My Plan - Good or Bad? Please let me know!



  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    Thanks AnvilHead, that helps.
    I'm still however a little confused. Even with exercise burning an additional 1000cal per day on top of the 20% calorie intake deficit would meen that the total deficit is 1500cal (a 60% deficit).
    So I'm trying to understand if this is the case and if it would be positive?

    The problem is that you're not taking your daily exercise into consideration when calculating your TDEE. I went off the TDEE you gave upthread; with your exercise included, it's considerably higher than that. If you go here and plug your stats in, using even 3-5 hours per week of moderate exercise, it calculates your TDEE at 3461 calories/day and a 20% deficit at 2769 calories/day (if you're going off a true TDEE, you don't add in exercise calories or eat them back - they're already factored in). Even if you specify a 25% deficit, it puts you at 2596 calories/day.

    Protein intake is a significant factor in preserving lean body mass. That nutri-ninja super juice isn't giving you squat for protein. 7 grams per serving? Read the first post in this thread to get an idea of how to set up your macros/divide up your daily calories: Setting Your Calorie and Macro Targets
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I cannot tell you what is safe for you. Only your doctor can do that, really.

    In general, if you feel healthy and strong and can power through your workouts, you're doing okay on calories. If you're getting all your micros in on a regular basis (not every day because almost nobody can do that, but regularly), you're doing okay nutritionally. If you're feeling weak, tired, cannot power through a workout or ever get dizzy, you're on a bad plan. If you don't get all those lovely vitamins and minerals, you're not making yourself as healthy as you can be.

    I think that you might be able to lose 10kg by Christmas. But you might not, too. Even if you don't, you'll lose some and can lose the rest after Christmas.

    Good luck! :)

    Good point Kalikel, my energy level is at a high during the day and even after the workout after 1 hour I feel like I could go back for another session.

    Is the point your trying to make; if my energy feels depleted, simply I need to eat more??
    I am not even going to pretend I could possibly know what is right for you or, if you were tired, that I could diagnose it as being absolutely food-related.

    There's always a good chance that if someone is dieting and starts feeling weak and/or dizzy that it's because they're not eating enough. (Duh, you know?) But it could be something else and there is no way I could know.

    If you have questions about whether your diet is medically, physically "safe", I'd ask the doctor. That's my advice, lol. Sorry, it's the best I can do.
  • Bryzie555
    Bryzie555 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks to everyone's help I appreciate it!
    I will be sure to report on my progress throughout these next 6 weeks with updates on my diet intake and weight loss
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    It's not six weeks. It's eight or nine.
  • Bryzie555
    Bryzie555 Posts: 19 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It's not six weeks. It's eight or nine.

    Yep but I'm keen to see what the results are after the first 6 :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited November 2015
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    Lose 10kg in 6 weeks & Get fit before Xmas!

    Nope, nope, nope...too high, cut it in half at a stretch

    * Eat 1800 calories/day for a 1000cal deficit.
    * Morning Gym; burn 500cal
    * After work Gym; burn another 500cal
    * Excercise is another 1000cal deficit

    Nope, nope, nope...500 cals in a gym is an hour intense cardio effort ...fuel your body or decimate your LBM and crash & burn

    * 6 Days ON, 1 day OFF
    * 12000 <> cal deficit/wk avg = 3kg/wk weight loss.

    POSSIBLE? I believe so, SAFE? I'm not sure.

    Age: 32
    Sex: Male
    Weight: 103kg
    Height: 196cm, 6ft 5"

    IS MY PLAN SAFE? Will it work? I would appreciate some honest feedback please and any changes you recommend???

    Do it properly

    Christmas is not a target ...your entire life is a target
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    missymi07 wrote: »
    Why not eat 1300 cals and only go to gym once per day.

    Because the reading I was doing on the net suggested not to go below 1800 as my body will entire survival mode and will be harder to lose weight apparently

    This one post proves that you don't have enough knowledge on how the body works to attempt what you want to. I really think you should speak to your doctor as to net under 1500 calories a day for 6 weeks straight just doesn't sound safe to Me.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    A registered dietician would be more useful than a doctor.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    What happens after Christmas? Does the world end?
  • Bryzie555
    Bryzie555 Posts: 19 Member
    UPDATE After 29 days (My 4 week progress):

    Started at:
    27.2 BMI
    28.1% Fat
    33.4% Muscle

    100.1kg - 3.9kg Lost
    25.8 BMI - 1.4 Loss
    23.7% Fat - 4.4% Loss
    36.3% Muscle - 2.9% Gain

    I'm on target! Some drastic changes and results by Xmas!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    UPDATE After 29 days (My 4 week progress):

    Started at:
    27.2 BMI
    28.1% Fat
    33.4% Muscle

    100.1kg - 3.9kg Lost
    25.8 BMI - 1.4 Loss
    23.7% Fat - 4.4% Loss
    36.3% Muscle - 2.9% Gain

    I'm on target! Some drastic changes and results by Xmas!

