"food for thought" for vegetarians/ vegans?



  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I'm really sick of people making fun of vegetarians on this site and trolling....why is it so freakin' threatening to know there are people out there that don't eat meat? How does me not eating meat affect you in any way?

  • I'm a vegetarian for health and environmental reasons, so irrelevant post is irrelevant. However, "complex" calculations does not make something sentient and sure as hell doesn't put plants on the same level as most animals, which have a nervous system.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    So. We have a whole lot in common with plants. It's not like it's a secret.
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    You do know fruit comes from plants, right? They are like plant eggs.

    I was a vegetarian for a long time, so I get the urge to not hurt stuff, but its inevitable.

    just saying- removing my ovaries =/= killing me. You realize that, right?

    See also: My chickens do not die every time they lay.


    Veganism. Doi.
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    Scientists find proof plants are capable of complex arithmetic

    Plants carry out arithmetic calculations each night to prevent them starving before dawn, scientists have discovered for the first time.

    Professor Martin Howard, ..... said the study provides "The first concrete example in biology of such a sophisticated arithmetic calculation" at a fundamental biological level.


    LOL :)
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    It will be a break through when scientists discover the meaning of life , sickness and death! Until then I make my own decisions and choices!
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    It will be a break through when scientists discover the meaning of life , sickness and death! Until then I make my own decisions and choices!

    They've already discovered it more than 30 years ago. It's 42.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    Until plants are proved sentient, I will not reconsider anything.

    Also I think that this comment summed it up nicely!

    06/24/2013 07:21 PM
    My cat can leap in a perfect arc from one point to another. This proves cats can do ballistic missile trajectory calculations in their heads. Since these calculations can only be done using high level math, the only possible conclusion is that there must be a high precision floating point calculating unit somewhere in the cat's brain. Now give me my damn Nobel prize.'

    ehhh ill give it to the cat, but ive seen alot of cats that couldent "sitck the landing" so no your not getting it, and ill still eat your cat, your garden, and you given the opertunity..... just saying yah know... zombie apocolips hits your going down friend... but ill totaly double tap you to the head before i eat you so its cool and all :laugh:
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    You do know fruit comes from plants, right? They are like plant eggs.

    I was a vegetarian for a long time, so I get the urge to not hurt stuff, but its inevitable.

    just saying- removing my ovaries =/= killing me. You realize that, right?

    See also: My chickens do not die every time they lay.

    nope nore do mine but they are wiliing to get layed in order to lay, and nobody dies... well except for the eggs but they where doomed from the start, my chikens totaly dig Infanticide..... its kind of creepy..... particularly with the rabits
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    You do know fruit comes from plants, right? They are like plant eggs.

    I was a vegetarian for a long time, so I get the urge to not hurt stuff, but its inevitable.

    just saying- removing my ovaries =/= killing me. You realize that, right?

    um ..nope actualy it dosent... just like my husband getting a vasectomy dose not kill him, ditch'en your ovaries will not kill you
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    I'm really sick of people making fun of vegetarians on this site and trolling....why is it so freakin' threatening to know there are people out there that don't eat meat? How does me not eating meat affect you in any way?
    other folks not choosing to eat what i do is
    1.) not threatening, at all(i mean really)
    2.) it dosent and i dont care, and really nobody ells dose eather
  • MizzEngelChen
    MizzEngelChen Posts: 71 Member
    Have you considered that eating animals required far more plants to be killed to get the same amount of nutrition compared to eating the plants directly.
    *sigh* I'm so sick of this sot of cr** from meat-eaters. The classics being: "But plants are living organisms, too!" and "Science found that plants can feel pain!" - 1. My diet is none of your business. I don't go around giving you lectures on what you eat so leave me the heck alone. 2, So. effin. what? You gotta eat something to survive. I made a choice that make the biggest impact I can without much affecting my quality of life and health. How are you contributing? -____-
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    It will be a break through when scientists discover the meaning of life , sickness and death! Until then I make my own decisions and choices!

    They've already discovered it more than 30 years ago. It's 42.

    nono thw anwser is 42 but they forgot what the actual question was.. i think..
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    Have you considered that eating animals required far more plants to be killed to get the same amount of nutrition compared to eating the plants directly.
    *sigh* I'm so sick of this sot of cr** from meat-eaters. The classics being: "But plants are living organisms, too!" and "Science found that plants can feel pain!" - 1. My diet is none of your business. I don't go around giving you lectures on what you eat so leave me the heck alone. 2, So. effin. what? You gotta eat something to survive. I made a choice that make the biggest impact I can without much affecting my quality of life and health. How are you contributing? -____-

    well i recycle, and i dont give 2 F's about what you eat or why also no it dosent the same amout of plants still get eaten just not by me, however if you stated that a difrent set of plants get eaten then i would agree.. also buy eating the critters i raise along with the food i plant i the ground i am far far closer to my food sorce than the vast majority of MFP'ers
  • EvilDave14
    EvilDave14 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm vegan. If you are trying to say that I shouldn't eat plants then you are saying that you want me to starve to death???
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Have you considered that eating animals required far more plants to be killed to get the same amount of nutrition compared to eating the plants directly.
    *sigh* I'm so sick of this sot of cr** from meat-eaters. The classics being: "But plants are living organisms, too!" and "Science found that plants can feel pain!" - 1. My diet is none of your business. I don't go around giving you lectures on what you eat so leave me the heck alone. 2, So. effin. what? You gotta eat something to survive. I made a choice that make the biggest impact I can without much affecting my quality of life and health. How are you contributing? -____-
    no it dosent the same amout of plants still get eaten just not by me, however if you stated that a difrent set of plants get eaten then i would agree..
    Actually you are wrong so wrong. Raising meat is an inefficient way to produce food

  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
    Have you considered that eating animals required far more plants to be killed to get the same amount of nutrition compared to eating the plants directly.
    *sigh* I'm so sick of this sot of cr** from meat-eaters. The classics being: "But plants are living organisms, too!" and "Science found that plants can feel pain!" - 1. My diet is none of your business. I don't go around giving you lectures on what you eat so leave me the heck alone. 2, So. effin. what? You gotta eat something to survive. I made a choice that make the biggest impact I can without much affecting my quality of life and health. How are you contributing? -____-
    no it dosent the same amout of plants still get eaten just not by me, however if you stated that a difrent set of plants get eaten then i would agree..
    Actually you are wrong so wrong. Raising meat is an inefficient way to produce food


    really? if that where true the human race would have died off a few hundread thousand years ago.... but what ever you want to beleave is cool with me.... ill eat you too during the zombie apocolips :flowerforyou:

    edited to add ; unless your study can from the AMA .... "I DONT GIVE A F" but it didnt so it is erelavant since it came from a pro veg* sorce, not that their wrong just that their totaly friggin biased is all:flowerforyou:
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    All I know is that when I pick salad leaves from my home grown salad bowl, they grow back within a week. If I were to chop off the leg of a cow and eat it, the cow would painfully bleed to death, and its leg would not grow back...

    I'll stick to my plant based diet thanks :drinker: