Gym etiquette question



  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited October 2015
    DavPul wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

    I had the opportunity to workout in one of the more famous gyms in the US, home to a Mr Olympia winner, and other high level athletes. There wasn't a spray bottle or wet wipe in sight. There was group of EMTs working out when I was in there. These trained medical professionals didn't seem to be concerned about germs in there.

    There was a study released recently in my health region where only 70-odd percent of "trained medical professionals" in hospitals bothered to wash their hands, so I'd maybe not be taking my cues even from them. Ew.

    It might not help, but it certainly isn't taking more than 10 seconds out of your day, so I really can't understand why anyone would be resistant to it. Of course, I realize that a lot of people just don't care, so I'm that person who gets a fresh wipe for every machine and wipes it BEFORE I use it as well as after because I don't trust people. It's not the sweat that I'm worried about, personally, but other people's potentially unwashed hands on stuff.

    I bartended my way through university and I know a) how fast illness spreads when a lot of people are touching the same stuff and b) washing one's hands is really the only thing that helps, but wiping down stuff I touch in the gym is still better than otherwise because of how many people DON'T wash their hands, so...

    So even doctors think it's overhyped BS and can't be bothered but you know better?

    It's not overhyped, there's definitely a body of evidence to support hand washing. Take a look at hospital infections pre-Semmelweis somehow I think you'd rather not go back to that. How do you think infections in hospitals are spread? Because staff is too lazy to wash their hands. It's definitely in the patients interest for hands to be washed by staff. Are you saying you'd rather your nurses and doctors not bother washing their hands after they were just next door with a patient who had MRSA? Or Cdiff?

    I'm saying what I said before and what I've always said. People are incredibly overly concerned about germs these days. When people won't touch a workout bench or a shopping cart without wiping it down with an antibacterial wipe first I wonder how they plan to live in a world filled with other humans. Recently I dated a girl that wiped down movie seats with wipes that she carried. The....romantic time with her was AWFUL, but what would I expect from a germophobe?

    Hospital infections ain't gym infections. Once the pandemic starts I guess I'll change my tune. Too bad the pandemic will be from a mutated strain that's antibiotic resistant thanks to all the people spraying chemicals on every damned thing. Nothing like insisting on buying organic food and then putting it in a shopping cart that you just coated with poison.

    a little tmi re your date but LOL and sorry and lol again, haha

    the big scary pandemic is one thing, but there are a lot of more ordinary, still dangerous complicating infections that older people and bebes don't have to get when they go to hospitals, that they do often get, that could be prevented by routine handwashing by staff.

    as far as our failure to train up our immune systems bc antibacterial everything everywhere, yeah agree with that.

    i do wish more people wiped equipment after using it at my gym, there are sweat pools, and they're gross. (i also really REALLY wish we didn't have co-ed bathrooms. there are a lot of young dudes, at my gym, and they are not tidy. i leave the disgusting outcomes, which are often discovered in surprising places, to people's imaginations. actually to be fair, i think it's just this one guy.)
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,325 Member
    defatify wrote: »
    I feel silly even asking because I've been going to the gym for a long time and can't figure it out. If I've been doing it wrong this whole time I'm going to feel bad.

    When wiping down the machines after using them, is it acceptable to spray a towel with disinfectant and carry it from machine to machine, or should I get a new paper towel from the station across the gym floor after every machine, or go get the spray bottle and spray directly on the machine then wipe it off? I've done all of those, but in favor of saving a bit of time and to make sure nobody uses the machine while it's still sweaty and I'm off looking for spray and towels, I just usually carry my damp towel with me. I've googled this, but haven't found a specific answer. Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong.

    What you are doing is just fine.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    edited October 2015
    DavPul wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

    I had the opportunity to workout in one of the more famous gyms in the US, home to a Mr Olympia winner, and other high level athletes. There wasn't a spray bottle or wet wipe in sight. There was group of EMTs working out when I was in there. These trained medical professionals didn't seem to be concerned about germs in there.

