Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @olamhc Weclome to MFP. 1 pound is a great start.

    @evamutt Great job with all your walking! 2 hours will definitely tire you.

    @melaniedscott I agree, the kid is lucky. I was pretty worried about it. I think the swelling has finally started to go down. Onderland is weighing anything under 200 pounds.

    @gemwolf110 I am right there with you on onderland so close. I have 4-6 pounds depending on the day I weigh.

    @sonstott63 Welcome to the group. Tips read the sticky threads in the beginning of the categories. There is a lot of great info on here.

    My weekend was pretty good. I am not getting in nearly as much exercise as I would like. Keep missing out at the gym. Friday I did some videos for the Amazing race challenge, my arms were sore from that. Saturday I went roller skating. I wanted to go run or go to the gym as well, but didn't have the energy. Sunday I did nothing. I would like to say I regret it, but I don't. I enjoyed a lazy day with the kids and the BF. Now if only I could get all my crazy snacking under control. It is so hard to do sometimes. I eat when I am bored, and snack with the BF at night. Yesterday, I went over by about 300 calories. My weight isn't moving much, and ounce or two and then back up. I need to get my head wrapped around this again.
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    @CariTJR - That is awesome…you have got this!

    @iphonelover321 – Welcome! I am Jen. This is a great place to be for support, encouragement and friendship! I will send you a FR.

    @ jdelaroy – I have been struggling with my motivation as well, but sometimes I wonder if your body just needs a bit of a rest…You will find your way back, I am sure of it

    Well I had a fun weekend. Mostly hung out with my Sister. I didn’t do so great with the food portion but I did make sure that I got moving more than I usually do on the weekends. I keep reminding myself that small changes are the best approach for me…I hope this is the week that I get back on the losing streak!!!
    Happy Monday you wonderful people!!!
  • kaavery120188
    kaavery120188 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi All,

    Sorry I've been gone for a while. Last week was very busy at work and things just got stressful. Unfortunately I did not make the healthiest choices and am up 3 pounds :s Hopefully some of it is water weight though since I ate a lot of high sodium food. Oh well. Need to move on. Hopefully this week is a better week. The sun is out in Chicago for the first time in 8 days and I am loving it.

    Hope to catch up on some of your posts later. Have a great day everyone!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 370 Member
    Well here we are, another Monday. :o I think I balanced this weekend out pretty well. I did have drinks with friends on Sat. night, didn't eat the chips and dip (Win) BUT I went for a hike with Hubby and kids in the HooDoo's at "Writing on Stone" park on Sunday (Win Win) Scale went down 0.1 lbs lol talk about slow and steady! Have a good week everybody!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gemwolf110 I'm so glad to hear your vacation is going well!

    @CariTJR Congrats on the loss! Glad to hear from you!

    @JenHul that sounds like a great weekend, perfect balance!

    @kaavery120188 Sorry to hear last week got so stressful. I hope this week goes more smoothly for you!

    @pudgy1977 Great job incorporating more movement. Slow and steady wins the race!

    @jdelaroy How was roller skating? That sounds like a pretty active weekend to me!

    Welcome @sonstott63, @iphonelover321 and @olyamhc!

    @melaniedscott I'm so glad the cast is finally coming off! Great news!

    I'm having a rough morning. I dropped my fur baby off at doggy daycare this morning only to be told that going forward there will be a pitbull ban and while he can be grandfathered in, my future fur babies cannot. I'm obviously not going to support a business with discriminatory practices but it means I need to find a new daycare provider :( I'm going to yoga over lunch to de-stress
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Eva: Sounds like Thursday was a very active day!!

    Jdelaroy: Sorry about spending Wed in the urgent care. Glad it’s not broke but that’s not fun either way! I’m glad we are fitbit friends as well! You are pushing me!! Love it! Roller Skating! How fun! Hope it was a success!!

    Rachel: Hope your girls night was fun!! And working out with Mom… Love it!! Sorry about your puppy daycare… that sucks…

    Missy: Good luck on the interview this week! You will knock it out of the park!!

    Cari: Way to go with the 10 lbs!!! Rock it lady!!! No slouching for you!! You are doing great!!

    Melaine: Yay! For the cast coming off!!

    Jen 77: I totally agree.. small challenges are best… one step forward eachday!!

    Kaavery: We had sun this Saturday for about an hour… it was amazing… I am so ready for spring!! Here’s to a less stressful week!

    JenHul: Way to keep the weekend balanced… that’s what ya got to do!!

