyou everyone
  • Nathy_F
    Nathy_F Posts: 40 Member
    I tried it but never worked for me . :(
    Hello I'm currently 13 stone I'm 5ft 5 want too lose around 3 stone I'm going too try the just eat fruit diet for one week has anyone ever done this and wat was your results ?
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    Yes, you can do a short term all fruit diet and lose weight. Many people do this long term and are fine with lab tests to prove it, including normal blood serum protein levels. I've done it for about a week or so and lost about 3 lbs. I was also exercising. I was about 145 lbs at the time. That was 22 lbs ago. My regular diet has lots of fruits but from time to time, I do days with fruits only.

    Fruits are high in fructose but that doesn't matter. Their high fiber and water content mean that you'll be full on fewer calories without going hungry. You'll probably also have enough energy from the carbs to exercise which will also help increase your deficit and therefore weight loss. And improved digestion is a plus as well.