SAUCY Sunbathing Sixers-Week 5



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    warning lots to tell, may be long.

    got the dr scholls shoes ($30 @walmart). wore them for a bit, ankle was hurting when i took them off, cause of them making you walk more straight and having to build the muscles in the ankles. was a good thing. it was my injured ankle. will wear them again today, wasn't going to go out, but have to now.

    got up this morning and DH says we have a drug induced mouse. WHAT? he shows me the drug drawer. we have a drawer in the kitchen where all of the current medications are kept and the aspirin, motrin, stuff like that are kept, my blood testing stuff. anyway this mouse got into our pill containers, (those plastic daily ones) and ate one of my anit-inflammatory, a vit. d and something else. yet below this drawer we have cereal and hasn't touched that. no evidence of him in the pantry or dog food either. DH says he has never heard of this and will be asking around at work. he doesn't carry small traps on his truck so that's why i have to go out and get some. to strange. DH says he has to trap it now, cause of the drugs he ate the poison won't work.

    ok, weight issues. i have been so faithful in my calories and exercising for the beginning of the this week. the scale just goes up. i dealt with this before. so today i am not exercising and see what happens. if the scale continues to go up i am changing things around. i think i don't eat enough for me. when i was doing WW it was coming off. so will continue through the week and see what happens. i might have to go back to counting points again. i remember fighting this same thing for months. just doing my thing and plugging along. i will do investigating on things again.

    ok, sorry for the long post. off to play a bit and than shower and get to the store before it get to 100-115 heat index today. as i thank hubby everyday for being out in this and allowing me to stay home.

  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Sandy --- yay for getting your laptop back !!!!!

    Cathy -- awwww im sorry about the scale going up !!!! i wasnt able to do the calories for a long period either !!! points it is for me !!!! so if you want a point counting buddy ! Im here !!!!!! xoxox i had to chuckle over the drug induced mouse though haha never heard of that ! hehe

    THANK YOU to everyone for the congrats!!!!!!!
    you guys are the best !

    GUESS WHHAT??? two days of eating healthy points!!!! back to the 260's !!!! YAY !
    im very motivated !!!!!!!!!!!
    this baby might have been the key ! heheeh !
    its like i know someone else in my body is counting on me ya know?!?!?!?
    my goal is to get out of the 260's in my 1st trimester!!!!! so thats 9 lbs by August 30th !!!!!! and then after that im going to continue my points BUT not worry if the weight comes back sometimes as my belly grows !!!!! we shall see ! SO EXCITED
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Quick question: I am 0.3 lb away from my goal. First time I might actually be able to make it. So next week ends the Saucy Sunbathing Sixers Challenge right? But it also begins a new one? Just wondering. Thanks :) week will be week six and then we will end the challenge and start a new on on the 6th. So we have another full week of this challenge! You will surpass your goal...I'm sure of it!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning all! So chatty around here! I LOVE it!!

    Glad to hear you are all pretty well! Cathy...I think it's funny about the mouse! CRAZY!

    SO...I broke down and bought 30 day Shred last night and did level 1. When I get something in my mind, I have NO patience! And I must say it was a good workout. I burned around 220 calories and it was 27 minutes. Pretty good! I wasn't sweating or struggling as much as many of the reviews say, but I'm guessing it's because my body is already used to getting in cardio almost daily. But I am sore this morning, so I know I worked my muscles good! So excited to be starting something new! I hope it will break me out of this darned rut I've been in! I don't know that I will be able to do it daily, but I will try as often as I's only 27 minutes, right?! Still going to try and get my runs in also as long as it isn't too hot! But I'm so happy to now have an alternative for when it's too hot or rainy! And I'm measuring my belly (since that is the area I want to trim down the most!) belly today: 41 inches.

    Food plan today:
    B-Multigrain cheerios, skim milk, coffee with sugar-free creamer
    S-Trail mix bar, banana
    L-Leftovers: Tuscan sun dried tomato marinaded pork chop, red potatos/corn/carrots, light yogurt
    S-Gala apple
    D-Homemade turkey burger, 80 calorie wheat bun, green salad with spritzer dressing
    S-Strawberries, sugar-free popsicle, Pudding cup

    2 mile run, Shred day 2, level 1

    Have a great morning girls!!!
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Wow we are busy girls around here, it is great.