    I had a great weekend… I might not have made the best choices all weekend but we walked a lot and had fun… very good for the soul… Love my girlfriends and the fun we have!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Happy Monday, lovely ladies! I'm feeling good today, got up at 5:30 and went to the gym - I don't think I've done early morning gym time since before Christmas because it's been so dang cold here! I was feeling so chipper, I put on my spring coat and went to work. Well, walking in from the parking lot I realized whaaaaat am I doing - it is January and it is still cold!! Even though it isn't deathly cold, stilll effing cold! LOL! So anyway, hopefully that burned a few extra cals and I will most definitely be wearing my winter coat again tomorrow. So much for optimism when it comes to the weather! ha!

    Shy - glad you had a great girl's weekend! and glad that you and hubs are back on track. It's hard to make time for everyone/everything in our lives. Talk about balancing act 24/7!

    Rachel - sorry that your doggy daycare has that ban! Are you planning on getting another dog in the near future? Or when Chance gets a bit older? That sucks!! Hopefully you can find another place to take him...

    Cari - way to go with your losses! Holy woman, that's not slouching! That's called kicking some *kitten! Keep up the good work! Did you find a gym close by or are you doing the exercise on your own? Running or maybe dvd's at home?

    Gem - enjoy the rest of your vacation, and good luck with the studying. You are very diligent and a hard worker, so I have a good feeling about that interview for you! Can't see why in the world they wouldn't give you that job! We're all behind you cheering!

    @kaavery120188 - put the weekend behind you, and let's move on! I did the same thing this weekend. Went out for a fab steak dinner Sat night with my hubs, and then last night we made homemade truffle mac and cheese. YIKES! whip cream and the mound of awesomeness (cheese) was crazy. Had to try it once, but really HELLOOO, not on the "health" plan here!

    Welcome to the newbies, feel free to add me anytime!
    I've already signed up for my spin class tomorrow after work. and Wed I am going to try a sculpt and core class. I'll probably end up killing myself, but I want to try to take advantage of more of the classes at the gym, so I don't get bored and not go. Have a great day everyone!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,429 Member
    Not right about your pittbull, maybe you can find another daycare? One of mine is a pittie mix, we're very close, she's wonderful & lets me know if new dogs coming into the park are ok, friendly or to stay away from them. I've been going to the dog park for about 13years & even tho they're great family/ppl dogs, the ones that are the most problem with other dogs are labs, then golden retreivers then huskies. The labs are very pushy, hyper & dominant. There's always an "argument" they get into. Never had a problem with pitties, except one, but she listens to owner pretty well & stops. Today after dog park, I took Grizzly, my big guy for bike run when we got home, then took my little ones for walk (they didn't go to dog park, it's cold). Had lunch & was planing to go to gym but I got so tired after lunch, so we're taking dogs for another walk before dark. The sun draws me outside & increases my activity but it got cloudy & cold. Tomorrow's my gym class. I go 2 day's wk at 11:30 but go to gym besides that. I decided with this wet cold weather, to skip dog park on gym class days & take them for walk/run instead. I used to walk them all together, but 2 have arthritis & we have a new little one so I go on 3 walks, each at a different pace.Yes, my life has gone to the dogs a long time ago lol
  • Myki3012
    Myki3012 Posts: 152 Member
    I want the loose skin to tighten up (I surprisingly realized yeaterday significant progress has been made there) and my core to be tight (think it already is/or at least on its way) and to have a showing six pack. It's just the current goal, needed one after losing the weight so yeah. Venty vent.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @pudgy1977 If I took a break I would be afraid that I wouldn’t get back on the wagon again. I am okay if I maintain for a while, but I would really like to get under 200 before I do that. I am so close. Today I weighed in at 206, two days ago it was 204. Been bouncing between the two for the last week and a half.

    @kaavery120188 I bet a lot of it is water weight. 3 pounds seems a little drastic, that would be an additional 9000 calories over maintenance to gain that in a weekend. I hope things calm down.

    @jenhul sounds like a fun weekend. Great job on balancing it all out.

    @rachel0778, I had so much fun. We went for a belated 40th birthday party. I did an actual party, like they set up for the kids. I got everyone in my family except my daughter (Sprained ankle) and the BF mom (She can’t really walk) on skates. As part of the party plan I got a new pair of skates. It was weird skating in new ones that weren’t broken in. I fell once when I was handing out cake. Bruised my elbow and butt cheek. I can’t wait to go back. Sorry that you will have to find a new doggy day care. 