    There was a study released recently in my health region where only 70-odd percent of "trained medical professionals" in hospitals bothered to wash their hands, so I'd maybe not be taking my cues even from them. Ew.

    It might not help, but it certainly isn't taking more than 10 seconds out of your day, so I really can't understand why anyone would be resistant to it. Of course, I realize that a lot of people just don't care, so I'm that person who gets a fresh wipe for every machine and wipes it BEFORE I use it as well as after because I don't trust people. It's not the sweat that I'm worried about, personally, but other people's potentially unwashed hands on stuff.

    I bartended my way through university and I know a) how fast illness spreads when a lot of people are touching the same stuff and b) washing one's hands is really the only thing that helps, but wiping down stuff I touch in the gym is still better than otherwise because of how many people DON'T wash their hands, so...

    So even doctors think it's overhyped BS and can't be bothered but you know better?

    If that's what you get from that, I can't help you.

    ETA: Coincidentally, I just found this on a national news site....

    Packerjohn wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

    I had the opportunity to workout in one of the more famous gyms in the US, home to a Mr Olympia winner, and other high level athletes. There wasn't a spray bottle or wet wipe in sight. There was group of EMTs working out when I was in there. These trained medical professionals didn't seem to be concerned about germs in there.

    There was a study released recently in my health region where only 70-odd percent of "trained medical professionals" in hospitals bothered to wash their hands, so I'd maybe not be taking my cues even from them. Ew.

    It might not help, but it certainly isn't taking more than 10 seconds out of your day, so I really can't understand why anyone would be resistant to it. Of course, I realize that a lot of people just don't care, so I'm that person who gets a fresh wipe for every machine and wipes it BEFORE I use it as well as after because I don't trust people. It's not the sweat that I'm worried about, personally, but other people's potentially unwashed hands on stuff.

    I bartended my way through university and I know a) how fast illness spreads when a lot of people are touching the same stuff and b) washing one's hands is really the only thing that helps, but wiping down stuff I touch in the gym is still better than otherwise because of how many people DON'T wash their hands, so...

    Just curious, what do you do with the stylus or key pad on the credit/debit card machine at the pharmacy pick-up counter?

    I haven't been to a pharmacy in years as I don't take any prescriptions, but if I did I suppose I would just wash my hands as soon as practical (when I've returned home or back to the office). I doubt that the pharmacy's machine would be much worse than anywhere else, though, as it's unlikely all or most people at the pharmacy are there for a contagious illness. I will admit I have enjoyed the "tap" function since it became popular, though, as well.

    I understand perfectly well that everything is germy and most of the time it's healthy not to get too crazy with the anti-bac - no one wants superbugs - but when I worked in a restaurant bar and was constantly having to touch other people's cutlery, glassware, etc., I had coughs and colds very frequently. That completely stopped once I had an office job and wasn't in so much contact with that kind of thing. When I started going to the gym, I picked up two colds pretty well back-to-back, and in the absence of anything else in my routine changing, I started to be a lot more cautious about cleaning stuff, and now, again, it's been ages since I've had so much as a sniffle. It makes a difference for me, so I do it. If it doesn't for you, fine, but that's why I wipe stuff down before use.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

  • Full0fWin
    Full0fWin Posts: 16 Member
    I would have replied sooner, but I had to wait for my keyboard to finish a cycle in the ionic cleaner
  • ScubaSteve1962
    ScubaSteve1962 Posts: 612 Member
    I've been working out off and on over 30 years, as far as I can remember the "please wipe down equipment" signs have always been up, only the method has changed. It's just common courtesy, but I guess some folks never learned that.
  • KellieTru
    KellieTru Posts: 285 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    Yeah, I want people to wipe down just because I don't want to sit in a pool of someone else's sweat. Ick.

    It has nothing to do with killing germs. The stuff they provide isn't strong enough to really help with that anyway given it's a spray and immediate swipe. It'd have to sit for a bit to help.

