Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hey guys. Sorry for the sporadic posts. I have been reading, but have been feeling very anti-social. I was sick with the beginning of a cold all week. It never quite came to fruition, but still felt yucky. Started feeling better on Monday. Well now I feel like crap again, running a fever, runny nose, and an achy body.

    Keep up all the good work.

    Ema I hope everything goes well with the heart.

    @janetay01 5 am is way better than 2 or 3 am. Glad you were able to get him back to sleep.

    @rachel0778 You are getting so close. Have you started packing yet?
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hey, girls!

    My pinkeye came back today. :( Very upset, checked my mood app and I've been ill almost 3 weeks now with a couple day break when I felt better. Got these cold shivers yesterday and knew I'm not good again.
    Feeling very weak, 3 weeks without weight training and cardio. Hiking and walking keeps me at caloric deficit/maintenance, but just overall have no energy, antibiotics and other medication has totally hit my digestive system and sleep cycle is all messed up with the amount of naps I need to take. Eh :s Can't afford to be sick, have to be in grad school 25h/week, but can't go with contagious pink eyes either, what to do?

    France is doing no good for me so far. 3 months to go till Canada, hope that side of the pond treats me better!
  • ehbirthnut
    ehbirthnut Posts: 5 Member
    Jeez that sounds awful. I wonder if it bc you are being exposed to germs you haven't normally been exposed to in the current environment.
  • cboutin89
    cboutin89 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    My name is Christine. I am getting back on track myself. I have used this app in the past and successfully lost 30 pounds. I just joined the gym and find myself going consistently. I have also been tracking well for the past 4 days.I have 2 fitbits currently collecting dust in my desk at home lol. I am open to support and encouraging others in their fitness journey.
  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    @Rachel0778 Glad to hear everything looks to be running well at the house. The waiting was the worse part for us. I am a Pharmacy Technician, looking to go back to school for a Pharm D. I work in a regional hospital with the Cleveland Clinic.

    @gymprincess1234 Sounds like you need to focus on getting well again. 3 weeks is quite a long time to feel that way. Have you gone to the doctor more than once?

    I am feeling better about myself and have noticed my mood swings are not quite as bad as they were before I started this journey. I cannot believe how fast these first 30 Days have gone by. Currently down 9.6 lbs. I do not see a difference yet, but I can feel it. Tomorrow I call some gyms and do more to keep this lifestyle change.
  • jretkwa
    jretkwa Posts: 1 Member
    I lost 70 lbs in 1996 on Weight Watchers. My weight stayed in the vicinity of 155 since then, with a number of 5-7 lb increases followed by losses down to around 155. Suddenly, at age 64, I'm up about 14 lbs and cannot seem to stop eating (mostly sweets.) I have so many reasons to get back to 155: I have some arthritis which wll worsen the more weight I have, I was prediabetic and may now already have diabetes and my parents are 95 and 93 years old and I am an only child who has to deal with medical and other issues concerning them. I am retired and have too much time on my hands. I'm stuck there too and cannot seem to decide what to do and so I do very little but read. I only mention this here because I'm sure it affects my relation to food.
    I'm trying. And failing. Every day.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @cboutin89 Welcome! And good luck on your journey. Sounds like you are off to a great start.

    @gymprincess1234 Oh my! You are having a rough time. Make sure you disinfect everything that you touch/sleep on so you don't reinfect yourself.

    @cayladebra What a great start to your first 30 days!

    @jretkwa Having too much time on your hands is definitely conductive to eating a ton. Dump the sweets out of your house. Try going grocery shopping on line. That way you aren't tempted to add in all the sweet yummy food/candy. Try finding hobbies you can do at home that keep your hands busy, knitting, cross stitching, painting, drawing, go for walks, volunteer somewhere. I am an avid reader and find that I can do that for hours on end without moving much at all. You can do this!

    I finally did it, in forever! I logged all my food, actually made decent choices, and stayed under calories! Holy Moly! I didn't expect that I would.