    @shycush6 I am jealous! A girl’s weekend sounds fantastic. It is supposed to be in the 60’s today. My kids have club after school, so I get an extra hour to myself. Think I might go walk my *kitten* off.

    @bluepoppies777 Fantastic job! I haven’t made it to the gym in almost 2 weeks. Ugh! I do that all the time. Think it is warmer than it is. Since I have lost 40 plus pounds I am a lot colder, so I am not used to having to have warm clothes all the time.

    @evamutt At least those dogs are keeping you on your toes. My Bf’s mom has a dog that lives with us. He isn’t trained at all, and she gets mad when anyone tries to teach him to behave. So I don’t usually take him for walks. I think once the weather gets a little nicer though, I will try walking him some more.

    @myki3012 These sound like some great goals! I think other fitness goals are important to help us lose and keep the weight off. Feel free to vent here anytime you want.

    Yesterday, I barely got my steps in, and barely managed to keep my calories under. This part is driving me nuts. I am doing okay on moving, but we all know the food part is more important. Grr! My oldest daughter ditched her crutches yesterday, and did pretty good without them, so guess she is healing well. Wish I healed that fast. My youngest, we call her Miss Sassy Pants, was sick yesterday afternoon, but by dinner time she was feeling better. I on the other hand, had no energy. So I pretty much sat or laid on the couch all day. Here is to a better day!

    Ooh I do have one NSV: My resting heart rate has been below 60 for almost a whole week now. When I first started, my resting rate was in the 80's. Mt heart has got to be loving me.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Myki3012 Welcome!

    @jdelaroy I'm so glad to hear you had a great time at the party! And I absolutely love your NSV, that is fantastic!

    @Evamutt I agree that I have never seen a pitbull problem before which is why it's even more frustrating! It sounds like you had a wonderful day with the pups. Life really has gone to the dogs ;)

    @bluepoppies777 Way to go on the early workouts! It is extra hard to get up that early in the winter. We're going to be in the market for a house this fall and are considering puppy #2 after that so it's coming up quick!

    @ShyCush6 I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend!

    @gemwolf110 Thank you for your kind words about pit bulls :) I've got a trial day set up at a new daycare next week. They have no breed restrictions or discrimination practices so I'm excited to give them a try!

    I was so glad I was able to do yoga over lunch to workout my stress and that I also had a 2 hour derby practice last night. Nothing like full contact sports to make you forget about frustrating days!

    Chance had a great time at his last day at daycare and the owner will be calling me personally in a few days to discuss their new discrimination policy. I wanted to give him a chance to do the right thing before I start posting negative social media reviews and spreading the word to all of my local dog owning friends.

    In the mean time, Chance has a date set up at a new daycare next week. He's really excited to meet some new playmates!

  • Myki3012
    Myki3012 Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks for the friendly welcomes! :)
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    @shycush6 – I think it is soooo important to do things l like that. Just get away and enjoy a few stress free days. Glad you had fun

    @bluepoppies777 – It is so easy to get overly excited about the weather…It is the spring fever popping up! A couple more moths and we should be good to go

    Well had a great Monday! Ate under calories, and got all of my steps in plus some. I am hoping to get a few more every day this week…really get my rear in motion. Happy Tuesday all, and hope you all find the motivation and inspiration you need to be successful!
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,353 Member
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    “The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.” ― David Foster Wallace

    To everyone that is like me....know you are not alone. There are people that understand your struggle.
    To everyone this is not like me.....Please do your best to educate yourself on depression, there are people that need you.

    I meant to respond to this sooner but I don't post often (more in January than in the 6 months I've been on mfp). Know that you aren't alone either. Depression is a lonely, painful place. I, too, have struggled against it. I lost my sister to it eighteen months ago. Take care of you...

    This quote really resonates. It is one of the best analogies I've seen. Thanks for posting this.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @pudgy1977 - glad you had a great Monday and that you are feeling good about this. Happy Wednesday to you!

    @Myki3012 - welcome!

    Rachel - that's lousy about the day care for Chance. I hate that he gets tarred with the same brush just because of emotional news stories about the breed. Hope the new place works out for him! Well done for yoga and derby.

    Jen - I'm with you at the moment, movement not too bad - eating is wobbly over the last few days. Have to get my act together again. Glad your daughter is off the crutches. Fabulous NSV for you and hope today treats you better!

    Joy - go you for getting up so early, that is one thing I just cannot make myself do. I got caught this morning with the temperature - it's wet here and I thought I'd be fine without my coat - silly girl!!

    Shy - what a great sounding weekend. Such things are vital for your soul and overall wellbeing.

