October 2015 Running Challenge



  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    edited October 2015
    October Running Challenge 2015 - 90km

    01/10 – 0.0 km
    02/10 – 0.0 km
    03/10 – 3.0 km
    04/10 – 3.0 km
    05/10 – 0.0 km
    06/10 – 2.0 km
    07/10 – 3.5 km
    08/10 – 0.0 km
    09/11 – 0.0 km
    10/10 - 5.0 km - (00:39)
    11/10 – 7.5 km
    12/10 – 0.0 km
    13/10 – 0.0 km
    14/10 - 10.0 km - (1:26)
    15/10 - 5.0 km - (0:37)
    16/10 – 0.0 km
    17/10 - 10.0 km- (1:19)
    18/10 – 0.0 km
    19/10 – 4.8 km
    20/10 – 2.0 km
    21/10 – 8.0 km
    22/10 – 0.0 km
    23/10 – 0.0 km
    24/10 - 10.0 km - Run For Life Race (1:06)
    25/10 – 0.0 km
    26/10 – 5.0 km
    27/10 – 0.0 km
    28/10 – 11.5 km - (1:30)
    29/10 -
    30/10 -
    31/10 -

    Total – 90.3 / 90km

    Have hit my goal for October! :joy:

    Very happy with today's run! 11.5k in 1:30.. Slow run, but same pace as the first 10k I ran (1:26) and I ran 1.5 further.

    Left hip was hurting a bit in the last few k, though not enough to have to stop. Will rest tomorrow and Friday though, maybe go for a walk if my legs are stiff.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Oct 03      6.0      6.0
    Oct 04     11.2     17.2
    Oct 06      4.3     21.5
    Oct 08      6.3     27.8
    Oct 10      8.3     36.1
    Oct 11      6.0     42.1
    Oct 14      4.3     46.4
    Oct 15      5.1     51.5
    Oct 18     10.0     61.5
    Oct 20      5.2     66.7
    Oct 24     11.3     78.0
    Oct 25      5.0     83.0
    Oct 27      6.1     89.1


    6.1 miles on the Whirling Treadmill of Doom (tm). Have I mentioned I don't like that? But Time is Running Out, so one must sacrifice preferences.

    @Virkati - Welcome and good luck completing the goal!

    @kareF - You did it! Nice job.

    @suzu_2 Way to go!
  • ewrook
    ewrook Posts: 90 Member

    Ran after dark with the moon tonight.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    11.5 km run through an extension/alternate version of what is either called the North Hills or Sleepy Hollow.
    Found a Hidden Picnic table with a million dollar view of the River Valley and then went down/up a Double Bump ( Camels Back ) Hill that definitely Qualifies for the " What the H#ll " from Septembers Challenge.
    10/04 – 7.1 Km – 7.1 Km – 92.9 Km to go
    10/05 – 7.0 Km –14.1 Km – 85.8 Km to go
    10/07 – 12.5 Km –26.6 Km – 73.4 Km to go
    10/10 – 16.8 Km –43.4 Km – 56.6 Km to go
    10/15 – 9.96 Km – 53.36 Km – 46.64 Km to go
    10/16 –11.5 Km – 64.86 Km – 35.14 Km to go
    10/18 –10.0 Km – 74.86 Km – 25.14 Km to go
    10/23 –10.0 Km – 84.86 Km – 15.14 Km to go
    10/24 –12.0 Km – 96.86 Km – 3.14 Km to go
    10/25 –8.0 Km –104.86 Km – Goal + 4.86 Km
    10/27 –11.5 Km –116.36 Km – Goal + 16.36 Km – YTD – 11.5 + 342.66 = 354.16 Km
    @kristinegift Great photo's. Runners Envy. All of our Leaves are already on the ground so we are in the Brown season.
    @kareF Great Goal HM. I hope to do the Chilly Willy in Grande Prairie Feb 7,2016 ( http://racepro.ca/chillywillyrun/ ) and/or @aarar Hypothermic Half in YEG Feb 21, 2016 ( http://www.hypothermichalf.com/register-s14929 ) depending on my schedule and training success. It will be my first & 2nd HM - Might seem crazy doing my first in the Canadian Winter but that is what my local Running Club friends are training for. Hate it when race days conflict.
    One of the little waterholes I passed today was Frozen Solid so Jack Frost is around the corner.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member