    Had parent/teacher conferences last night. My kids are doing great, so that was good. Then the BF gave me money to buy dinner (He didn't want me to have to go to conferences and then come home and have to cook.) Since the kids did so well, I let them choose. We ended up with McDonald's. I made good choices though. Also made my goal of 15000 steps yesterday.(okay 150 under that, but I am counting it darn it.)

    Not sure what I have planned for the weekend. Hope I can keep the trend of low calories up.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    so sorry you're sick, gymprincess, the change in weather here brings a lot of sickness. I got all my labs back & they're all normal. My BP has been fluctuating tho. See Dr next Tuesday. I haven't been working out but I did go with a couple of my dogs & a friend to a large park 2 days ago & we walked the trail for 2 hrs. A few times we hiked up some hills. Nothing bad happened after I did that. I lost another pound. You know how you feel after an illness with a fever & that feeling when you're starting to get better? I feel like that. Hope ya'll have good week end
  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    Today I did yoga stretches at home and some crunches. I know I should do more so I think I am going to start doing these at night too. I started it and I find that the biggest step. I could have layed in bed and done nothing but I started.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    good for you cayladebra, I do crunches at home too
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hey! Thank you everyone!

    I'm feeling quite down at the minute. I'm tired of feeling sick and tired. Had to cancel a lot of plans and say no to meeting people, cause I'm just not in a healthy body and neither in a healthy mindset.
    Exercising, especially cardio is very much therapeutic for me, more than 3 weeks breaks my heart, but I've tried working out and it just put me back to being weaker and felt very hard on my heart.
    Don't want to take more antibiotics and trying to reduce my other medication doses at the minute. Hadn't had a cold in more than a year, and never conjunctivitis, don't get what's happened. Especially that I got off my gastritis and acid reflux meds during summer, my overall blood tests were better.

    Just gonna meditate to not let stress cause anything else, keep eating vitamin C and hope this ends one day. :/

    On the good side, appetite is low, so easy to keep a caloric deficit. But bad side, that I'm not so toned anymore muscle wise :(
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    I'm sorry gymprincess, I know how frustrated I get when I can't do things I enjoy, especially for a longer time & I get overly sensitive in my feelings when I get sick too. prayers for speedy recovery
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    Happy Sunday. I decided to go to act(animal rescue) for the morning cleanup/dog walking this morning. Didn't fall asleep too well last night, cause my pittie girl dog, shirley, fell asleep on my bed before I laid down & didn't leave me much room & I didn't have the heart to wake her to scoot over so I got up late & didn't get there till 10, but I did go on a group walk. They gave me a dog named paisley, so pretty. A young multi colored medium sized dog full of energy. She was pulling, zig zagging & jumping so I decided to get some of her energy out & jogged, she settles down a bit & I did some figure 's ti get her to follow me on leash instead of pull, then I took out a nice pittie girl named Hannah, but not for the long walk, just inside the gate. After all that I felt all this pressure in my head, ears ringing & felt my heart beating. I'm going to Dr on tuesday, hope she can find out the cause. I'm still thinking it's all that heavy exercise I've been doing since June. I'm 63, have always been active but never did that heavy exercise. My treadmill/echo came back good last December, my labs are good. Can't imagine what it could be. Anyway, I decided to eat more on Sundays but can't help myself to eat less calories before I have my treat, Lays Chips, my favorite, will be snacking on those tonight when I watch the new Star Trek. Any star trek fans out there? my dtr goes to the convention every year & her new baby's(Joshua) middle name is Wes, after Wesley Crusher
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    My sweet girl, Shirley, she'll be 12 in January, we had her since she was 5 weeks old. We love her so much
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt What I cutie! I have a pittie too and I love him to death. Keep us posted on what the doctor says, it's scary to not know!

    @gymprincess1234 Sorry to hear you're still sick. Have you gone to the doctor?

    @cayladebra Great job starting an exercise routine!

    @jdelaroy Great job making good food choices!!! I'm glad conferences went well too, your kids sound like they are doing great!

