Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @tbrain1989 - welcome to the thread! Just jump in and post often. As @jdelaroy says, it's a pretty active post during the week but comes to a shuddering halt at the weekends!

    Jen - hope you are feeling better today. Alistair did as you say behave fine grandma putting him to bed - managed to keep her reading stories for far longer than he would manage with us though :).

    Nicole - welcome back - and lock that bedroom door until they are all better!

    @fitnfabwithsri - welcome!

    Shy - welcome back, glad the break helped! Don't forget your fitbit girl - that's too frustrating!

    Not much happening here. Parents evening was good - little guy seems to be well on track with everything and it gave us an opportunity to see all the cute photos that they have of him! We've had a couple of busy disrupted evenings so looking forward to a quieter one tonight. Happy Wednesday all
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy My cake was amazing, but today I have a massive stomach ache. No more indulgences for me for awhile!

    Thanks for the bday wishes @JenHul

    Welcome @fitnfabwithsri and @tbrain1989!

    @ngolden3320 I hope you are able to avoid all the germs! Yikes!

    @ShyCush6 Thank you for the birthday wishes :) I am actually one of those weird people that doesn't mind telling her age or getting older. I think it's because I've always idolized my Grandma. My goal in life is to be retired and awesome (and I need to be 67 to accomplish that!)

    @wishfuljune I want puppy pictures too! Please post!

    @janetay01 I wouldn't worry too much, Grandma's have secret powers. My parents used to send me off to my Grandma quite frequently because I was a bit of a nightmare (colicky baby) and they needed their sanity back!

    Alright, birthday fun is over, my stomach hurts, and I am ready to be 100% back on the horse. Today is Chance's first day at his new doggy daycare so I'm having Mommy nerves! I hope he plays well with the other puppies in the new environment. I hope you all are having wonderful days!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    This is the look I get if I'm leaving for work and he doesn't get to go to daycare
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    @Rachel0778 if i knew that puppies were going to get involved in MFP i may have returned alot sooner,

    this is my Labrador cross Bernese mountain dog, called Bruce wayne
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @tbrain1989 He's so cute!!! He's going to be a big guy when he grows up!
  • tbrain1989
    tbrain1989 Posts: 280 Member
    hes already getting huge! hes 4 months old now, that picture is at 10 weeks.

    ive got some comparison pics.. god i hope everyone loves dogs.

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Talk about making mama feel guilty.

    @tbrain1989 He is adorable, I wish to steal him (No worries I won't) and give him lots of squishy hugs! If you scroll back about a month I think everyone was posting pictures of their dogs. Also check out Chit Chat, there is a thread there called show me your dog. (Or something like that) Talk about an over load of puppy cuteness.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @tbrain1989 We're all huge dog lovers here. Bruce Wayne is such a cutie! He's definitely growing in leaps and bounds!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Bentley, my Cavapoo and I cheering on the Wisconsin Badgers!!

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    edited February 2017
    Sri & Tbrain: I’m Shyanne… Welcome! Please post often and check in! It’s a great group!

    Nicole: So good to have you back posting!! Hope you can fend off the illness! Ohhh… a chicken salad sounds delicious!!

    JenHul: Happy Birthday to you as well!! Is it Thursday or today?

    Jdelaroy: I can’t believe I forgot my fitbit!! I will step it up!!

    Tbrain: Welcome! Please post often and check in! It’s a great group!

    Janetay: Glad the lil guy cooperated with grandma! =)

    Rachel: Glad you enjoyed a yummy cake! Hope Chance’s day goes great!! My Bentley is at grandma’s today! She loves to have her and it keeps her daycare kids busy and wears Bentley out as well! Awwwh! He is adorable!

    Tbrain: AH! He is so cute!!! We love dogs in this group!! Love Bruce Wayne! That’s awesome! Another Batman fan!! ;)

    Hey guys! Yesterday I had a headache from hell! I ate pretty good but my exercise was null and void. Today is looking a lot better! Lexi and I are headed to the gym after work! Yay! Eating is going good again today as well! I am doing great on drinking water and avoiding soda and besides a little ball of cookie dough last night, that is it for sugary treats since the weekend! ;)
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,432 Member
    love the pics, tbrain. speaking of dogs, our little one, April, who I picked up to foster on Dec 17, threw up yesterday & this morning so just got back from vet. They gave her subQ fluids, antibiotic shot & anti nausea, she's home sleeping. We love her so much, we're going to adopt her, never mind that we already have 5 dogs. 4 large & 1 chihuahua, who we adopted after fostering her about 2yrs ago.Also my hubby was in hospital for a week with high heart rate about a month ago. 2 days ago his HR got high again so we're waiting for Dr to call back. As for me, I've been doing pretty good. Lost 2 lbs. We don't watch SuperBowl, but I decided to eat goodies for that day anyway so got some honey bbq wings(frozen) french fries (love them)& a coconut cake. So we were watching the dog sport championship that day & I never got around to eating any of those except one serving of cake, which fit into my calories. They're still in freezer. I tend to get OCD about things I make a commitment to & feel very obligated to stick to it, that's why I've been married for so long, lol. I don't normally stress eat, but last nite I stayed up too late after hubby went to bed. I prayed for him but was (am) very concerned. I was so sleepy & it being past my bed time, I got hungry, so I ate the 3 sausages that were left. The good thing was, they are turkey sausages, 100 cal each but I went 300 cal over, Boo! I've also been jogging intermittently while walking my dogs, I went out before I took April to the vet & upped my weights at the gym.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    hello dog lovers! (and healthy people!) LOL! Happy Hump Day!