  • southhamptonmike
    southhamptonmike Posts: 61 Member
    I always bring a towel with me. I look around and no one uses a towel anymore. If you workout and sweat , then put a towel between you and the bench; if you use cardio equiptment, wipe it down when finished. Also, please rerack your weights when finished and everyone can have a pleasant day.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    People not reracking, and the staff not doing it at the end of the day either, is my pet peeve.
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

    I had the opportunity to workout in one of the more famous gyms in the US, home to a Mr Olympia winner, and other high level athletes. There wasn't a spray bottle or wet wipe in sight. There was group of EMTs working out when I was in there. These trained medical professionals didn't seem to be concerned about germs in there.

    There was a study released recently in my health region where only 70-odd percent of "trained medical professionals" in hospitals bothered to wash their hands, so I'd maybe not be taking my cues even from them. Ew.

    It might not help, but it certainly isn't taking more than 10 seconds out of your day, so I really can't understand why anyone would be resistant to it. Of course, I realize that a lot of people just don't care, so I'm that person who gets a fresh wipe for every machine and wipes it BEFORE I use it as well as after because I don't trust people. It's not the sweat that I'm worried about, personally, but other people's potentially unwashed hands on stuff.

    I bartended my way through university and I know a) how fast illness spreads when a lot of people are touching the same stuff and b) washing one's hands is really the only thing that helps, but wiping down stuff I touch in the gym is still better than otherwise because of how many people DON'T wash their hands, so...

    So even doctors think it's overhyped BS and can't be bothered but you know better?

    It's not overhyped, there's definitely a body of evidence to support hand washing. Take a look at hospital infections pre-Semmelweis somehow I think you'd rather not go back to that. How do you think infections in hospitals are spread? Because staff is too lazy to wash their hands. It's definitely in the patients interest for hands to be washed by staff. Are you saying you'd rather your nurses and doctors not bother washing their hands after they were just next door with a patient who had MRSA? Or Cdiff?

    I'm saying what I said before and what I've always said. People are incredibly overly concerned about germs these days. When people won't touch a workout bench or a shopping cart without wiping it down with an antibacterial wipe first I wonder how they plan to live in a world filled with other humans. Recently I dated a girl that wiped down movie seats with wipes that she carried. The....romantic time with her was AWFUL, but what would I expect from a germophobe?

    Hospital infections ain't gym infections. Once the pandemic starts I guess I'll change my tune. Too bad the pandemic will be from a mutated strain that's antibiotic resistant thanks to all the people spraying chemicals on every damned thing. Nothing like insisting on buying organic food and then putting it in a shopping cart that you just coated with poison.

    Okay Dr. DavPaul lol. I think you are confusing sterilizing with cleaning though. I personally am not for sterilizing which I am sure no gym cleaner is a sterilizer anyways. However plenty of things can be spread by people not washing their hands like cold and flu.

    (Btw when I leave work and don't wash my hands because according to you I shouldn't be concerned, what germs do you think I'm bringing to the gym? Hospital germs...)
    DavPul wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

    I had the opportunity to workout in one of the more famous gyms in the US, home to a Mr Olympia winner, and other high level athletes. There wasn't a spray bottle or wet wipe in sight. There was group of EMTs working out when I was in there. These trained medical professionals didn't seem to be concerned about germs in there.

    There was a study released recently in my health region where only 70-odd percent of "trained medical professionals" in hospitals bothered to wash their hands, so I'd maybe not be taking my cues even from them. Ew.

    It might not help, but it certainly isn't taking more than 10 seconds out of your day, so I really can't understand why anyone would be resistant to it. Of course, I realize that a lot of people just don't care, so I'm that person who gets a fresh wipe for every machine and wipes it BEFORE I use it as well as after because I don't trust people. It's not the sweat that I'm worried about, personally, but other people's potentially unwashed hands on stuff.

