Fiber - Flax / Chia



  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    My calorie goals is 1310. My diary is open to my friends, so add me if you want to have a look at it. Some fruit I can't have due to allergies, and I don't eat fruit by itself because I find it makes me more hungry, so if I do have it, I try to pair it with protein, like cottage cheese or a boiled egg.
  • Tblackdogs
    Tblackdogs Posts: 324 Member
    I don't know anything about chia seeds but I've been eating ground flaxseed for years now. A doctor friend of mine told me that he thought that they were a wonder food! The Omega 3s are awesome for me because I don't eat much fish. They are a great source of fiber and they are full of antioxidants. They've also kept my cholesterol very low! Fortunately flaxseed is either tasteless or nutty depending on how you eat it. I buy it whole, grind the whole bag, store it in tupperware in my freezer. I use two tablespoons most days in cereal, oatmeal or smoothies. It's o.k in yogurt but two tablespoons is too much for one serving of yogurt! I've also recently been eating it with vanilla ice-cream. Maybe not a consistency for everyone but I like it! Give flaxseed a try. It's really good for you!
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    I enjoy flax and chia seeds and add one, the other or both to my Greek yogurt. I also like using hemp hearts as a healthy fat.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    What little reading I've done says that flax should be ground because we can't digest all the good stuff if the "shell" is still on the seed.

    I'm hoping this is going to help with constipation (sorry if that's TMI). I've noticed that in order to stay within my calorie goal, I've pretty much cut out major sources of fiber, like fruit. I still have lots of vegetables, but I don't think I get enough fiber from them. I'm upping my water intake as well.

    Do you all think the flax will help, or will it make it worse?

    Just chew it. Possibly I am weird, but I love the taste of flax seeds.