    Are you doing the Disney World Marathon on 10 January? I am doing that as my first marathon and scared stiff!! Mmmm I have NEVER run more than 40miles / week! How many marathons have you done?

    Yes - I live nearby and was originally going to run it this past January, but deferred to 2016 as they wouldn't let me move up from the 4:45 corral to the 3:45 corral after running a fast (1:46) half last November as it was past the deadline. I've done 2 other marathons this year (Pittsburgh/Clearwater Distance Classic), and had done one marathon prior and a handful of halfs. It should be a fun race and a flat easy course from everything I've seen. Weather that time of year is usually just about perfect, although the humidity can occasionally spike, and the last 1/4 of the marathon is into the sun around sunrise, so bring your sunglasses, a visor, hope for clouds, or prepare to squint.

    Just got in some shorter runs the past 2 nights as it has been a bit rainy and humid. Still, no pain or soreness resulting from my Sunday run, so happy I cut it off early.

    10/1 - 7 miles
    10/2 - 8.5 miles
    10/3 - 4 miles (pace run at 1/2 marathon speed)
    10/4 - 9 miles
    10/5 - 8.5 miles
    10/6 - 8.5 miles
    10/7 - 8 miles
    10/8 - 8 miles (w. 0.25-0.5-0.75-1-0.75-0.5-0.25 pyramid @ 6:35 pace)
    10/9 - 9 miles
    10/10 - 4 miles
    10/11 - 8 miles
    10/12 - 7 miles
    10/14 - 9 miles (4 w. neighbor, 5 solo)
    10/15 - 1 mile (pre lift warm up)
    10/16 - 5 miles (w. strides at end)
    10/18 - 14 miles (8.5 easy Z2, final 5.5 at HM pace)
    10/19 - 6 miles
    10/20 - 10 miles (3 w. neighbor, 7 w 3-2 mile fast repeats)
    10/21 - 6 miles
    10/22 - 3 miles
    10/25 - 13 miles
    10/26 - 5.5 miles
    10/27 - 4 miles

    Total: 166 miles
    Goal: 170 miles
    Remaining: 4 miles
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    kareF wrote: »
    HM would be great! It would be an ultimate goal for sure! I was looking at HM programs but it seems you have to start most of them 10-15 weeks before the HM? So something long term, I'm just going to up the 10k distance on my own and see how I go.

    Don't be so quick to label the HM an ultimate goal. That's what I thought one time, but as I approach it, I'm already looking to full marathons for next year.

    If I understand you correctly, you have more than 10 to 15 weeks before a possible HM? I had that situation and asked a friend to help create a training plan for me. What he did was similar to what you find, but instead of a long run every week, he had me scheduled for a long run every other week as a way to minimize the risk of injury since I had so long to prepare.

    Though I blew that plan out of the water by running a LOT more than he had scheduled (to be fair to him, I told him at the time that my only goal was to cross the finish line...as my ability increased, so did my miles and my goals) but I did hang on to the idea of long runs only every other week for the most part. Here's the plan he created:

    1 3 4 5 5 17
    2 3 4 5 6 18
    3 3 4 5 7 19
    4 3 4 5 6 18
    5 4 5 4 7 20
    6 4 5 4 6 19
    7 4 5 4 7 20
    8 4 5 4 6 19
    9 4 6 4 6 20
    10 5 5 5 7 22
    11 5 6 4 6 21
    12 5 6 5 8 24
    13 5 6 5 6 22
    14 5 6 5 10 26
    15 6 7 5 6 24
    16 5 6 5 12 28
    17 3 4 5 7 19
    18 3 5 3 13.1 24.1
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    kareF wrote: »
    HM would be great! It would be an ultimate goal for sure! I was looking at HM programs but it seems you have to start most of them 10-15 weeks before the HM? So something long term, I'm just going to up the 10k distance on my own and see how I go.