    @jretkwa I think you hit the nail on the head that it's all the extra time that comes with retirement. I second the idea of picking up hobbies or volunteer opportunities to keep you busy again

    @cboutin89 Welcome!

    Well after 2 full days of conferences and a long stressful weekend, I am in desperate need of a reset. This housing stuff is stressing me out and I am 100% eating my feelings and I can't seem to get it together :( It doesn't help it was my TOM all last week into this weekend. I just keep reminding myself that this too will pass, but it feels like it's taking forever to get there.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    Today I was curious to see how much calories I can eat to maintain my current wt, which is 152 & it gives me 1730/day, that's a lot so even tho I still want to lose 8 more lbs & eat at calorie deficit, I'm going to keep it there for a while,some days I've been eating close to 1500-1600/day which I can live with & still have been losing slowly
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt That sounds great! It's always good to know where your maintenance range is

    Yesterday I stayed on track and today I have my healthy lunch and dinner all prepped and ready to go. Weekdays usually aren't my problem, it's weekends, but it's good to feel back on track after feeling out of control for so long.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @evamutt what a cute dog. The animal place is so lucky to have you volunteer. You can tell you clearly love it there. 8 pounds to goal is awesome! Great job.

    @rachel0778 Great job getting back on track. I am still trying to get there.

    This last weekend was a total bust. I was about 1400 calories over for my weekend total. I might have even underestimated. Yesterday, I was barely in the green. This morning 300 calories are gone, and I haven't even eaten breakfast. Going to be a rough day. Plus feeling kind of grumpy.

    My oldest turns 18 on Friday. I am not ready to have an 18 year old. This is crazy and I don't know why, but right now I just want to curl up in a ball, in bed under all my blankets and cry. Instead I am at work. Ho hum.

    Well everyone have a fabulous day!
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Yes, I've been to a doctor again and I'm slowly getting better, now the main struggle is super sore throat and occasional fever.

    Overall this week life is more organized and chill, weather summery and mood better. Went for a hike and climbed stairs of an ancient Roman theater the other day, was shattered afterwards and felt so weak after all this sickness and lack of actual workouts, but was so good to get the blood pumping, especially if I don't need a gym but can do my real life stair master in such a historic place, and major positive impact mentally!
    Can't wait to get back to consistent workouts, probably won't manage 5x/week as before straight away, but 3x is my goal for next week.
    Food-wise I've been bad, can't not eat cheese and all the brioche if I'm living in France. Also with being sick and eating/not eating/sleeping all day/sweating from fever I felt it's quite pointless to track as it's not a good representation of energy in/energy out. But in comparison photos and on measuring tape I'm the smallest I've ever been, so will just get back to tracking every gram from tomorrow as now I'm slightly better.

    It's my 1year body reconstruction anniversary on November 15th and I so bloody want to weight myself that day naked first thing in the morning, but noone I know here has a scale to borrow, guess it's an occasion big enough to buy one and give to charity once Christmas comes and I move again. :D
    Have a healthy and active week everyone!

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    It's been a while since I've been on here but I haven't been keeping up. I'm in the same boat with @Rachel0778 I've been on vacation for the last week and will be until Friday and it has totally thrown me off my game. I haven't dont a single lick of exercise, with the exception on a really heavy workout on Wednesday of last week where I ended up hurting my arms, and have been eating like total crap. I've just been grazing on everything and not watching my portions at all. I know that once I have a full work week again next week things will get better because I'll have more structure in my life again. I've found that when I dont have a structure in my life things just start to go totally backward. I've gained back 3lbs. Not a whole lot I guess but those 3lbs were hard to get off! I'm in an unofficial challenge with another group to lose 5lbs by January 1. I know I can do at least that and probably exceed it without much of a problem, I just need to get my head back in the game! I have started a bullet journal and am having a lot of fun designing it and everything but I haven't really been doing the things on my list. So it's time that I actually start to hit my goals! So this today I am refocusing and keeping my head in the game! Lol.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!