How do I know if I'm gluten intolerant?

Hi there,

I've been doing quite a bit of reading up, and I think I might be intolerant to gluten or wheat. I feel pretty lousy during a day I consume a lot of bread/pasta/rice/flour (by 'a lot' I mean a serving with each meal). I feel heavy and bloated, and (forgive me) going no. 2 in the toilet is a lot less pretty than normal.

Could these be signs of gluten/wheat/grain intolerance? Or is it just my imagination?

If you are intolerant to one or more of the aforementioned, how did you find out, and what would you recommend?

Looking forward to your feedback!


  • amberlyda1
    amberlyda1 Posts: 154 Member
    There is a blood test you can take. My mom took it when she thought she was having intestinal issues
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    If you are human, you are. Just a matter of how much...
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Go to the Dr to be diagnosed. no other way to know for sure.
  • LastingChanges
    LastingChanges Posts: 390 Member
    edited November 2015
    Gluten intolerance is caused by celiac disease, you can ask a Dr to test you for this. There are 2 ways of testing; either by blood test or during endoscopy they take a sample and send it to the lab for testing.

    I turned out to be negative for celiac, but I still believe I am sensitive to it because I can clearly see the difference when I am gluten free vs when I am eating gluten. There is some research that says that there may be a spectrum of sensitivity, celiac being the highest on the spectrum. I know if I eat a little of gluten the consequences won't be as bad as someone with celiac but I still try to limit it in my diet so that I don't get side effects that are similar to what you mentioned.

    I suggest after testing if you end of being negative for celiac, to try cutting 100% gluten out of your diet for a couple of weeks to see if that makes you feel any better. If it does then you'll know if you are sensitive. But make sure to cut gluten out only after you do the testing, the testing is only accurate if you have been eating gluten recently.

    I now try to be mostly gluten free, but if I eat something gluten I limit it to only 1 meal per day and only once in a while.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    The tests for celiac disease are:
    • tissue transglutaminase (tTG IgA and tTG IgG)
    • deaminated gliadin peptides (DGP IgA and DGP IgG)
    • endomysial antibodies (EMA IgA)
    • anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA IgA and AGA IgG) - these are older and less reliable tests which have been replaced by the DGP tests
    • total serum IgA - control test
    You must be consuming the equivalent of about 1-2 slices of bread per day in the 8-12 weeks prior to testing so don't go gluten free until you are satisfied celiac testing is done.

    Get as many tests done as possible because these tests can have a sensitivity as low as 75% (less in the AGA tests) which means the tests can miss up to 1 in 4 celiacs. Getting multiple tests increases your odds of celiac being detected (if you have it)

    The endoscopic biopsy catches over 80% of celiacs. Ensure 6+ samples are taken so the chances of testing patchy damage is better.

    If all tests are negative yet you improve on a GF diet, you may have non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). Those with NCGS have basically the same symptoms as a celiac but there is no blood test for it.

    If you do give the GF diet a try, give it at LEAST three months (6 being better). Many symptoms of gluten sensitivity take months (and sometimes years) to improve on a GF diet, although bloating is one of the fastest to improve.

    Good luck!
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Gluten intolerance and celiac are two different things. Get tested for celiac first, then press for more tests if negative. If you still believe you are gluten intolerant as opposed to celiac, do the food elimination diet, if you follow it properly you should easily identify your triggers.

    I am gluten intolerant, suspected celiac, but cannot face months of eating gluten to go through the testing again (my dr told me to stop eating gluten then tested me 4 weeks into being GF)

    Feel free to message me for any gluten advice, but go for all the testing you can WHILST eating gluten, or you will test negative.
  • LastingChanges
    LastingChanges Posts: 390 Member
    edited November 2015
    Also want to add if you feel better without gluten, there is nothing wrong with eliminating it even if you don't have Celiac. I had a Dr who gave me a blood test and after it came out negative told me to go eat some pizza. Very insensitive to someone who has been struggling with stomach issues.