    Don't be so quick to label the HM an ultimate goal. That's what I thought one time, but as I approach it, I'm already looking to full marathons for next year.

    If I understand you correctly, you have more than 10 to 15 weeks before a possible HM? I had that situation and asked a friend to help create a training plan for me. What he did was similar to what you find, but instead of a long run every week, he had me scheduled for a long run every other week as a way to minimize the risk of injury since I had so long to prepare.

    Though I blew that plan out of the water by running a LOT more than he had scheduled (to be fair to him, I told him at the time that my only goal was to cross the finish line...as my ability increased, so did my miles and my goals) but I did hang on to the idea of long runs only every other week for the most part. Here's the plan he created:

    1 3 4 5 5 17
    2 3 4 5 6 18
    3 3 4 5 7 19
    4 3 4 5 6 18
    5 4 5 4 7 20
    6 4 5 4 6 19
    7 4 5 4 7 20
    8 4 5 4 6 19
    9 4 6 4 6 20
    10 5 5 5 7 22
    11 5 6 4 6 21
    12 5 6 5 8 24
    13 5 6 5 6 22
    14 5 6 5 10 26
    15 6 7 5 6 24
    16 5 6 5 12 28
    17 3 4 5 7 19
    18 3 5 3 13.1 24.1
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited October 2015
    kareF wrote: »
    HM would be great! It would be an ultimate goal for sure! I was looking at HM programs but it seems you have to start most of them 10-15 weeks before the HM? So something long term, I'm just going to up the 10k distance on my own and see how I go.

    @karef, don't be so quick to label the HM an ultimate goal. That's what I thought one time, but as I approach it, I'm already looking to full marathons for next year.

    If I understand you correctly, you have more than 10 to 15 weeks before a possible HM? I was in that situation and asked a friend (who has run 42 marathons) to help create a training plan for me. What he did was similar to what you find, but instead of a long run every week, he had me scheduled for a long run every other week as a way to minimize the risk of injury since I had so long to prepare.

    Though I blew that plan out of the water by running a LOT more than scheduled (to be fair to him, I told him at the time that my only goal was to cross the finish line...as my ability increased, so did my miles and my goals) but I did hang on to the idea of long runs only every other week for the most part. Here's the plan he created for me:

    3 4 5 5 17
    3 4 5 6 18
    3 4 5 7 19
    3 4 5 6 18
    4 5 4 7 20
    4 5 4 6 19
    4 5 4 7 20
    4 5 4 6 19
    4 6 4 6 20
    5 5 5 7 22
    5 6 4 6 21
    5 6 5 8 24
    5 6 5 6 22
    5 6 5 10 26
    6 7 5 6 24
    5 6 5 12 28
    3 4 5 7 19
    3 5 3 13.1 24.1

    ETA: The formatting screwed up, but he had Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday as rest days. I adapted that plan to fit my actual schedule and commonly ran two days in a row or had two rest days in a row, and cut way back for 10 days because of an injury and twice because of travel. Then I added a 5th day to most weeks because I felt my body could handle it.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    The more miles thing works, trust me. Just don't increase too fast that you end up injured.

    Truth!! I made great increases in speed by almost exclusively running at a conversational pace. My 5k time went from 31:13 to 26:32 in 13 weeks.

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Stumbled onto this Trail Running Video that might be interesting to some people.
    Some of it I was already doing, some needs more work.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    As often is the case, I went out with a plan in mind but exceeded the plan. This time I was going to mile intervals at slow/HM pace/slow/HM pace/slow but ended up with 1.11 slow, 3.25 at 20 seconds LESS than HM pace, and 1.25 slow. All in a cool raining night. It was wonderful and I felt great! I had to force myself to slow down that last mile.

