Any of you having this problem?



  • lthur714
    lthur714 Posts: 105 Member
    I think 15 lbs sounds amazing!!! It's really the end goal that matters so don't judge your journey against your friends...It took me 1 1/2 YEARS to lose 40 lbs, but I know that this is a lifestyle change! It doesn't matter when you reach your goal, but just that you continue. So congrats on your weight loss journey!! You have already come so far!!

    I am beginning to think it will also take me that long. But, that is okay....this is for nobody but me and I'm not doing anything else anyway! Thanks for your post. It means a lot.
  • lthur714
    lthur714 Posts: 105 Member
    acheben wrote: »
    15lbs in 16 weeks is great! Keep up the great work @lthur714!

  • lthur714
    lthur714 Posts: 105 Member
    Are you just focusing on just your "weight"? Non-Scale Victories (NSVs) are another thing to look at. Body fat percentage, body measurements, blood pressure and resting heart rate are all tangible and measurable. Sometimes the NSVs are way MORE encouraging than dropping a pound or two. Not losing any weight but dropping an inch off your waist or thighs, I would take that trade any day of the week. Any improvements in physical activity (increased speed, more reps, increased weigh for weight training) are other signs of getting in better shape.

    Don't do yourself the disservice of short changing your progress. I have to agree with the others, 15 pounds is nothing to frown at. Congrats.

    Thanks tryin2die2self....I know the NSVs are better. Clothes fit (and look better). Part of the reason for doing this was that I have a heart stent and wanted to drop some to help the heart not work so hard. To be honest, I do not bring out the tape measure even though I know I've lost some. Only problem with losing fat is that I get so COLD now since a lot of my belly is gone now. When I get to my goal weight, I'll be as cold as a popsicle all day long (but worth it!).