    How are you measuring your fat loss and muscle gain? What did you end up eating as far as your calorie level? Are you still exercising 2x a day and thinking you burn 1000 cals in those two sessions?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    If you don't hit your weight loss target by Christmas, what other markers will you use for success? For instance what weights can you lift by then?

    If you miss one day, how will you re-orient yourself to success?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    How are you measuring your fat loss and muscle gain?

    I'll hazard a guess that the answer will be some kind of BIA scale/device.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I think the issue will be in April. Keeping this off when you go back to normal will be the challenge. What you are doing right now is not sustainable in the long term.
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    Let me get this straight,

    you're eating 1800 calories, but burning 1000 calories, leaving you with a total of 800 calories a day?

    That doesn't seem like a lot to me, if 1000 calories is actually what you're burning.

    Assuming your BMR is 2500 calories, you're in deficit of 1700 calories a day, you would be losing a pound of fat every 2 days.

    I'm not saying it isn't possible, but be careful as you are effectively going to be losing a lot of muscle tissue as well.
  • I'm no expert but I'm currently 5,11 & 200 pounds. I do Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday at the gym. 4 days a week I get trained in boxing which is fairly tough which burns 500 calories. I eat 1400 a day which is a large deficit but it's working for me. You plan might work but I feel the 2 times a day burning that many calories is a lot considering your 6ft 5. I go twice a day one in the morning to do weights then once at 2 pm for boxing. Your plan could work but maybe consult a Personal trainer just to get the best out of it. Don't forget to get regular sports massage if your working out that heavily. I'm trying to get down to 180 pounds btw.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    UPDATE After 29 days (My 4 week progress):

    Started at:
    27.2 BMI
    28.1% Fat
    33.4% Muscle

    100.1kg - 3.9kg Lost
    25.8 BMI - 1.4 Loss
    23.7% Fat - 4.4% Loss
    36.3% Muscle - 2.9% Gain

    I'm on target! Some drastic changes and results by Xmas!

    2.9% Muscle gain! And here I am, training my butt off, eating in a surplus, dealing with the mental struggles of gaining fat back after a year of weight loss---and I could have gained 2.9% muscle in a month by eating at an aggressive calorie deficit! FML!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    UPDATE After 29 days (My 4 week progress):

    Started at:
    27.2 BMI
    28.1% Fat
    33.4% Muscle

    100.1kg - 3.9kg Lost
    25.8 BMI - 1.4 Loss
    23.7% Fat - 4.4% Loss
    36.3% Muscle - 2.9% Gain

    I'm on target! Some drastic changes and results by Xmas!

    2.9% Muscle gain! And here I am, training my butt off, eating in a surplus, dealing with the mental struggles of gaining fat back after a year of weight loss---and I could have gained 2.9% muscle in a month by eating at an aggressive calorie deficit! FML!

    Starve yourself to get yoked! Who knew?!?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    UPDATE After 29 days (My 4 week progress):

    Started at:
    27.2 BMI
    28.1% Fat
    33.4% Muscle

    100.1kg - 3.9kg Lost
    25.8 BMI - 1.4 Loss
    23.7% Fat - 4.4% Loss
    36.3% Muscle - 2.9% Gain

    I'm on target! Some drastic changes and results by Xmas!

    How are you feeling on your plan?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited November 2015
    Bryzie555 wrote: »
    UPDATE After 29 days (My 4 week progress):

    Started at:
    27.2 BMI
    28.1% Fat
    33.4% Muscle

    100.1kg - 3.9kg Lost
    25.8 BMI - 1.4 Loss
    23.7% Fat - 4.4% Loss
    36.3% Muscle - 2.9% Gain

    I'm on target! Some drastic changes and results by Xmas!

    You didn't gain muscle with that deficit. In fact, it's a sure bet you've lost muscle mass.

    Where are you getting those readings from?