Noone stab me for asking but does anyone on here not count calories?

I mainly want to use this site for recipes,support and accountability . I know the app has a calorie counter but does anyone not count?


  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    There are people who use the site but don't count calories. I'm not one of them.
    You don't need anybody's permission to do that (assuming you're an adult).
  • girls_read_comics
    girls_read_comics Posts: 46 Member
    I am an adult. I was on a paleo forum once and mentioned I eat half a cup of rice a day and was kicked out so im a little bit nervous haha

    I lost 80 lbs so far and would like to use the last 20 to learn to eat intuitively
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I don't count calories... but I do count macros... ultimately it's the same thing, just a slightly different way of going about it. You do you.. as long as you are eating a proper amount and still losing, who cares what others think you should be doing.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited November 2015
    There are plenty of people here who don't count calories. Some don't count as a rule, but then will count when they are making some kind of dietary change. I lost most of the weight I lost without counting, then counted and lost more, and in the past few months have gone without counting for periods of time (and successfully maintained). Some don't count in maintenance but count when losing. Some only count if they gain a few pounds until they get back on track.

    Do whatever works best for you. Counting calories is a tool many people find helpful, but it is not necessary for many others at all.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    There was a thread here yesterday about that. And a couple of threads about intuitive eating you could probably google.

    I didn't count calories while losing. I still don't most of the time.

    Do what works for you.

    Good luck!
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have successfully done limiting diets like the South Beach Diet, which didn't require calorie counting.

    The most sustainable method for me has been counting, because it allows me to tweak according to circumstances, i.e. eating at other people's houses.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,147 Member
    Search for "Not tracking?" That thread has some good comments and some links that you may find helpful.
  • AquabearGO
    AquabearGO Posts: 232 Member
    You MUST count calories!!! If you dont, that makes you a bad person and you will be shunned by the MFP Society. Its our way or the Highway sister! Now, start counting......the Food Police are watching you.......(PS See how silly that sounds? Use this site the way you see fit. Remember, its your site, no one elses. Welcome)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I am an adult. I was on a paleo forum once and mentioned I eat half a cup of rice a day and was kicked out so im a little bit nervous haha

    I lost 80 lbs so far and would like to use the last 20 to learn to eat intuitively
    I'm working on that, too. I kind of got to the point where if I wasn't weighing and logging all my food, I wasn't sure how to eat! Was I eating too much? Too little?

    I do not even think that I could go the rest of my life weighing and logging every bite of food I eat, so it's important for me to learn to eat now, while I finish losing my weight.

    When I began all this, I'd never have guessed that I would have this issue, lol.

    I'm certain that I can learn to eat without needing a scale or a computer. It's a little work on my part, but I'll get there. :)
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I am an adult. I was on a paleo forum once and mentioned I eat half a cup of rice a day and was kicked out so im a little bit nervous haha

    I lost 80 lbs so far and would like to use the last 20 to learn to eat intuitively
    I'm working on that, too. I kind of got to the point where if I wasn't weighing and logging all my food, I wasn't sure how to eat! Was I eating too much? Too little?

    I do not even think that I could go the rest of my life weighing and logging every bite of food I eat, so it's important for me to learn to eat now, while I finish losing my weight.

    When I began all this, I'd never have guessed that I would have this issue, lol.

    I'm certain that I can learn to eat without needing a scale or a computer. It's a little work on my part, but I'll get there. :)

    That has been harder that I thought, eating without logging. The last three months of maintenance and not logging my food has been more mentally stressful than the 3 years of weight loss was.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    I am an adult. I was on a paleo forum once and mentioned I eat half a cup of rice a day and was kicked out so im a little bit nervous haha

    Rough crowd. Sorry that happened to you.
  • MissElectricEyeliner
    I started out counting calories and weighing my food, but recently haven't been. The number on the scale keeps dropping though. If the number isn't going down then I'll go back to counting and reevaluate because that lets me know I'm eating too many calories.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited November 2015
    lyttlewon wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I am an adult. I was on a paleo forum once and mentioned I eat half a cup of rice a day and was kicked out so im a little bit nervous haha

    I lost 80 lbs so far and would like to use the last 20 to learn to eat intuitively
    I'm working on that, too. I kind of got to the point where if I wasn't weighing and logging all my food, I wasn't sure how to eat! Was I eating too much? Too little?

    I do not even think that I could go the rest of my life weighing and logging every bite of food I eat, so it's important for me to learn to eat now, while I finish losing my weight.

    When I began all this, I'd never have guessed that I would have this issue, lol.

