Tried Squats now my hip aches



  • reisbaron
    reisbaron Posts: 30 Member
    Start with small sets with the empty bar, no more than 3 reps per set. It's not about pushing the limits of what you can do, but setting proper movement patterns with lighter weight so when you are eventually (not now) ready for challenging loads your movement and form will not suffer, and chance of injury will be low. Each workout increase by 5 lbs. and do either 5x3 or 5x5 once you get more comfort under the bar. There is no such thing as starting too slow. This is a movement people should be doing well into their old age to preserve full range of motion, significant muscle mass and bone density. So work slowly into loads that will build more strength. But now it's all about movement.

    A site that has saved me thousands on physio and doctor appts for things like nagging hip and knee pain is Mobility WOD. Hundreds of free videos on doing simple maintenance exercises to avoid injury and maximize the potential of your movement. Sounds like you just need to work your hip capsule to get rid of this (where your butt meets your femur). Look up "hip" in the search and there are tons of exercises that have kept me in the gym and out of the physio office. The most equipment you will need to do the majority of the exercises on this site is a $2 lacrosse ball and a $5 jump stretch band. It's an absolute life saver.
  • toughmudderMN
    toughmudderMN Posts: 129 Member
    Google Hip flexor stretches.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited February 2016
    Crap I screwed up on my profile lol. No I am s 54 male. Can't sem to change my mistake.

    The pain is mostly on the back side at the top where the ball and socket is. Then it goes over my thigh below the groin area. Now painfulful to lift my leg to put on pants. Better each day though.

    To much too fast is probably right. Guess because i could leg press slighly more then her so we thought i could handle it. Do i need to go that low? Could something of rotated too much? What about sticking to just the leg press and lunges.

    If you're 54 (or really any age for that matter) should probably do an assessment to make sure you have the mobility to squat properly before even putting an empty bar on your back. Find a trainer or physical therapist that can assess you.

    Lots of articles/videos out there, although having a pro watch is a better idea. Here is a sample.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I've found this set of warmups to be particularly effective at helping me to open up my hips and gain flexibility for squats... ymmv.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    I've found this set of warmups to be particularly effective at helping me to open up my hips and gain flexibility for squats... ymmv.

    Good stuff. Joe DeFranco put out an update recently, The Limber 11
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I like limber 11 as well, but finds that it takes up too much of my time. The 8 is helpful and takes up less time for me. But then again, I do dedicated mobility work on non lifting days as part of my active recovery so I don't worry about that too much.
  • nightbird1103
    nightbird1103 Posts: 34 Member
    I think you went too heavy too soon also. Squatting isn't as simple as it sounds. Were you doing back or front squats? Both require a level of mobility. I find front squats particularly challenging and typically can't move as much weight as the back squat. Front squats require lots of mobility particularly to get your elbows up without tipping forward. I wouldn't recommend *kitten* to grass with weight. Below parallel is sufficient. If they have big med balls in this gym, you can put one behind you to serve as your stopper :)
    Stretch, be sure to warm up next time and use the bar only. And if that's too heavy, use a kettlebell or large dumbbell to do goblet squats like packerjohn suggested until you're comfortable with the movement.

    Good for you for getting in the gym! Keep at it!
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited February 2016
    I like limber 11 as well, but finds that it takes up too much of my time. The 8 is helpful and takes up less time for me. But then again, I do dedicated mobility work on non lifting days as part of my active recovery so I don't worry about that too much.

    Lol. You must move like a ninja. I'm so screwed up I do mobility in the mornings and lift with a bit of cardio at night.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    It's OK if your girlfriend squats more than you, btw. She's been training longer. Don't try to keep up with her progress.
  • OrdinaryDude300
    OrdinaryDude300 Posts: 51 Member
    They are back squats I am doing. I just tried the front squat just to see what it was like. Same when I tired the 135. It was already there after the GF set so it tempted me lol. Two reps was enough and I knew I was not doing them right and was done. I am sticking with 95, 105. Still doing some goblet squats too.
    Most of the time I am staying on my heals. I admit I got towards my toes when my knees came in on 135. I just go a little past parallel. I had another person who was doing squats so nicely take a look at mine and the GF. Said my form at 95 pounds was pretty good. My back was a bit angled too much forward.

    Yup I am guilty of neglecting legs for too long and seeing the result of. I noticed I am not alone in the gym this way. Seriously there are a good chunk of men I never see doing legs at all. At least I am now lol. I noticed there are almost as many girls in the squat rack as men but 8 to 10 men in the free weight section for every woman. I rarely see a women attempt a bench press in that section though which is fine. I got my GF doing some BP. She was really intimidated by it because she has no strength on this one but since she got me in the squat rack shes doing the bench. :)

    I had an assessment. I don't see the physiotherapist any more. My hips activate much better. Not getting the soreness at the the moment. Spent one group training session but he did not take the group to the squat rack.
  • OrdinaryDude300
    OrdinaryDude300 Posts: 51 Member
    oh, even though my right hip has the issue my right leg is stronger then my left. Go figure. Still is but the left is catching up.