Higher calories (Keto) vs. higher carb to get through the day?

I have been on the Keto diet for 3 months now. I had Refeeds, higher carb intake/calories at maintenance/very low fat, once a week. Merely, for sanity and so my metabolism would not slow.
Now, I have higher carb intake every 10 days. I have 1 incredibly long day once a week and designated my Refeeds for that day to get me through it. I have tried just doing Keto on that day, but I tend to go over my allotted calories. My question is:
Should I make sure I stay extremely low carb and add calories (250 below maintenance rather than 500) or should I increase my carbs from 30 grams to 50-70 grams (both still Keto)?
Is it better to stay lower carbs for weight loss if your body responds well to Ketosis?
Thanks in advance
