Ive quit drinking and my colleagues are annoying me!



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Can you walk around with a martini glass of water with an olive in it? It's totally fine to deceive coercive jerks. I used to pretend to drink at parties.
  • dburkhol
    dburkhol Posts: 10 Member
    I would echo the advise given above:

    1. Order the non-alcoholic drink of your choice
    2. Just say "no thank you" when offered a drink. You don't have to explain yourself.
    3. Never accept a drink you didn't order, even if told it is non-alcoholic,
    4. If your company continues to be boorish, leave.

    Trying to force someone to drink, is childish and DANGEROUS. If the person is trying to loose weight, you are sabotaging their goals. If they are in recovery, you could be sabotaging their LIFE.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    edited November 2015
    It was interesting how my circle of friends changed (and how much money I saved) when I chose to not be a drinker. My conversations start intelligent, and remain intelligent throughout the night, as opposed to the steady degradation of coherence I experienced previously. I'm already quite adept at acting like an *kitten* without a chemical influence.

    Although it doesn't so like it to some, we would still have fun. Being an audience to another group's drunk behavior is far funner than being a participant.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    It was interesting how my circle of friends changed (and how much money I saved) when I chose to not be a drinker. My conversations start intelligent, and remain intelligent throughout the night, as opposed to the steady degradation of coherence I experienced previously. I'm already quite adept at acting like an *kitten* without a chemical influence.

    Although it doesn't so like it to some, we would still have fun. Being an audience to another group's drunk behavior is far funner than being a participant.

    Yes, this aspect of it is true, too. People who think they have to drink to have fun generally become quite tiresome to be around very quickly. Being around drunk people can be funny and entertaining, but it gets old quickly as well. Good for you for making a positive lifestyle change!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Although it doesn't so like it to some, we would still have fun. Being an audience to another group's drunk behavior is far funner than being a participant.

    So true! I can't drink very much, so I spent many a party laughing at other people being drunk. XD
  • mer1cose
    mer1cose Posts: 90 Member
    You've made the right choice for you. I'm proud of you!