    I bartended my way through university and I know a) how fast illness spreads when a lot of people are touching the same stuff and b) washing one's hands is really the only thing that helps, but wiping down stuff I touch in the gym is still better than otherwise because of how many people DON'T wash their hands, so...

    So even doctors think it's overhyped BS and can't be bothered but you know better?

    It's not overhyped, there's definitely a body of evidence to support hand washing. Take a look at hospital infections pre-Semmelweis somehow I think you'd rather not go back to that. How do you think infections in hospitals are spread? Because staff is too lazy to wash their hands. It's definitely in the patients interest for hands to be washed by staff. Are you saying you'd rather your nurses and doctors not bother washing their hands after they were just next door with a patient who had MRSA? Or Cdiff?

    I'm saying what I said before and what I've always said. People are incredibly overly concerned about germs these days. When people won't touch a workout bench or a shopping cart without wiping it down with an antibacterial wipe first I wonder how they plan to live in a world filled with other humans. Recently I dated a girl that wiped down movie seats with wipes that she carried. The....romantic time with her was AWFUL, but what would I expect from a germophobe?

    Hospital infections ain't gym infections. Once the pandemic starts I guess I'll change my tune. Too bad the pandemic will be from a mutated strain that's antibiotic resistant thanks to all the people spraying chemicals on every damned thing. Nothing like insisting on buying organic food and then putting it in a shopping cart that you just coated with poison.

    I don't think anyone thinks they are sterilizing equipment lol. And washing hands and wiping down equipment could certainly help reduce transmission of things such as cold and flu (especially frigging hand washing...). Btw, I'm a nurse so according to you hand washing is overrated so what germs do you think I will bring I gym when I go after work if I don't wash my hands or change out of my shoes and scrubs? Gym germs or hospital germs. The flu kills quite a few people a year, but yeah it's possible you managed to miss that I guess.
    Each to their own. I'll keep washing my hands and cleaning the equipment before I use it because I don't want others people sweat and dirt on me, not because I think the gym wipes are sterilizing the equipment and I'll die of a pandemic bacterial infection if I don't.
  • rtp_slg52181
    rtp_slg52181 Posts: 73 Member
    I prefer to see people using a towel between them and the bench than people wiping with spray.
  • kuroshii
    kuroshii Posts: 168 Member
    I always bring a towel with me. I look around and no one uses a towel anymore. If you workout and sweat , then put a towel between you and the bench; if you use cardio equiptment, wipe it down when finished. Also, please rerack your weights when finished and everyone can have a pleasant day.

    YES. I always brought a towel with me and put it between me and the seat to catch any sweat, but then I haven't been to a gym since before the anti-bacterial craze took hold of the general populace.
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
    I spray disinfectant on the rag, wipe the machine down, use the machine, then spray more disinfectant on the rag and wipe the machine down again. I've seen too many people not wipe down the machine after they've used it.
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
    edited November 2015
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way.

    I agree; I think it's BS. Only noticed all this disinfectant-wiping become a "thing" at my gym in the past year or so. The chemicals aren't on the equipment long enough to kill anything anyways, and it's probably encouraging the growth of super-bugs. It's just a show.

    Ask Healthy Living: Do You Really Need To Clean Off Gym Equipment?

    tl;dr - Yes you do need to wipe them down.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    hekla90 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

    I had the opportunity to workout in one of the more famous gyms in the US, home to a Mr Olympia winner, and other high level athletes. There wasn't a spray bottle or wet wipe in sight. There was group of EMTs working out when I was in there. These trained medical professionals didn't seem to be concerned about germs in there.

    There was a study released recently in my health region where only 70-odd percent of "trained medical professionals" in hospitals bothered to wash their hands, so I'd maybe not be taking my cues even from them. Ew.

    It might not help, but it certainly isn't taking more than 10 seconds out of your day, so I really can't understand why anyone would be resistant to it. Of course, I realize that a lot of people just don't care, so I'm that person who gets a fresh wipe for every machine and wipes it BEFORE I use it as well as after because I don't trust people. It's not the sweat that I'm worried about, personally, but other people's potentially unwashed hands on stuff.

