Is MFP accurate with the estimated weight?



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new to this app and I just have one quick question. When you finish your entry for the day and it pops up with a message saying "if everyday were like this you'd weight blah blah blah in 5 weeks". Even though I know that is an estimated guess, is that estimated guess pretty accurate? Just wondering thanks!!!

    It is beyond useless.
  • kuroshii
    kuroshii Posts: 168 Member
    Closing out the day posts a thing on your wall for MFP-friends to see, telling them that you logged your meals for that day. If you came in "under," it mentions that too. It doesn't mention it if you went over. You might like having that, you might not. The five-week-out estimate is meant to be motivational like a pat on the back at the end of your day, but as you've seen from these comments it's generally ignore-able otherwise.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    So today MFP told me that if every day was like today I'd weigh 196 (currently 214) in 5 weeks. I laughed until I cried. Given my experience over the past 11 months, I estimate that it should take me about 4 months to lose 18 lbs. But it does make me smile to see the "future fantasy weight" (how I think of it) continuing to decrease as well.