    Amy - congrats, so excited for you!

    Cathy - I am happy you splurged on the shoes, your husband is right, you deserve them. I know from my aunt that it took her about a week to get used to them, just keep at it and you will love them. I am thinking about going and getting me some.

    Kristin - Happy to hear you got the new dvd, and good luck on the belly, that is my worst area, hoping to cut some inches there as well. Sounds like you are doing great even if it does not always show on the scale, keep up the great work, you are setting a amazing example for you dd.

    AFM: The next few days will be crazy we will be moving so dont know how much I will be on here. I will check in tomorrow but then will not have internet again until Monday so bear with me.
    I still have so much to do, so today will be all about packing and getting the rest of our stuff ready, our apartment is currently a disaster zone, it is driving me nuts, but I know it will get better.

    Today is exciting we are going to check out a daycare/ preschool for our dd, she will be starting 2 days a week in August if everything goes as planned, so cross your fingers for us.

    Well better run lots to do and not nearly enough time.:noway: :noway: :ohwell: :happy:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    LOVE my new shoes. they are very comfy. (so far:wink: )

    frogy... i have moved so many times, and it's so stressful, but, still deep down really like it. someplace new.
    kristen....great on the new workout. i should try that.
    lula....where or where can you be????
    baha...hows the newest little sixer?

    it's been a laugh about this mouse. making up stories. son said he's out selling on the corner to his friends, another since it was inflammatory meds he can move his legs now the arthritis is gone.... just too funny. got traps today. now DH better be the one opening that drawer in the mornings.
    went to do a little grocery shopping. they have grapes on sale. anyway $60 later and 30 of that in wines. they are cleaning out the store and have this huge isle of markdowns. wine was less than $7 a bottle, i saved $17. got 7 bottles. DH said i am going to look like a wine-o. now i need a wine rack or wine cooler. i like it chilled. i was reading off the flavors to him and he would say yea, that's a good one, or that's a good bubble bath one. that's suppose to be good. than he told me i had enough and he would see when he got home.

    so off to find something to do and not open a bottle. LOL.

  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Cathy- keep me updated on those shoes! Sounds good. Gotta watch that wine, before you know it it's gone. LOL!

    Kristen- I don't know about the shred workout. Tell me about it.

    Today I am taking my gd Ella to the zoo and maybe the art museum. Yea! Finally some relief from the heat and the humidity. YUK! It's been unbearable. I need to walk today anyway.

    See ya later today!
    must drink water, must drink water, must drink water!!!! LOL
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Kristen- I don't know about the shred workout. Tell me about it.'s about 27 minutes. Jillian Michaels (from Biggest Loser). She does a warm up. Then the workout is this 3-2-1 method which is 3 minutes strength, 2 minutes cardio, 1 minute abs. And you rotate through those. Then a cool down. There are 3 levels, you bump up as you progress. Suppose to have good results in 30 days. So far, so good! Works the whole body and gets your HR up so you burn calories! I'm excited to be starting this. I am for sure feeling it today...arms, legs, abs...everywhere! YAY!!!
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Cathy - you make me laugh, I love seeing what you post each day.

    Sandy - enjoy your day with your gd, sounds like fun

    Kristin - I may have to get me that video for days when I do not go to the gym. The gym is kinda become my relax place, it gives me me time which is nice.

    Well better get back to packing little one is taking a nap and I needed a quick break. Take care ladies!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Tracy...yes it's a great gym alternative! I also was a gym rat, but since having Kadence and no time for the gym, these videos are going to save me!! And the jogging stroller, of course!

    Headed home girls for Shred day 2 level 1! YAY!!! And hopefully a jog also! Have a great night all!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Thanks a lot Kristen for the information. I thought someone was also doing the wave rocker. I know I do it and it really is a great overall workout. I still love the treadmill, unfortunately it isn't loving my heel. I think that if I keep it to twice a week then maybe i might be okay. My doc told me to walk on it. It is just as good for me. Hummmm. Maybe. Ella is fast asleep right now and I would love to be there as well but this my only time to get things done. There is no way I could be a mom at 50. WOW!!!!! After a few days, it's time to go home. I do like the visits and see is soooo sweet. Just really starting to say everything. Well I better get some stuff done before she gets up. Maybe I will chat later.