    @JenHul - good loss, every little loss adds up.

    @kaavery120188 - sure it is mostly water weight. leave the scales for a few days then see how you are doing - you'll be good to get back on track.

    @melaniedscott - hooray for losing the cast - well done you.

    Cari - well done on the loss - that's great going :)

    Well, I'm still here - just crazy busy and lost the hold on my food diary slightly. Time to get it back and hit this hard again otherwise I'll get lazy with it. Have a good day all :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @gemwolf110 You can do this! Good luck, I bet you do great!

    @rachel0778 I love that you are going to talk to the original doggy day care place, yet you are still looking at other options. Plus two hours of Derby! Sounds like a win for you.

    @pudgy1977 Great job on Monday! Was Tuesday just as good?

    @melaniedscott We love hearing from you, glad you can find time occasionally to come check in. I am sorry that you lost your sister to this evil disease. My oldest suffers with depression as well. She is on so many different medications and sometimes it seems to barely work for her. I try my hardest to be there for her. It is hard to do across the country, but she knows I am there. I also suffer from depression. I am fortunate though that it isn’t severe, and usually only lasts a day to a few weeks at a time.

    @janetay01 Yesterday was even worse than Monday. I was depressed, still am depressed, plus I ate 4 meals. The scale yesterday morning went back up. Today it is back down. Part of me wants to give up on this journey, go crawl back under the covers in my bed and eat junk food and binge watch lousy TV shows. We both can do this though, I Just need to focus on my whys.

    So I am having a yucky week, feeling down and blah. Today, feeling the way I do, I would normally have stayed home from work, and did the binge on junk food and bad TV. Instead I am at work, trying not to go crazy on my calories, and determined to try and make this work. I could stay in bed, but then I would feel even worse than I do now. Plus I made a goal to not miss work unless I absolutely have to. Trying to remember my Why’s and my New Year Word. Persistence. I am not going to throw away 45 pounds for a brief moment in time of binging on bad food. Thank you guys for listening and being here.

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy That is a huge NSV to go to work and get away from the fridge. It's hard not to eat our feelings, but you're doing a great job of setting yourself up for success!

    @gemwolf110 Keep us posted!!

    @janetay01 Great job staying aware and reigning it back in!

    @pudgy1977 Great job starting the week off strong!

    I was absolutely wiped out yesterday after work! I'm so glad I was able to just go home and spend time with my SO and the puppy. I'm also glad today is dance class. It's going to be physically challenging, but not as bad as tomorrow when I have both personal training and derby on the docket! I honestly think I've overloaded myself but I'm not sure how to scale back on my current commitments.

    I slept for 9 hours last night which was glorious! I even woke up an hour before my alarm so I had time to clean the kitchen, do dishes, do my hair, and play with the dog. Thursday is going to be rough but at least I'll be going into it mentally and physically refreshed.
  • scgfitlife
    scgfitlife Posts: 55 Member
    I had a lot of bad (for me) food Saturday and while my weight has gone back to where I was originally, I still look about 6 months pregnant.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Well I did not hit a single one of my goals yesterday. I am feeling better today, and am ready to try again. :) I can do this. I am like the dog that gets distracted with the squirrel. I might run off to go chase it but, I will be back.

    The BF and I are supposed to go roller skating tonight. I got a free month pass, and new skates for the party I did on Saturday. Today is adult skate. I have never gone roller skating without a bunch of kids to trip over. Now the grown up can trip over me. LOL
  • laceyslabaugh
    laceyslabaugh Posts: 113 Member
    Good Morning! This is my first attempt at MFP. I was a lifetime member at Weight Watchers and it worked - but my husband joined MFP a year ago and lost the weight he wanted. I decided to try MFP because of financial restraints. My 1st week ended yesterday and I've lost 3 lbs. I'm not depriving myself of anything but it truly is amazing when you start paying attention to the calories you are putting in your mouth and you realize that you do not need the double burger, a single is fine as well as the small fry vs. the medium. I have 26 more pounds to go until I'm at the weight I was when my husband and I got married. I'm doing this for me, #1! But I'm also motivated by my kids and husband. My oldest daughter is 22 and will be getting married in the next year, my middle daughter is graduating high school this year and going to college, and my youngest is 2 1/2 and has more energy than I remember when my older kids were younger. Lol! My husband also has MS and as it progresses, I need to be in my best shape to take care of him when the time comes. I also want to go back to college in the fall and earn my Bachelor's. Thank you for starting this group! I need motivation and friends!!!