    I can't believe it's only 4 days to the HM! It seemed so far in the distance for so long and now it's almost here. Getting VERY excited! My key for the next few days is SLEEP! That 14 inning world series game tonight did NOT help. Go ROYALS!!!

    @kristinegift, thanks for posting the photos...beautiful!!!

    10/01 - Camping
    10/02 - Camping, hiking
    10/03 - Camping, hiking
    10/04 - 5.6 miles running, hiking
    10/05 - 7.9 miles
    10/06 - Rest
    10/07 - 9.7 miles
    10/08 - 5.0 miles
    10/09 - Rest
    10/10 - 18 miles <-- New PR!
    10/11 - Life Day
    10/12 - Life Day
    10/13 - Packing
    10/14 - Packing
    10/15 - Deer Hunting
    10/16 - Deer Hunting
    10/17 - 5 miles (preceeded by deer hunting)
    10/18 - 15.1 miles
    10/19 - Rest
    10/20 - 8.5 miles
    10/21 - Rest
    10/22 - 6.8 miles inc 5 mi@8:53
    10/23 - 5.8 slow, easy miles
    10/24 - Rest
    10/25 - 10.2 Miles
    10/26 - Rest
    10/27 - 5.6 miles

    Goal: 150 Miles
    Progress: 102.2 Miles
    Remaining: 47.8 Miles (will not make it)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited October 2015
    I was going to take a rest day today after the crappy run I had yesterday but it was just too perfect out not to go for a 'little' run. I went thinking I would just see how it felt, walk a little, run a little if my legs weren't cooperating. My legs were fine and it was as perfect out as it looked. Slightly overcast, cool with a lovely breeze!

    10/01.......8.45........8.45 - +Strength Training
    10/05.......5.39......24.43 - + Agility
    10/06.......4.70......29.13 - + Strength Training
    10/10.....10.90......52.72 - Early long run
    10/11.......0.00......52.72 - Dog beach Sunday, a little walking, a little running. Hot even on the beach
    10/12.......6.29......59.01 - + Agility
    10/13.......6.16......65.17 - + Strength Training
    10/15.......4.40......69.57 - + Strength Training
    10/18.......0.00......82.86 - Dog beach Sunday, a little walking, a little running
    10/20.......3.65......93.30 - Dreadmill run at the hotel gym
    10/22.......4.65......97.95 - Dreadmill run at the hotel gym
    10/23.......5.42....103.37 - Home and running outside again!
    10/25.....13.20... 116.57
    10/26.......5.12....121.69 - + Agility
    10/27.......5.22....126.91 - + Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    11/21/15 - USA Invitational Half, San Diego, CA
    12/27/15 - Holiday Half, San Diego, CA
    02/07/15 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/15 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    @karllundy don't make me hungry!

    btw, can I ask to the people who run >10miles what is their average bpm and cal estimates? I'm losing a bit and I see quite a difference between my fitbit and HRM strap right no
  • parfia
    parfia Posts: 184 Member
    When will the November challenge be up? Only started running last week so too late to join in on this one :(
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    01/10 - 10.3km
    02/10 - 13.1 miles
    03/10 - 10.3km
    04/10 - 22.1 miles
    05/10 - 10.3km
    06/10 - 13.1 miles
    07/10 - 13.3 miles
    08/10 - 10.3km
    09/10 - 13.2 miles
    10/10 - 10.3km
    11/10 - 22.2 miles
    12/10 - 10.3km
    13/10 - 13.1 miles
    14/10 - 13.3 miles
    15/10 - 10.3 km
    16/10 - 12.3 km
    17/10 - 12.3 km
    18/10 - 26.2 miles - Amsterdam Marathon
    19/10 - 12.3 km
    20/10 - 13.1 miles
    21/10 - 13.4 miles
    22/10 - 10.3km
    23/10 - 13.4 miles
    24/10 - 10.3km
    25/10 - 22.3 miles
    26/10 - 10.3km
    27/10 - 13.2 miles
    28/10 - 13.4 miles