    I'm certain that I can learn to eat without needing a scale or a computer. It's a little work on my part, but I'll get there. :)

    That has been harder that I thought, eating without logging. The last three months of maintenance and not logging my food has been more mentally stressful than the 3 years of weight loss was.
    I started by going days where I weighed things and jotted them down, but didn't record it until I was done eating...but found I was relying on that, so moved the logging to the next morning. Still, I found I was under-eating because I was a little nervous that I'd overeat without a computer to tell me how I was doing, lol. Then I did 2-3 days.

    I'm now doing single weeks at a time. Still weighing and seeing how I did, but it's a lot harder to undereat for a week. It's not as easy as I'd have thought it might be, but I'll get there.

    I just cannot live out the rest of my life not knowing how to eat without a scale and a computer, you know? Some people feel they will be able to accomplish that and Yay for them, but I know I couldn't...and wouldn't want to, anyway. I don't love weighing or logging.

    One of these days, I will start cooking like I used to - adding stuff as I think it's needed and not stopping to weigh it first! I can not wait. :)
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I wish I didn't have to but I'm so famous for taking a bite of this or a handful of that. If I didn't write it all in my diary as I did it, weight would quickly pile back on. Putting those small amounts of food in there keeps me awake and accountable. I have days where I don't bother or I just quick add things just to get an idea but those days aren't too common.
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    I have a relative who is Vegan and she counted for awhile on here just to make sure she was getting enough calories and protein and fat and things like that. It did help her to know. She wasn't eating enough and wasn't loosing any more, and upped her calories a little and it made a difference for her.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I don't log every day but I'm super-aware. It never leaves my mind. I rock my Fitbit and just try to lose a little at the end of the week.
  • lbaxandall
    lbaxandall Posts: 62 Member
    I don't count every single thing. If I'm running around and grab a handful of trail mix, or have one candy, I'm not going to bother to log it... It won't derail my progress! I have a hard time logging condiments too, I always forget!
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    edited November 2015
    I am an adult. I was on a paleo forum once and mentioned I eat half a cup of rice a day and was kicked out so im a little bit nervous haha

    Gee, they sound like a bunch of cavemen.
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    Unfortunately I have to weigh my food and count calories to lose. I tried stopping and it wasn't working. I also eat more veggies and stuff when I'm keeping closer track :/
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    lyttlewon wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I am an adult. I was on a paleo forum once and mentioned I eat half a cup of rice a day and was kicked out so im a little bit nervous haha

    I lost 80 lbs so far and would like to use the last 20 to learn to eat intuitively
    I'm working on that, too. I kind of got to the point where if I wasn't weighing and logging all my food, I wasn't sure how to eat! Was I eating too much? Too little?

    I do not even think that I could go the rest of my life weighing and logging every bite of food I eat, so it's important for me to learn to eat now, while I finish losing my weight.

    When I began all this, I'd never have guessed that I would have this issue, lol.

    I'm certain that I can learn to eat without needing a scale or a computer. It's a little work on my part, but I'll get there. :)

    That has been harder that I thought, eating without logging. The last three months of maintenance and not logging my food has been more mentally stressful than the 3 years of weight loss was.
    I started by going days where I weighed things and jotted them down, but didn't record it until I was done eating...but found I was relying on that, so moved the logging to the next morning. Still, I found I was under-eating because I was a little nervous that I'd overeat without a computer to tell me how I was doing, lol. Then I did 2-3 days.

    I'm now doing single weeks at a time. Still weighing and seeing how I did, but it's a lot harder to undereat for a week. It's not as easy as I'd have thought it might be, but I'll get there.

    I just cannot live out the rest of my life not knowing how to eat without a scale and a computer, you know? Some people feel they will be able to accomplish that and Yay for them, but I know I couldn't...and wouldn't want to, anyway. I don't love weighing or logging.

    One of these days, I will start cooking like I used to - adding stuff as I think it's needed and not stopping to weigh it first! I can not wait. :)
    Ha, I did that the other day and had a moment of awareness that I hadn't done it freely (according JUST to taste and feel) in a while, and it felt really good :)

    My experience was that once I was well into maintenance, I was able to not have to count. It did mean limiting McDonald's etc. Not completely, though. (I'm not saying you eat McD's or should, just that was my tradeoff.) But I went 80/20 with the "fad" that I started with (South Beach phase 3 - mostly lean meats, veggies, grainy carbs, dairy, etc, it all tasted good to me, no suffering there) and just eyeballing portions, and it worked great for ages.

    The other big part of it was 30-60 mins of daily hard cardio, I am pretty sure, though. I can't do that now and the buffer is *missed*. Hitting the same burn with more leisurely paced, non-impact activity takes much more time. (I only estimated my burns then but it *must* be the case that I burned more doing plyometrics etc. than walking on a treadmill or stationary cycling at low resistance.) Not having any kind of cardio is the pits, appetite goes up, while calories have to go down. Result is a constant state of mild deprivation, or just maintenance / not losing.