    Holy, this week is getting away on me, sorry I haven't checked in yet! My parents got robbed (broad daylight at around mid day) earlier this week, and I've been trying to help them with the police file and insurance claim. All I can say is I am thankful they weren't home at the time!! But sadly, all of my mom's jewellery and tons of their electronics was stolen, plus a lot of other things. :( Everyone should go home and take pictures of all of their jewellery and important stuff, as it makes a big difference for the insurance/police claims!! GAH!

    I love all the dog pics!! Chance looked so cute, I seriously love the spot around his eye, he's so adorable! And OMG Bruce Wayne!! HA! Do you ever call him B-Dubs?! I like giving my dog nicknames.

    Nichole - nice to see you back, was wondering how things were going! Too bad the fam is sick - get on a haz-mat suit and get the disinfectant going in your house! LOL!

    Shy - so awesome you are feeling back on track! I need to feel back on track too. LOL! I want to go to a trampoline park so bad! That sounds like fun. Nice pic of you and Bentley! Looking like a sexy mama!!

    Melanie - congrats on getting your cast off, now you can get back to your exercising and strengthen that leg back up! I also love Banff, it is about 5-6 hour drive from where I live, and we go at least once a year. :) I've hiked that Johnson Canyon many times!

    June - we need a pic of your new puppy!! You are seriously making all of us dog lovers wait!? haha! Congratulations, that is so awesome. What did you name it?

    Gem - did you ever get results on your interview? Sorry if you said it, I literally have skimmed the comments to catch up today.

    JenHul - happy birthday to you! I'm turning 42 this year too, in September! Hope you enjoy your day! Also don't worry about the oral surgery, everything will be fine. My son is 9 and had it over a year ago, the first few hours after are pretty brutal but they heal up so fast.

    Rachel - How did the new doggy daycare work out for Chance? and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! I didn't even know it was your birthday yesterday, but something told me to have a glass of wine, so I did! Glad I followed my gut on that one, LOL! It was a cheers to you! :)

    I've been eating like complete crap too. I know I'm a stress eater, but somehow can't get a handle on it when I'm stressed! (??) My friend's mom is back home and healing up nicely with her ankles, but having to deal with the burglary and all the rest of it, plus being too busy last week, plus super bowl (had 12 wings, and two desserts, plus other crap!) YIKES.

    But! I made taco salad last night, and had it for lunch today, and also am making cabbage roll soup for dinner tonight. Going to keep plugging along! I went snowshoeing on the weekend, plus I did cardio at the gym Monday, and last night did a Pound class. So I'm doing ok with the exercise, just need to measure, measure, measure, log, log, log, and hydrate! Shy, I'm going to slam water like nobody's business too!
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Holy snowballs, 53 new posts since I last checked in?!! Just had a quick scroll through and delighted to see puppy pictures!!! We haven't shared any in a while!!!!!
    Here's my babies...Alfie is a yorkie-westie cross,
    roxy, the foxy one, is a mixture of god knows what! A Pom and some kind of terrier!
    The white one is my sisters new puppy, misty, a Samoyed husky. They were wrecked after chasing each other all day!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member

    It's snowing here again!! Copper loves it!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,432 Member
    beautiful dogs, here's a nr6bibbp87m5.jpg
    few of mine
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @gemwolf110 :::Waves at you as you run past:: Hope you get a few minutes to breathe. Hear anything about the job interview yet? I see you answered. Hope, it is sooner than later. I love huskies. I really like the pic of all three on the couch.

    @janetay01 I am sure grandma knew she was reading longer than you would. Part of being a grandma, you get to spoil your grandkids a little. Allister might be too young to remember this, but he won’t forget how much his grandma loves him.

    @rachel0778 Hope you are feeling better. How did doggy daycare go?

    @shycush6 so freaking cute. You look pretty damn good too! Darn headaches. It is amazing how our bodies sabotage us sometimes. Sounds like a good day ahead.

    @evamutt So sorry dog and hubby are having health issues. I hope things turn out alright. We can’t foster dogs, otherwise we would have too many and not know what to do with them all. We all stress eat a little. Please let us know what the Doctor says.

    @bluepoppies777 Oh my! I am so glad your family wasn’t hurt, but what a pain in the *kitten*. They are lucky they have you to help out. I can see how the week got away from you.

    @tazzy2911 Adorable! Have to check in more often. Hope things are well.

    I might have to figure out how to post pics, so I can post a pic of the dog who thinks I belong to him. It is the BF’s mom’s dog. He and she both live with us, so he is more of the family dog. Spoiled rotten. I will see if I can get a pic posted tonight.