    tot 526/500km

    wet HM today, heavy rain from the beginning to the end, but another good run. pace was +1 sec slower than last week, but feelings were completely different - I felt again in control, my legs were also asking for more and I could feel they were powerful and full of energy - still a little bit of struggle with my left quad, but starting at a turtle pace to warm up seemed to be the right solution, after 2 minutes I can move it with no probs

    lots of deers, they are quite scary when I look at them with the lamp, the horns look pretty big in the shadowed light - I thought I was also going over a dead rat, but luckily it was a leaf, but that made me jump! should really sleep more! but I had a positive flux of energy from yesterday run for the whole day yesterday - was ages I didn't feel like that!

    it's an effort, especially now in winter, but it's great to be out there, alone (at least for me), planning my day and releasing some stress out. As mentioned before, my good inner voice is telling me to try a 50k, and I know I'll listen to it soon or later - I need a new challenge and something to aim for, unfortunately I'm never happy and always looking forward to something else, that is good because "we live only once", but it is also bad because sometimes it is also good to enjoy the moment, breath, and rest a bit - I must find this balance.

    I saw a video of me running, well...I am embarrassed! I look like a duck.

    now rest a bit, 10k tomorrow, then it'll be friday and soon November

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »

    btw, can I ask to the people who run >10miles what is their average bpm and cal estimates? I'm losing a bit and I see quite a difference between my fitbit and HRM strap right no

    I don't use an HRM, but for a run that is probably more accurate than a fitbit if your fitbit is going off steps alone. And as for calories, that's going to vary widely per person (some people on my friend list can burn the same as me in a workout but run about half the distance). For 10 miles, I usually burn ~1050 calories, but then again I'm short (5'3"/about 1.6 meters) and a girl.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »

    btw, can I ask to the people who run >10miles what is their average bpm and cal estimates? I'm losing a bit and I see quite a difference between my fitbit and HRM strap right no

    I don't use an HRM, but for a run that is probably more accurate than a fitbit if your fitbit is going off steps alone. And as for calories, that's going to vary widely per person (some people on my friend list can burn the same as me in a workout but run about half the distance). For 10 miles, I usually burn ~1050 calories, but then again I'm short (5'3"/about 1.6 meters) and a girl.

    thank you - got a fitbit HR, and the average bpm are now significantly different from the HRM strap - I always use that, but had to replace it and since I'm losing weight and nothing else has changed I just want to verify it's not the strap

    I should have specified weight/height you are right

    so I reverse the question

    for someone around 69kg, 2 hours running ish, 135-140 average bpm, how does 1200 cals sound like (measured by the HRM)?
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    patrikc333 wrote: »

    btw, can I ask to the people who run >10miles what is their average bpm and cal estimates? I'm losing a bit and I see quite a difference between my fitbit and HRM strap right no

    I don't use an HRM, but for a run that is probably more accurate than a fitbit if your fitbit is going off steps alone. And as for calories, that's going to vary widely per person (some people on my friend list can burn the same as me in a workout but run about half the distance). For 10 miles, I usually burn ~1050 calories, but then again I'm short (5'3"/about 1.6 meters) and a girl.

    thank you - got a fitbit HR, and the average bpm are now significantly different from the HRM strap - I always use that, but had to replace it and since I'm losing weight and nothing else has changed I just want to verify it's not the strap

    I should have specified weight/height you are right

    so I reverse the question

    for someone around 69kg, 2 hours running ish, 135-140 average bpm, how does 1200 cals sound like (measured by the HRM)?

