Cutting out soda



  • kacotugno86
    kacotugno86 Posts: 35 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    So it's been a week and I've lost 4 and half pounds! Can't even believe the effect sugar had on my life!!!! Wow.

    It wasn't the sugar - it was the calories that were keeping you at that weight. You've cut your calories down, that's why you're losing weight. Sugar doesn't have any negative effects on you.
    If you enjoy soda and want to drink one occasionally and still avoid the calories, have a diet soda. There's nothing wrong with doing that.

    I'm not a fan of diet soda it taste funny to me. I don't really feel bad about missing out on soda, if I feel like I need some I will have a cup. I'm not going to cut it out forever. Everything in moderation. Right now I'm happy drinking my water and crystal light. Maybe if I go out to eat or something. :) thanks everyone
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 611 Member
    I have a love-hate triangle... maybe more of a trapezoid... affair with soda. I love it, but my digestion and weight hates it. Mainly because I have a really difficult time regulating my intake.

    Reset a strict limit for myself 3-1/2 weeks ago. Only soda allowed is in mixed drinks; I go out for drinks maybe 2 times a month. Had 2 cans of coke for 3 rum and cokes this weekend, which was the first in 3 weeks. Back on the straight and narrow the following day.

    May have to restrict it further for myself (good thing I like bourbon on the rocks). We'll see.