    I also don't do too much GF replacements. I limit those as well because some are very processed and give me some stomach issues also. Once in a while works for me and instead I eat other naturally GF carbs.
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    I would stay away from grains and flours for awhile and see if you feel better. My daughter's test for celiac came back negative but they said that doesn't mean she isn't sensitive to it. I think to really know, you have to eliminate for awhile and see if you feel better.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Just test first.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I feel better when I don't eat a lot of it, too, so I try not to. I think it's pretty normal, which is why we're seeing an increase in gluten-free options.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I feel better when I don't eat a lot of it, too, so I try not to. I think it's pretty normal, which is why we're seeing an increase in gluten-free options.

    I remember when Atkins was super popular. There was an increase in Atkins friendly products then too. I remember even Subway had Atkin options for wraps.
  • eugenia94102
    eugenia94102 Posts: 126 Member
    Non celiac gluten sensitivity is a (recently) recognized disease - since 2012 (?) - It is, at this point, a symptomatic disease. You need to describe your symptoms to a health care professional. They will run some blood tests, ask you lots of dietary questions. They may prescribe a diet, ask you more questions, run more tests. I have zero GI issues with gluten. I have neurological reactions to gluten. Understand that, for insurance purposes, these are diagnostic procedures, not preventive ones.
  • LastingChanges
    LastingChanges Posts: 390 Member
    I feel better when I don't eat a lot of it, too, so I try not to. I think it's pretty normal, which is why we're seeing an increase in gluten-free options.

    I remember when Atkins was super popular. There was an increase in Atkins friendly products then too. I remember even Subway had Atkin options for wraps.

    Atkins is a solution to weight loss, gluten free is a solution to symptoms people experience, not a diet fad.
    But yes many companies are getting on the bandwagon of gluten free products to make some money, but that's a good thing, theres a higher % of people being diagnosed now with celiacs or gluten sensitivity.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    edited November 2015
    I feel better when I don't eat a lot of it, too, so I try not to. I think it's pretty normal, which is why we're seeing an increase in gluten-free options.

    I remember when Atkins was super popular. There was an increase in Atkins friendly products then too. I remember even Subway had Atkin options for wraps.

    Atkins is a solution to weight loss, gluten free is a solution to symptoms people experience, not a diet fad.
    But yes many companies are getting on the bandwagon of gluten free products to make some money, but that's a good thing, theres a higher % of people being diagnosed now with celiacs or gluten sensitivity.

    My point was that because it is becoming more popular doesn't make it "normal". It is very much a bandwagon thing right now (and a popular weight loss solution suggestion). I'm not saying there aren't those who suffer, and the whole bandwagon is good for those who do suffer. But it is not proof that people shouldn't eat it.
    The higher percent of people being diagnosed is still a very small portion of the population.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I meant I think it's pretty common for women especially to feel bloated and similar symptoms when they eat a lot of breads, pasta and baked goods. I think more people are noticing it all the time is why we're seeing more products. I did notice it back when South Beach Diet came out and Atkins had a resurgence. I think others notice it from say paleo or raw vegan forays or even some WW plans.

    Feeling better eating less gluten isn't a fad and isn't limited to Celiacs. And I don't think anyone's saying no one should eat it. I feel better without a whole lot of candy, fried foods or alcohol in my diet, too. Is that due to a fad, or do I need a diagnosis to limit them?
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    A doc can run the proper tests. You have to currently be eating gluten for the tests to determine sensitivity/allergy. My doc would not test. I have cut it out anyway as I suspected a problem for a long time. My twice weekly migraines went away, my almost daily tension headaches disappeared. For a long time I could have a serving 2-3 times a month with no head pain(it seemed to be frequency that caused my issues) but I have had to cut completely now as any time I indulge I have horrific digestive issues. Will never touch again. And my body feels way more energetic without!!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I meant I think it's pretty common for women especially to feel bloated and similar symptoms when they eat a lot of breads, pasta and baked goods. I think more people are noticing it all the time is why we're seeing more products. I did notice it back when South Beach Diet came out and Atkins had a resurgence. I think others notice it from say paleo or raw vegan forays or even some WW plans.