    I bartended my way through university and I know a) how fast illness spreads when a lot of people are touching the same stuff and b) washing one's hands is really the only thing that helps, but wiping down stuff I touch in the gym is still better than otherwise because of how many people DON'T wash their hands, so...

    So even doctors think it's overhyped BS and can't be bothered but you know better?

    It's not overhyped, there's definitely a body of evidence to support hand washing. Take a look at hospital infections pre-Semmelweis somehow I think you'd rather not go back to that. How do you think infections in hospitals are spread? Because staff is too lazy to wash their hands. It's definitely in the patients interest for hands to be washed by staff. Are you saying you'd rather your nurses and doctors not bother washing their hands after they were just next door with a patient who had MRSA? Or Cdiff?

    I'm saying what I said before and what I've always said. People are incredibly overly concerned about germs these days. When people won't touch a workout bench or a shopping cart without wiping it down with an antibacterial wipe first I wonder how they plan to live in a world filled with other humans. Recently I dated a girl that wiped down movie seats with wipes that she carried. The....romantic time with her was AWFUL, but what would I expect from a germophobe?

    Hospital infections ain't gym infections. Once the pandemic starts I guess I'll change my tune. Too bad the pandemic will be from a mutated strain that's antibiotic resistant thanks to all the people spraying chemicals on every damned thing. Nothing like insisting on buying organic food and then putting it in a shopping cart that you just coated with poison.

    Okay Dr. DavPaul lol. I think you are confusing sterilizing with cleaning though. I personally am not for sterilizing which I am sure no gym cleaner is a sterilizer anyways. However plenty of things can be spread by people not washing their hands like cold and flu.

    (Btw when I leave work and don't wash my hands because according to you I shouldn't be concerned, what germs do you think I'm bringing to the gym? Hospital germs...)
    DavPul wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

    I had the opportunity to workout in one of the more famous gyms in the US, home to a Mr Olympia winner, and other high level athletes. There wasn't a spray bottle or wet wipe in sight. There was group of EMTs working out when I was in there. These trained medical professionals didn't seem to be concerned about germs in there.

    There was a study released recently in my health region where only 70-odd percent of "trained medical professionals" in hospitals bothered to wash their hands, so I'd maybe not be taking my cues even from them. Ew.

    It might not help, but it certainly isn't taking more than 10 seconds out of your day, so I really can't understand why anyone would be resistant to it. Of course, I realize that a lot of people just don't care, so I'm that person who gets a fresh wipe for every machine and wipes it BEFORE I use it as well as after because I don't trust people. It's not the sweat that I'm worried about, personally, but other people's potentially unwashed hands on stuff.

    I bartended my way through university and I know a) how fast illness spreads when a lot of people are touching the same stuff and b) washing one's hands is really the only thing that helps, but wiping down stuff I touch in the gym is still better than otherwise because of how many people DON'T wash their hands, so...

    So even doctors think it's overhyped BS and can't be bothered but you know better?

    It's not overhyped, there's definitely a body of evidence to support hand washing. Take a look at hospital infections pre-Semmelweis somehow I think you'd rather not go back to that. How do you think infections in hospitals are spread? Because staff is too lazy to wash their hands. It's definitely in the patients interest for hands to be washed by staff. Are you saying you'd rather your nurses and doctors not bother washing their hands after they were just next door with a patient who had MRSA? Or Cdiff?

    I'm saying what I said before and what I've always said. People are incredibly overly concerned about germs these days. When people won't touch a workout bench or a shopping cart without wiping it down with an antibacterial wipe first I wonder how they plan to live in a world filled with other humans. Recently I dated a girl that wiped down movie seats with wipes that she carried. The....romantic time with her was AWFUL, but what would I expect from a germophobe?