    I did well yesterday! Managed to be 4 calories below on calories, got 75 minutes of cardio/balancing in. Plus spent an hour at the gym in the steam room/hot tub and just relaxing. They do a body analysis at my gym if you pay for the premium membership. (We are) It shows in 2 months I have lost 6.5 pounds (I have been struggling with this) not too bad considering all the holidays we had. I have lost some body fat and gained some lean mass. I am happy about it. It will be even better the next time I do it.
    My weight has been fluctuating a lot, and I have found I am eating more than I used to. Need to get back on track. Going roller skating again tonight. 

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    All these puppy photos just made my day! I absolutely love it!

    Mr. Chance had a wonderful day at his new daycare yesterday :) They said he was welcome back any time! I also had two ex-employees of the old daycare reach out to me to express their condolences over the breed ban and tell me how much they loved my dog. It meant the world that they took the time to find my social media profile and write me.

    Today I got up early for personal training and we did the weight room. I normally do free weights so this was my first time with machines. They really do pack a punch! I hope you are all having great Thursdays!

    @bluepoppies777 I am so sorry to hear about your parent's home! That is absolutely awful! If I actually owned anything valuable I'd take photos of it, that is a great suggestion! I love the photo of Copper, he looks so happy!

    @Evamutt 3 turkey sausages is not a bad way to go over at all. It sounds like your body must have been craving the extra protein. We can't be 100% on plan all the time :) Your puppies are so cute! They all look like good friends

    @gemwolf110 A month is such a long time! My job took about that long to get back to me too so I feel your pain. I hope the good news comes soon! I absolutely love the photo of your fur babies snuggling together!

    @ShyCush6 It's so nice your Mom can take care of Bentley during the day! I'm glad to hear that your headache is gone so you can get back to normal. Great photo of you and Bentley!

    @tazzy2911 Your puppies are so cute! I'm so glad you popped in to add to the great puppy photo montage!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    edited February 2017
    Happy Thursday everyone! I loved seeing all of the dog photos!

    @Rachel0778 - Way to hit the gym early and use the weight room! Machines definitely can pack a punch. Glad to hear Chance had a good time at his new daycare!

    @jdelaroy - Great job on the weight loss and fat loss! 6.5 lbs is still a good amount in two months. :)

    @Evamutt - Awww, your puppies are so adorable!! I'm sorry to hear about your husband; I hope he feels better soon!

    @bluepoppies777 - Copper is so cute! He looks like he loves the snow.

    @gemwolf110 - Aww, your fur babies are adorable too! I hope you hear about the new job soon!

    Okay... here are some pictures of our little man: Cooper! He is obsessed with bones. We've already taught him Sit, and we are working on Lay Down now. He loves to snuggle too. :) Cooper is a beagle/collie mix. He's 10 months old!

  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 372 Member
    My Baby Cocker Spaniel "Barkley" he is 9 months old now!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    These dog pics made my day!!

    Eva: Nice job on the loss! Dogs are great exercise with walking and it’s enjoyable! Hope all is ok for your hubby & pup. Cute doggies! Is that a recent photo? I miss green grass!! ;) I’m getting into my winter blues!

    Joy: OMG! Sorry to hear about your parents! WOW! Ballsy! Sad thing is nothing can replace the stuff lost when it is jewelry with fond memories. But glad they were not home and are safe. Bentley’s nickname is Boo… =) I do that too! The trampoline park was so fun! The kids had a blast! I’m turning 42 in September this year as well! How did we get this old? Sounds like you are getting in the exercise… and you’ve had enough to be stressed about… just reel in the stress eating… you got this! Water.. water.. slam! ;) It’s working for me! Love Copper! How cute!! Happy boy!

    Sinead: OMG!! Love the pictures!! How cute!! That bow tie!! LOL!

    Missy: Sending good vibes on the job front!! Your babies are awesome!! Look at those eyes!

    Jdelaroy: Sounds like you are doing great! It’s so much harder in the winter with holiday and cold. Keep up the great work! Hope roller skating was fun!

    Rachel: Glad Chance is happy in his new daycare!! Nice job on the weights this morning!!

    June: OMG!!!! Cooper is adorable!!!!

    JenHul: Barkley!! I love it!! He is so cute!!!

    Well I am having a great week! They scale is down and I have been working really hard at my calories and getting a good burn! I was on the elliptical last night and got a 500 cal burn!! Now if I could do that every day! ;) Scale was down 1.5 lbs… which made my morning! I even had room for 3 Oreos last night! YUM! My daughter and I were at the gym last night and I laughed as we were hard at it, her boyfriend sent us pictures of him eating Girl Scout cookies… yes.. that time of year… those are the devil! ;) Some of you are so lucky you don’t have them! =) Great cause… evil cookie! Heading to the gym tonight and hubby will be away at a meeting so I will stay as long as I like and not feel guilty for being home late for dinner. I know I shouldn’t feel that way, but I do and it’s dumb! Might even do the massage bed again! Have a great day!