50 pounds to lose


2010 is already half way over!! I want to lose 50 pounds by Christmas and would like to start a group with others who have similar goals and could use as much motivation as I could right now. Starting day is tomorrrow -Monday 6/21. Please post your starting weight and goal and a little about yourself.

I was at 140 pounds a year ago and have gained 40 pounds in 12 months. I miss that girl that was happy, spunky and confident. I want her back in time for the holidays this year. Last Christmas I was so embarressed with my weight gain that I avoided several get togethers. Last summer I was wearing halter tops and sun dresses, this summer I want to cover up as much as possible and hide. 8 years ago when I left my ex husband, I lost 100 pounds all on my own-- and I had kept it off until last year. Some stressful things happened in my life and I fell into a bit of a depression and just kind of gave up on myself. Its time for me to snap out of it and move forward. I deserve better than what I have been giving or rather not giving myself for the past year.



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    You're still young and the weight will come off sooooo much easier now than if you'd waited and let more come back. Glad you got back in the game.

    You took off 100 pounds already-- you know the deal. Eat right. Get your butt moving in exercise. You can do this!!
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    I agree with Marla, you know what it takes! You've had some struggles but you can do it, I think you have a good plan established. Good luck and may you meet your Christmas goal!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Blondeambition.

    I too would like to lose 50 pounds or so by Christmas this year. I'll weigh in tomorrow (although today waws my weigh day - but just to keep it level, I'll do ity again tomorrow.

    Take care x
  • michaelsdavies
    michaelsdavies Posts: 47 Member
    Just keep at it! It's easy to justify cheating but try to keep your head on the bigger picture :) I've lost 65lbs now, since Feb. Good luck!
  • ArmyWife815
    I suffer with bouts of depression and have used food as my "anti depressant" over the years. I don't have to tell you what the end result of that was. So if you need help to deal with your depression and stress please let your health care provider know.

    You have come to the right place for love and support. You successfully lost 100 pound so you have to tools to lose this 50. Sometimes we fall down but we can get back up!! Best wishes in losing the 50 pounds. You are in the right place for motivation and support.

    Take care of yourself.
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    :flowerforyou: Welcome :flowerforyou:

    This is a great place to visit and talk with people that can help motivate you to lose weight. We all know what stress can do to our bodies and we all understand what you're going thru. We're all in this together.
  • Sillybunni
    Sillybunni Posts: 61 Member
    I'll play. I still need to lose about 40 pounds. I never set a goal date though and I've lost 11 measly pounds this year. I need some motivation!

    SW: 190
    CW: 190
    GW: 150
  • blondeambition
    {Just keep at it! It's easy to justify cheating but try to keep your head on the bigger picture :) I've lost 65lbs now, since Feb. Good luck! }

    Wow! 65 pounds since Feb is amazing-way to go!!!
  • blondeambition
    I'll play. I still need to lose about 40 pounds. I never set a goal date though and I've lost 11 measly pounds this year. I need some motivation!

    SW: 190
    CW: 190
    GW: 150

    You've lost 11 more pounds than I have so far this year, so you've got a good start! I know that I do much better when I set goal dates. I feel like it gives me something to aim for and keeps me more accountable. We can do this.
  • blondeambition
    I suffer with bouts of depression and have used food as my "anti depressant" over the years. I don't have to tell you what the end result of that was. So if you need help to deal with your depression and stress please let your health care provider know.

    You have come to the right place for love and support. You successfully lost 100 pound so you have to tools to lose this 50. Sometimes we fall down but we can get back up!! Best wishes in losing the 50 pounds. You are in the right place for motivation and support.

    Take care of yourself.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    I am in the same boat! I don't know if it realistic for me to believe that I can lose 50 pounds, but I really want to. I have great support in my husband but we travel on the weekends a lot to our parents houses and it is so hard with eating out and eating our mom's home cooked meals to stay under our goals. Today I wanted to give up. My toddler is sick, I was up all night, and I wanted to just get cheeseburgers for lunch after eating poorly yesterday. My husband made me a delicious grilled chicken salad instead. I hope I don't give up. I need to do this!! Good luck to you as well!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    This would be perfect for me! I would LOVE to lose 50 by Christmas!

    I will weigh in tomorrow morning!! This is perfect. Thank you!
  • blondeambition
    I am in the same boat! I don't know if it realistic for me to believe that I can lose 50 pounds, but I really want to. I have great support in my husband but we travel on the weekends a lot to our parents houses and it is so hard with eating out and eating our mom's home cooked meals to stay under our goals. Today I wanted to give up. My toddler is sick, I was up all night, and I wanted to just get cheeseburgers for lunch after eating poorly yesterday. My husband made me a delicious grilled chicken salad instead. I hope I don't give up. I need to do this!! Good luck to you as well!!