    Hospital infections ain't gym infections. Once the pandemic starts I guess I'll change my tune. Too bad the pandemic will be from a mutated strain that's antibiotic resistant thanks to all the people spraying chemicals on every damned thing. Nothing like insisting on buying organic food and then putting it in a shopping cart that you just coated with poison.

    I don't think anyone thinks they are sterilizing equipment lol. And washing hands and wiping down equipment could certainly help reduce transmission of things such as cold and flu (especially frigging hand washing...). Btw, I'm a nurse so according to you hand washing is overrated so what germs do you think I will bring I gym when I go after work if I don't wash my hands or change out of my shoes and scrubs? Gym germs or hospital germs. The flu kills quite a few people a year, but yeah it's possible you managed to miss that I guess.
    Each to their own. I'll keep washing my hands and cleaning the equipment before I use it because I don't want others people sweat and dirt on me, not because I think the gym wipes are sterilizing the equipment and I'll die of a pandemic bacterial infection if I don't.

    The double quoting seems odd. Anyhoo, nurse hekla, if you're bringing the ebola virus into the gym because you're not washing your hands before you leave the hospital, and you're saying yourself that wiping equipment down doesn't kill it......

    Did I say somewhere that I didn't want hospital employees to wash their hands before they come to my gym? Next will you say that I'm anti bathroom hand washing too?
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

    I had the opportunity to workout in one of the more famous gyms in the US, home to a Mr Olympia winner, and other high level athletes. There wasn't a spray bottle or wet wipe in sight. There was group of EMTs working out when I was in there. These trained medical professionals didn't seem to be concerned about germs in there.

    There was a study released recently in my health region where only 70-odd percent of "trained medical professionals" in hospitals bothered to wash their hands, so I'd maybe not be taking my cues even from them. Ew.

    It might not help, but it certainly isn't taking more than 10 seconds out of your day, so I really can't understand why anyone would be resistant to it. Of course, I realize that a lot of people just don't care, so I'm that person who gets a fresh wipe for every machine and wipes it BEFORE I use it as well as after because I don't trust people. It's not the sweat that I'm worried about, personally, but other people's potentially unwashed hands on stuff.

    I bartended my way through university and I know a) how fast illness spreads when a lot of people are touching the same stuff and b) washing one's hands is really the only thing that helps, but wiping down stuff I touch in the gym is still better than otherwise because of how many people DON'T wash their hands, so...

    So even doctors think it's overhyped BS and can't be bothered but you know better?

    It's not overhyped, there's definitely a body of evidence to support hand washing. Take a look at hospital infections pre-Semmelweis somehow I think you'd rather not go back to that. How do you think infections in hospitals are spread? Because staff is too lazy to wash their hands. It's definitely in the patients interest for hands to be washed by staff. Are you saying you'd rather your nurses and doctors not bother washing their hands after they were just next door with a patient who had MRSA? Or Cdiff?

    I'm saying what I said before and what I've always said. People are incredibly overly concerned about germs these days. When people won't touch a workout bench or a shopping cart without wiping it down with an antibacterial wipe first I wonder how they plan to live in a world filled with other humans. Recently I dated a girl that wiped down movie seats with wipes that she carried. The....romantic time with her was AWFUL, but what would I expect from a germophobe?

    Hospital infections ain't gym infections. Once the pandemic starts I guess I'll change my tune. Too bad the pandemic will be from a mutated strain that's antibiotic resistant thanks to all the people spraying chemicals on every damned thing. Nothing like insisting on buying organic food and then putting it in a shopping cart that you just coated with poison.

    Okay Dr. DavPaul lol. I think you are confusing sterilizing with cleaning though. I personally am not for sterilizing which I am sure no gym cleaner is a sterilizer anyways. However plenty of things can be spread by people not washing their hands like cold and flu.

    (Btw when I leave work and don't wash my hands because according to you I shouldn't be concerned, what germs do you think I'm bringing to the gym? Hospital germs...)
    DavPul wrote: »
    hekla90 wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    DavPul wrote: »
    I don't care. The wiping down thing is so overdone that it's ridiculous. AFAIC, if you leave a noticeable sweat stain, wipe it off. If you don't, just get up and get out of my way. And now we're spraying and wiping down the free weights too?