    That sounds about right if that's about 10 miles. But if you are going farther than that, it may be a bit of an underestimate. Are you not wanting to lose weight, or is the weight loss your goal? If you are losing weight without meaning to, add in some foods or fats. You're still in recovery from your marathon, so you probably need a bit extra to rebuild anyhow.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    10/1: 8 miles am and 6.2 pm with the Thursday crew
    10/2: Rest day
    10/3: 10 miles with Saturday crew
    10/4: 13.1 miles - Princeton Half Marathon (new HM PR: 1:43:38)
    10/5: 5 miles recovery style
    10/6: O Holy Rest Day........
    10/7: 7 miles hills
    10/8: 10 miles (am), 6.4 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    10/9: Rest day
    10/10: 20.5 miles
    10/11: 4 miles
    10/12: Rest day
    10/13: 8 miles, very hilly!
    10/14: 7 miles speedwork
    10/15: 8 miles (am), 3.4 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    10/16: 2 miles to shake off the drove-for-3.5-hours feeling
    10/17: 13.1 miles - Baltimore Half Marathon (1:44:24)
    10/18: Rest/Lazy Day
    10/19: 5 miles
    10/20: XT: 15 miles indoor bike (aka: 1 episode of Blindspot)
    10/21: 7.7 miles speedwork (2ish mile warm up, 3.5 miles speedwork, 2ish mile cooldown)
    10/22: 5.2 miles (am), 4.6 miles solo and 6.4 miles with Thursday crew
    10/23: O Holy Rest Day!
    10/24: 6.2 miles
    10/25: 16 miles
    10/26: 6.2 miles
    10/27: XT: 5k walking/taking pictures of the canal trail because FALL IS THE BEST SEASON
    10/28: 7.5 miles attempted tempo run

    It's just too dark, y'all! I went out with a headlamp and I still couldn't get anywhere near my target tempo pace because I was too worried about slipping on leaves (it rained last night) or tripping on sticks/acorns/cracks in the sidewalk. I think next week's speedwork will have to be on the treadmill, because that's the only way I'm going to get actual speed into the workout. It was still a decently paced run, but about 20 seconds slower than my goal. I was also super bummed that the rain held off... I just got a new Saucony jacket (Speed of Lite; got it for $28 on Amazon and it's usually $95!) that has a water repellant coating, and I really wanted to try it out! Oh well :neutral:



  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    patrikc333 wrote: »

    btw, can I ask to the people who run >10miles what is their average bpm and cal estimates? I'm losing a bit and I see quite a difference between my fitbit and HRM strap right no

    I don't use an HRM, but for a run that is probably more accurate than a fitbit if your fitbit is going off steps alone. And as for calories, that's going to vary widely per person (some people on my friend list can burn the same as me in a workout but run about half the distance). For 10 miles, I usually burn ~1050 calories, but then again I'm short (5'3"/about 1.6 meters) and a girl.

    thank you - got a fitbit HR, and the average bpm are now significantly different from the HRM strap - I always use that, but had to replace it and since I'm losing weight and nothing else has changed I just want to verify it's not the strap

    I should have specified weight/height you are right

    so I reverse the question

    for someone around 69kg, 2 hours running ish, 135-140 average bpm, how does 1200 cals sound like (measured by the HRM)?

    That sounds about right if that's about 10 miles. But if you are going farther than that, it may be a bit of an underestimate. Are you not wanting to lose weight, or is the weight loss your goal? If you are losing weight without meaning to, add in some foods or fats. You're still in recovery from your marathon, so you probably need a bit extra to rebuild anyhow.

    that's for a bit more than a half marathon

    no more weight loss or I'll disappear! I noticed some unexpected loss since I changed the garmin HRM strap about 2 months ago, and I've always eaten everything back

    apparently it's a common problem, it works fine for about an year and then it has spikes and becomes unreliable - that happened to mine as well

    I bought the improved" version and I'm testing it

    running everyday makes also quite difficult to find the right weight due to water retention and very early wakes up (plus I drink 3-4 liters of fluids the night before)