    Well, there are 28 weeks until Christmas so that will work out to be a little under 2 pounds per week. I think we can do it!! And even if we only make it to 40 thats still 40 less pounds, right?!! Weekends always have been my biggest challenge too. I do good all week long and I get to Friday and my mind suddenly thinks "hey, its the weekend lets eat!" I have to get myself back into the mindset I was in back when I was at goal. I allowed myself a treat or a meal out, not an entire weekend of bad eating and I got right back on track.It is awesome that your husband is supportive, that will definitely help you in your journey. Hopefully we can help each other as well!!
  • blondeambition
    This would be perfect for me! I would LOVE to lose 50 by Christmas!

    I will weigh in tomorrow morning!! This is perfect. Thank you!

    Glad you are joining in! It is great to have other people to share the frustrations, motivation, support, and successes with.
    I love your rewards ideas, I was considering coming up with some myself.
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    I am in the same boat! I don't know if it realistic for me to believe that I can lose 50 pounds, but I really want to. I have great support in my husband but we travel on the weekends a lot to our parents houses and it is so hard with eating out and eating our mom's home cooked meals to stay under our goals. Today I wanted to give up. My toddler is sick, I was up all night, and I wanted to just get cheeseburgers for lunch after eating poorly yesterday. My husband made me a delicious grilled chicken salad instead. I hope I don't give up. I need to do this!! Good luck to you as well!!

    Well, there are 28 weeks until Christmas so that will work out to be a little under 2 pounds per week. I think we can do it!! And even if we only make it to 40 thats still 40 less pounds, right?!! Weekends always have been my biggest challenge too. I do good all week long and I get to Friday and my mind suddenly thinks "hey, its the weekend lets eat!" I have to get myself back into the mindset I was in back when I was at goal. I allowed myself a treat or a meal out, not an entire weekend of bad eating and I got right back on track.It is awesome that your husband is supportive, that will definitely help you in your journey. Hopefully we can help each other as well!!

    This site and the people on it are awesome! I have wanted to lose weight before but never had the knowledge and the motivation of how to do it. I am disgusted by some of the things that I used to eat after I found out how many calories and fat are in them from this site. It will motivate me if I hear you all are doing a good job, too!
  • hawkeye14
    hawkeye14 Posts: 12
    Sign me up too! So much easier with help and encouragement!
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    I'm in as well!!!!

    I too have lost 100 lbs and then plateaued and yo-yoed back and forth. Since Feb of this year, I have lost 18.6 lbs and have refocused and rededicated myself to making working out a priority and to keep eating healthy foods.

    I haven't yet decided my "final goal" weight. I'm thinking 30-35 lbs? I'm barely 5'2" and according the the BMI, my healthy range is 101-136. I'm latina and I have hips and boobs so I don't think 101 is gonna happen for me (nor do I WANT to be that tiny -- I want to keep SOME curves :-)

    I started my journey at 265 lbs.
    I got down to 152 (I was having some issues with my lap band)
    I went back up to 184.
    I had been "stuck" in the mid 160s- to mid 170s for MONTHS!
    Now I'm at 162.
    I'd like to be around 130-135.

    Let's DO this!!!! I need the accountabily and support. And ideas would be great too. YAY! I'm excited :-)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just weighed in at 185 pounds. I would love to be 140 by Christmas, ideally 135.

    Good luck to us all xx
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    The thing I love about your post and others on this topic is that you've set a realistic goal. In December last year I was 47lb heavier than I am now and it did take me around 5/6 months to lose it all.

    This website and the community on it were key to my downward weight loss. I had my diary private for most of that because I wanted to be 100% honest with myself and I couldn't do that when I thought people were looking.

    The best piece of advice I can give you is that you MUST go into this as a "Lifestyle Change" and not a diet. Diets will come and go but a change of lifestyle will make sure the weight comes off and stays off.

    I have learnt so much over the last few months that I honestly can't see me ever going back to how I was. Add me as a friend if you need support from someone who has got through what you're about to start :flowerforyou:
  • blondeambition
    The thing I love about your post and others on this topic is that you've set a realistic goal. In December last year I was 47lb heavier than I am now and it did take me around 5/6 months to lose it all.

    This website and the community on it were key to my downward weight loss. I had my diary private for most of that because I wanted to be 100% honest with myself and I couldn't do that when I thought people were looking.

    The best piece of advice I can give you is that you MUST go into this as a "Lifestyle Change" and not a diet. Diets will come and go but a change of lifestyle will make sure the weight comes off and stays off.

    I have learnt so much over the last few months that I honestly can't see me ever going back to how I was. Add me as a friend if you need support from someone who has got through what you're about to start :flowerforyou:

    I never thought I would gain any weight back either. Honestly when I hit my goal-diet and workout had become such an obsession for me that I wouldn't even go 10 calories over for fear I might gain. I think that might just be part of my problem- I tend to be all or nothing when it comes to these things. I need to really focus as you said on making this a lifestyle and learning to forgive myself and move forward rather than seeing slip ups as an excuse to throw in the towel.