    Did the pandemic begin and I just haven't noticed?

    I had the opportunity to workout in one of the more famous gyms in the US, home to a Mr Olympia winner, and other high level athletes. There wasn't a spray bottle or wet wipe in sight. There was group of EMTs working out when I was in there. These trained medical professionals didn't seem to be concerned about germs in there.

    There was a study released recently in my health region where only 70-odd percent of "trained medical professionals" in hospitals bothered to wash their hands, so I'd maybe not be taking my cues even from them. Ew.

    It might not help, but it certainly isn't taking more than 10 seconds out of your day, so I really can't understand why anyone would be resistant to it. Of course, I realize that a lot of people just don't care, so I'm that person who gets a fresh wipe for every machine and wipes it BEFORE I use it as well as after because I don't trust people. It's not the sweat that I'm worried about, personally, but other people's potentially unwashed hands on stuff.

    I bartended my way through university and I know a) how fast illness spreads when a lot of people are touching the same stuff and b) washing one's hands is really the only thing that helps, but wiping down stuff I touch in the gym is still better than otherwise because of how many people DON'T wash their hands, so...

    So even doctors think it's overhyped BS and can't be bothered but you know better?

    It's not overhyped, there's definitely a body of evidence to support hand washing. Take a look at hospital infections pre-Semmelweis somehow I think you'd rather not go back to that. How do you think infections in hospitals are spread? Because staff is too lazy to wash their hands. It's definitely in the patients interest for hands to be washed by staff. Are you saying you'd rather your nurses and doctors not bother washing their hands after they were just next door with a patient who had MRSA? Or Cdiff?

    I'm saying what I said before and what I've always said. People are incredibly overly concerned about germs these days. When people won't touch a workout bench or a shopping cart without wiping it down with an antibacterial wipe first I wonder how they plan to live in a world filled with other humans. Recently I dated a girl that wiped down movie seats with wipes that she carried. The....romantic time with her was AWFUL, but what would I expect from a germophobe?

    Hospital infections ain't gym infections. Once the pandemic starts I guess I'll change my tune. Too bad the pandemic will be from a mutated strain that's antibiotic resistant thanks to all the people spraying chemicals on every damned thing. Nothing like insisting on buying organic food and then putting it in a shopping cart that you just coated with poison.

    I don't think anyone thinks they are sterilizing equipment lol. And washing hands and wiping down equipment could certainly help reduce transmission of things such as cold and flu (especially frigging hand washing...). Btw, I'm a nurse so according to you hand washing is overrated so what germs do you think I will bring I gym when I go after work if I don't wash my hands or change out of my shoes and scrubs? Gym germs or hospital germs. The flu kills quite a few people a year, but yeah it's possible you managed to miss that I guess.
    Each to their own. I'll keep washing my hands and cleaning the equipment before I use it because I don't want others people sweat and dirt on me, not because I think the gym wipes are sterilizing the equipment and I'll die of a pandemic bacterial infection if I don't.

    The double quoting seems odd. Anyhoo, nurse hekla, if you're bringing the ebola virus into the gym because you're not washing your hands before you leave the hospital, and you're saying yourself that wiping equipment down doesn't kill it......

    Did I say somewhere that I didn't want hospital employees to wash their hands before they come to my gym? Next will you say that I'm anti bathroom hand washing too?

    I don't know hand washing doesn't seem to matter to you, you yourself doctors think hand washing is overhyped and basically not to do it lol. Yes that is weird, I'm not sure how/why it double quoted. I work in the US so I certainly wouldn't be bringing Ebola anywhere, not sure why you would be worried about Ebola? My point is is if people don't take basic precautions you could end up with a hospital infection from a gym, not that far fetched when no bothers to wash their hands.