    BTW---- Feels soooo good to be back! I missed everyone and the support.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good mornin

    caught the little theif. DH says he was wearing his colors of brown and white. he was a husky little thing. saw him. not very big. gee now i will have all his buyers coming by and doing drive by shootings. DH said if i hear any rat-a-tat-tat to hide. now i can clean out that drawer. he need the smell still there to trap him.

    nothing much to do today. i am doing my cleaning this morning son is working later today, so i can vacuum without waking him. also my nieces son is coming for the 4th. he is stationed about 2 hours from us. i have only meet him once. but, he's at least 18 hour drive from home.

    well off to check email and get cleaning before he gets home.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Sandy - WELCOME BACK!

    Cathy - Here I am!

    Busy, busy day. Hubby and I planned a treasure hunt throughout the city for the kids. Eight places, with the ending at our friends' house with a pool. They don't even know about it yet. We are excited!

    Walking with daughter this morning, then Zumba. Then dispersing of clues.

    Have a great weekend everyone (if I don't get back here).
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    What will our new name be?
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    sounds like fun lula, didn't even think about coming up with a name. mmmmm thinking hard

    oh, yea, forgot to report, i ate yesterday and i mean ATE, but done, was it good, not really. but over with.

    <3 love you guys, back at it. now where should i put this tv in the den????
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning! I'll report more later, but Shred Day 2 level 1 is done! AND I got in my 2 mile run!! WOOOHOOO! BBL!
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Cathy - yeah the little rascal is gone!
    Kristin - WTG your workout are amazing, hopefully I can get back to that after the move.
    lula - how much fun for the family! Hey do you like Zumba I have seen the infomercial and was thinking about it.

    Today is nuts must finishing packing yikes....btw I hate packing up kitchens and bathrooms yuck!!!! But first off to speech therapy with dd, then run some errands. Oh also got dd signed up for her first daycare, love the place it is a small center but she jumped right in during the tour, she started playing with the kids and one of her soon to be teachers so yeah! Ok back to subject run errands, get a shake, finish packing, pick up apartment keys, drop off dog at farm for the weekend, grab bite to eat, move over boxes and small stuff! I am sure hit the store for items we are missing, move more boxes. Finally get home tonight late, pack more and try to get to bed at a decent hour since tomorrow is going to be even longer yippee.

    Ok enough whinning looking forward to the new place just not the moving part.

    Well ladies have a wonderful day, dont know if I will be back on until MONDAY yikes, but we get everything turned off tomorrow and not back on until monday so HAVE A FANTASTIC WEEKEND!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey girls! Still no time to really post. Busy at work...heading to a meeting in a few. Then to get Kadence and we're headed to the beach! YAY! Doing good food-wise today! And hoping to get in Shred day 3 level 1 tonight! If I don't get to post this weekend, have a good one! I'm also off on Monday, so you may not hear from me till our weigh-in on Tuesday! **Cathy...I'm hoping you can start next week's thread...our LAST week of this challenge!!**

    Bye gals!!! Have a FABULOUS rest of your day!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    in a pissy leave me alone kind of mood. ate again today. the scale has shot up. i am in an i don't care either. i'll snap out of it.

    time to shower

  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    hey sixers
    I just wanted you to know ...
    today i started spotting ..... which turned into bleeding.... was a bit crampy earlier ... but when i drank a ton of water that went away .... so my mom and I (and wyatt) are going tomorrow to FL .... and i got an appt Monday afternoon to see my OB.... so they can figure out if i am miscarrying... or if im just having a bout of spotting ... either way i really want to know!!!!!!
    so we had to CHARTER .... cuz the flights were so full !
    but whtever it takes to have some comfort ..... either way ...
    Ive been a bit emotional today on and off....
    my positives have actually been getting DARKER over the past week .... so im holding onto WHATEVER hope i can muster up !
    please say a prayer for me !
    love you lots

    and on a happy note ~ i was back to 267 this morning ! ..... YAY!