    And I disagree. Which was the point of my post.
    Feeling better eating less gluten isn't a fad and isn't limited to Celiacs. And I don't think anyone's saying no one should eat it. I feel better without a whole lot of candy, fried foods or alcohol in my diet, too. Is that due to a fad, or do I need a diagnosis to limit them?

    I said nothing about diagnosis or whether people should avoid it. My point was soley about the increase in gluten free products as proof it is normal or common.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited November 2015
    Celiac is less than 1% of the population whereas NCGS is thought to be somewhere around 6%, perhaps even 10% of the world population.

    Gluten sensitivity isn't the norm, but it is not as uncommon as people thought. It's about on par with hypothyroidism for how many people it affects.

    Seeing more GF products is a plus. The downside of the fad part of the diet is eating out. It's difficult to get servers to take you seriously when the last person who claimed to be GF decided to order cake for dessert. sigh.
  • LastingChanges
    LastingChanges Posts: 390 Member
    edited November 2015
    I feel better when I don't eat a lot of it, too, so I try not to. I think it's pretty normal, which is why we're seeing an increase in gluten-free options.

    I remember when Atkins was super popular. There was an increase in Atkins friendly products then too. I remember even Subway had Atkin options for wraps.

    Atkins is a solution to weight loss, gluten free is a solution to symptoms people experience, not a diet fad.
    But yes many companies are getting on the bandwagon of gluten free products to make some money, but that's a good thing, theres a higher % of people being diagnosed now with celiacs or gluten sensitivity.

    My point was that because it is becoming more popular doesn't make it "normal". It is very much a bandwagon thing right now (and a popular weight loss solution suggestion). I'm not saying there aren't those who suffer, and the whole bandwagon is good for those who do suffer. But it is not proof that people shouldn't eat it.
    The higher percent of people being diagnosed is still a very small portion of the population.

    If you can eat it without any issues, there is no reason to stop and no one said it should be stopped. I haven't heard of it as a weight loss solution. However in mainstream I have heard it suggested in order to increase energy, alleviate any random symptoms someone has, reduce inflammation, etc. If someone is experiencing some symptoms it may be worth it to try, if they don't see any benefits then they can go back to enjoying gluten.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I feel better when I don't eat a lot of it, too, so I try not to. I think it's pretty normal, which is why we're seeing an increase in gluten-free options.

    I remember when Atkins was super popular. There was an increase in Atkins friendly products then too. I remember even Subway had Atkin options for wraps.

    Atkins is a solution to weight loss, gluten free is a solution to symptoms people experience, not a diet fad.
    But yes many companies are getting on the bandwagon of gluten free products to make some money, but that's a good thing, theres a higher % of people being diagnosed now with celiacs or gluten sensitivity.

    My point was that because it is becoming more popular doesn't make it "normal". It is very much a bandwagon thing right now (and a popular weight loss solution suggestion). I'm not saying there aren't those who suffer, and the whole bandwagon is good for those who do suffer. But it is not proof that people shouldn't eat it.
    The higher percent of people being diagnosed is still a very small portion of the population.

    If you can eat it without any issues, there is no reason to stop and no one said it should be stopped. I haven't heard of it as a weight loss solution. However in mainstream I have heard it suggested in order to increase energy, elevate any random symptoms someone has, reduce inflammation, etc. If someone is experiencing some symptoms it may be worth it to try, if they don't see any benefits then they can go back to enjoying gluten.

    Again, not really the point of my post, but isn't Wheat Belly a currently popular weight loss book which promotes eliminating gluten?