


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Erm just wanted the people out here too keep me strong and keep me motivated as I have no one else too keep me motivated
    You have you. And, as luck would have it, you're the only one who can get the job done, anyway.

  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    That's the thing I'm
    Really struggling badly these tablets are awful I literally have no appetite some days and all
    I can eat is weetabix then after I feel sick lol yeah I make stews and casseroles for my children I
    Sumtimes nibble at it but just ain't got the appetite off it
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    For it
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    edited October 2015
    There's been a ton of good advice here. I've lost over 60lbs and I often go over my calorie goals, but what's working for me is 3 steps.

    1. Always log it, no matter how bad, no matter how "guilty" you may feel about it. Not logging doesn't undo what you ate, it simply helps you stay ignorant to it.

    2. Allow yourself those things you want but just try not to do it super often. For me, this means 1 or 2 days a week I might go over my calorie goals. I know that the other 5 or 6 days a week will make up for it, and I can still feel like I have a "food life".

    3. Try not to feel bad or "guilty"..the weight probably took a very long time to put on and might take even longer to take off. Just keep trying and trying, and like anything in life, it'll get easier through practice.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Eating less than 900 calories a day I use too eat well over 2500 no joke!!

    You've having cravings because you aren't eating enough.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    Why do you let your kids eat what you wouldn't want to eat yourself?
    Because they're different people with different nutritional likes, desires, and needs?

    This person cracks me up every time.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited October 2015
    My calorie intake is low because of the lack of hunger and appetite due too my medication that I'm on for my pcos I'm trying really hard

    If you are having cravings you are hungry. You don't lack an appetite.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    900 calories a day. unless there is some medical reason you haven't mentioned, why?
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member

    Just done that hi135 :)
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    edited October 2015
    Your kids will grow in to adults with the same problems if you keep them in the house. Purge them along with the rest of the unhealthy tempting stuff from your house completely. Keep freshly washed and portioned apple slices, grapes, celery&peanut butter, etc....for your kids to snack on instead of crisps. They may temporarily get mad at you, but when they grow up to become adults that do not struggle as much with unhealthy food cravings as the rest of the population, they will thank you for it later.
    More likely, they'll simply be incapable of exercising moderation and discretion in a world that you can't bubble wrap for them because they never developed those abilities.

    Even if a child falls prey to illnesses caused by overconsumption of processed food later due to poor personal choices, that child probably won't develop Type 2 diabetes, NAFLD, and obesity from a bad diet starting in childhood. Which will probably translate to a longer, healthier life regardless.

    Also a child raised eating fresh produce will associate fresh produce with food. A child raised eating out of a box might not.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    edited October 2015
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    Your kids will grow in to adults with the same problems if you keep them in the house. Purge them along with the rest of the unhealthy tempting stuff from your house completely. Keep freshly washed and portioned apple slices, grapes, celery&peanut butter, etc....for your kids to snack on instead of crisps. They may temporarily get mad at you, but when they grow up to become adults that do not struggle as much with unhealthy food cravings as the rest of the population, they will thank you for it later.
    More likely, they'll simply be incapable of exercising moderation and discretion in a world that you can't bubble wrap for them because they never developed those abilities.

    Even if a child falls prey to illnesses caused by overconsumption of processed food later due to poor personal choices, that child probably won't develop Type 2 diabetes, NAFLD, and obesity from a bad diet starting in childhood. Which will probably translate to a longer, healthier life regardless.

    And my kids won't develop Type 2 diabetes, NAFLD, and obesity from a bad diet starting in childhood, despite having access to chips, cookies, and Dr Pepper.

    They know I got gigantic by making poor food choices. They know I got slim by making better ones. They actually know what those choices were and why they were effective. They've seen the effect of eating a lot of lean meat and grilled vegetables, but also eating ice cream and peach cobbler and corn chips.

    Compared to a kid who's only dealt with celery and apples, I'm going to say my kids are better prepared to live in a world that will offer them more than celery and apples. (No, I don't literally mean only celery and apples, I'm using the examples from the post to which I responded.) Maybe they'll mess up anyway but, as with finances, it won't be because I hid from them how the real world works.
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    Also a child raised eating fresh produce will associate fresh produce with food. A child raised eating out of a box might not.
    Because the only options are "only fresh produce" and "only food from a box," amirite?
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    Why do people always get into summin wen
    No need the question was about myself not my kids or anyone else's kids!!!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Why do people always get into summin wen
    No need the question was about myself not my kids or anyone else's kids!!!

    Because once a conversation starts, sometimes it goes beyond where it began.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Why do people always get into summin wen
    No need the question was about myself not my kids or anyone else's kids!!!
    You wrote, "But I don't want too touch them my kids eat them around me and so much temptation !!!!"
  • candygibbons26
    candygibbons26 Posts: 138 Member
    Yeah but the question was still
    About me no need too get into it about kids if I wanted opinion about kids I would of asked how do I stop myself getting temptation from my kids
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    Your calorie intake is way too low. Have some crisps.

    half bag or the whole bag?

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Yeah but the question was still
    About me no need too get into it about kids if I wanted opinion about kids I would of asked how do I stop myself getting temptation from my kids

    You did ask that: You said that "my kids eat them around me and so much temptation." You then asked for help in how to manage it. One solution (not necessarily the best one) is to not let foods into your home (and the diets of your children) if you consider them inappropriate for your goals and your own health.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Why not just have a serving in moderation?
    How do you do that and not gobble them all up.

    Didn't finish reading so someone may have already suggested this--buy a single serving bag?
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    More likely, they'll simply be incapable of exercising moderation and discretion in a world that you can't bubble wrap for them because they never developed those abilities.

    I politely disagree. If they develop a taste for healthy foods as kids, they will carry those healthy habits into their adulthood.


    I realize it's not the main topic of the post, but I can agree with both Optimistical's and Deguello Tex's statements here.

    I have a 2-year-old who prefers apple slices and broccoli over french fries and potato chips because that's what he's used to and because he likes to have what mom and dad are having. Do I (and to a greater extent, his grandparents) give him treats like juice and chocolate bars sometimes--you bet! But it's not a part of his regular diet because I want to give him better options. Childhood obesity is a major problem (even within my own family), but it doesn't have to be all or nothing. The goal is to help him make better choices than I made.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    edited October 2015
    The goal is to help him make better choices than I made.
    Yes. And he can't really make choices unless he has options in different categories. "I choose the apple over the Oreo" would be a choice. "What's an Oreo?," not so much of a choice.