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What's your favorite dog breed?? And why?



  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited November 2015
    zcb94 wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Shih tzus.

    Their fur is soft and hypoallergenic.
    They're small and cuddly.
    They're sweet and affectionate.
    They're good for apartments.
    They're friendly and approachable.
    You can put them in your pocketbook and take them everywhere.
    I totally agree!

    I have a Shih Tzu. I agree. They are not barkers unless someone rings the doorbell. My Marley is not that affectionate, she growls at me but I think that is because I hug on her so much. LOL

    She likes her space and she is not a lap dog like I've heard Shih Tzus are. I have allergies to dogs and I have not had one reaction to her. Also Shih Tzu must be groomed monthly or 4- 6 weeks.

    The big white one is a Samoyed (Mila)


    The sweetest kindest dog you will ever know.
    Loves people especially kids.
    Very playful
    Never have a bad day


    SHEDS A LOT!!!!
    Must be brushed daily. (I fail in that department)
    Can be stubborn
    Very independent
    Big barker
    Must be leashed (They have a Strong hunting instinct)
    Must be exercised every day (if not, they can get into mischief)

    But if you are willing to put in the time to train, Samoyeds are the best, most kindest sweetest dogs. We put in a lot of time to train Mila so the Cons list is cut down 80% for us.
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    I like big dogs , labrador retriever, German shepherd , Irish hunting hounds
  • Determined_ella_89
    Determined_ella_89 Posts: 1,710 Member
    Huskies, Portuguese hunting dog, Pug, Akita, ... List does go on.. I love all dogs as each has a different temperament
  • toddhogsed
    toddhogsed Posts: 95 Member
    edited November 2015
    Boxer all day. Why? Because of all the breeds I've grown up with, her personality is like no other and also this

  • sairsyfairy
    sairsyfairy Posts: 62 Member
    Schnauzers! I have mini's and a giant!
  • BeefyUk
    BeefyUk Posts: 2,602 Member
    Had a weimaraner for 13 years ....great dog but very very demanding & needed constant stimulation & attention 24/ 7!!
    Now have a 3 year old labra-dane ....she is a fantastic dog with all the positive traits of a labrador but with a twist of great dane .
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    Mine are both mutts. Ones a German shorthair/German shepherd/black lab mix and the other is a heeler mix. The heeler mix is a brat. Very opinionated and bitchy, but she can also be very cute and sweet. Definitely one of a kind. She also herds the cat around, which is amusing. The other is soooo high strung...like, she's almost 7 and she still makes me crazy. Also, because her mama was a white German shepherd, she has seizures. Labs and german shorthairs are great if you are high energy and like to play and hike, but I don't really, so she's often bored.

    A relative just got a pekepoo (pekingese/miniature poodle) and I swear it is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Very high energy, but really small.
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    I love Bouviers. They are large, fluffy, hypoallergenic dogs. They also tend to be one person/family dogs so they love their family and people but everyone else does not receive the same love. They're happy sitting by your feet and people say the relationship with a bouvier is more "adult" in that they don't need constant attention but want to be your buddy and always hang out with you.
  • Australian Terriers. They are rare where I live (North Carolina). I like that they can handle the seasonal changes. They are also really cute. They love to run a lot but they are also good cuddlers. I love that they are easy to train for being a Terrier. And the black and brown ones are just so stinking cute!
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    I've had five dogs in my life and the very best one was our Mutt named Muffy who was a crazy mix of Terrier, Lhasa Apso and would you believe St. Bernard? (Don't ask how) :open_mouth:
    She was the most well behaved, Lovable Dog ever and we had nearly 14 years with her. We rescued her from a shelter when she was two. We don't need to spend thousands of dollars on a pure breed Dog or Cat when there are so many wonderful Pets that need someone to Love them available at the shelters! The other four Dogs we had were all purebred and not one compared to Muffy rest her soul! <3

    Check out your local Animal shelters or even advertisements because sometimes People just aren't able to keep their beloved animals anymore and want to find them a good home! :) Good Luck!
  • sheken62
    sheken62 Posts: 3 Member
    My best dog is the one I love right now. I have had many pets and they like people have strengths and challenges. They have all given me there all and I try to give them the same. I have rescued all of my furbabies and I have been amazed what affection, food, exercise and consistent structure can do for a dog. It works for people too.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Schnauzers are such great companion dogs, and so bright. My parent's dog, however, goes mental whenever it sees another animal. I suspect this enthusiasm needs to be trained out.

    I would pick a low-maintenance, sturdy, laid back, non-shedding dog. Hubby thinks white fluffy dogs are cute. I'd try a Bolognese.


    If you loved your boxers perhaps a rescue greyhound would be a good choice.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    We had two Bichons when my daughter was small ....... they were amazing with kids (and grownups, too) ...... no shedding, so that's a plus ...... but they need to be groomed, so that's a minus. If I were going to get another dog, I'd look for a "rescue" Bichon <3
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    Oh they are so cute!!!! Thanks everyone for your input, I decided to foster for awhile and if one comes along that just fits perfect I'll keep him/her! Thanks again!!
  • kmlong2015
    kmlong2015 Posts: 515 Member
    edited November 2015
    Ive always wanted a corgi. But will have to say my fav is my Australian sheppard/blue heeler mix. He is utterly loyal and obedient. Hes great with the kids and is a big fluffy baby himself. The only thing is.. hes a big old dog. Hes got hip problems and is developing cataracts. The cutest pup Ive ever seen.
  • KristinaAkurela
    KristinaAkurela Posts: 179 Member
    Beagle! Or puggle, mix of pug and beagle. I always have soft spot for those long flappy ears! And that cute face...
  • lqqkingatu
    lqqkingatu Posts: 3,080 Member
    labrador retrievers rule........temperament, companionship, everything

  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Samoyeds/(Siberian) Huskies/German Shepards/Malamutes etc

    I like furry dogs with triangular ears that stand upright. and they need to be able to withstand the cold (I live in Minnesnowta). Also their back must be knee-height at a minimum. If I can punt it, then it's not for me.

    Currently my girlfriend and I have a yellow lab mix and he's wonderful.
  • raychulj22
    raychulj22 Posts: 140 Member
    Pugs! They're low maintenance and adorable!
  • KrissyC90
    KrissyC90 Posts: 4 Member
    Standard poodles :)