Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    @Evamutt Thanks This is all very new to me. I hope all works well for you. Our emotions can be a difficult thing to work through.

    @rachelbachel32 Your dress is beautiful and you can see such a difference. Congrats on getting under 170! I am currently in the same situation. I started gaining more and more at 19, late night dinners and getting comfortable with my now husband. Now at 25 with two small children I am at my heaviest nonpregnant weight and have little confidence. This past 2 months I gained 10lbs alone and noticed my acne getting much worse. So last week I started watching my calories and cut out pepsi. I was drinking at least two cans a day. Already see a scale difference and its motivating.

    Do you pay attention to macros? I feel as if its burdening!
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    @cayladebra Thank you! When I first started at my gym, they had us eating 5-6 times each day as part of their meal plan and counting carbs/proteins/fats instead of calories. It was definitely very overwhelming at first! As you learn what you can eat/what fits your numbers, it gets easier. I have modified my eating style since then. I practice intermittent fasting, simply because it fits my natural eating pattern (I've never been a breakfast eater), and it makes meal prep much easier. I generally eat between 1 pm - 9 pm. I still keep track of my macros, but I look at a daily total, rather than a total for each individual meal. I find that when I hit my macro numbers, I am easily within my daily calories.

    At the end of the day, I believe that your calories are most important for losing weight, but for some people, tracking macros really helps with that. If it's burdening or overwhelming to you, maybe skip it for now. You can always start tracking those down the road. :smile:
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member

    My body must be either losing the TOM bloat or finally realized how good I've sticked to 1350kcal! I've -0.7kg this morning! :oo:) 9kg till goal weight and 1kg till a number I haven't seen in the past 8 years! So, so ,soooo excited! I'm very driven by visible results, inpatient, this is what I needed!
    Heading to the gym, tonight is my farewell and pre-birthday dinner with family, so need to burn some calories, so I can indulge in chocolate fondant later and don't just gain all the recent loss back haha

    Amazing to see the numbers go down and my stomach curving in. Rewarding myself today with relaxing in the sauna after my workout!

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    Our trainer at the gym said we should eat 6 times a day. I was never a breakfast eater, but I'm doing it just to see how it goes so in the morning I just have 3-4 Tbl of yogurt or 5-6 pieces of cantaloupe. I can't sit down & eat a full meal that early. I used to make a smoothie with frozen fruit, yogurt & almond milk but I go to dog park M-F after smoothie & there's no bathrooms there so I was having to leave my dogs at park & take the short drive to Wendy's to use theirs but I don't have to do that with the yogurt or cantaloupe so I'm sticking to that for a month at least, till my next eval with the trainer plus I'm not starving hungry by the time we get back so it's working out well. My dtr, her 2 kids & new baby are coming to visit saturday-monday. On Sunday she wants to just hang around inside (they're staying at her brothers) & eat & play games so I'm just eating what ever they want to make, in moderation of course.
  • velocity60
    velocity60 Posts: 83 Member
    September is here & I'm ready for it to b my New Years Day ! You can really feel a change in the weather which is so nice . I love being back in the North East . I'll never take Seasons for granted ! Didn't really get into salads this summer but I'm ready for soup weather !
  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    Today was my 10th day logging. This is my longest streak. As of today I have lost 4.1 lbs. I am accrediting this lost mostly to giving up carbonated beverages. I have stayed on course most days and have limited my sweets intake. Here is to hoping the weekend doesnt cause too much temptation!
  • velocity60
    velocity60 Posts: 83 Member
    Yesterday was a great kickoff to September I'm going to make this Labor Day weekend count . I'm going to try really hard to stay on plan so that I don't spend the week losing the weight I put on in a few silly days . I have to if I'm ever going to plateau bust .
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    Hope ya'll had a good week end. Yesterday we went over one of our son's house, where my dtr & her now 3 kids stayed, they live 3hrs away & came for week end. My dtr in law & her son were there too & I had such a wonderful time being around some of my kids. I just love them all so much & we have a good relationship. One of my dtr in laws & I were friends before she met & married one of my sons .My other dtr is law is pregnant with #2, so this will be our 9th grand child, can hardly believe it.My dtr made pork ribs in crock pot, grilled some cheese & jalapeno sausage, made rice & rice crispy treats for dessert. I did eat more than usual. My dtr in law uses & sells Herballife so I got some banana/caramel flavor protein powder from her to make protein fluff. I made some last week but out of our regular flavor protein powder(yuk) this one came out pretty good, had a little flavor (I didn't add anything else to it, like fruit) so I had a horrible night. my body was restless & the 2nd half of the night I had diarrhea. Feel like I haven't slept ugh!! Me & hubby are not used to eating that kind of food. I'm waiting for my stomach to be ok so I can take the dogs out. Poor guys haven't been out since Friday, mostly due to the heat...108-111 but it's a bit cooler today, only 84 now at 9;15 & will get 99 later. I'm thinking rest of day will be for recovering
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Evamutt I'm so sorry that you got sick! That's terrible! Was the food tasty at least? And yay grandbabies! My parents dont have any yet, which is a good thing because if I or my brother had ended up having any kids earlier in life than my parents probably would have been stuck raising them. But hopefully this time next year I will be expecting. The DH and I think it's about time to start trying to starting the beginning of the year.

    @velocity60 I hope you have a great September and that this weekend has treated you well!

    @cayladebra I hope the weekend is going well for you! I hope the temptations were few and far between! And good job on the weight loss that's awesome and encouraging!

    @Rachel0778 I hope you are well! Haven't heard from you recently! Have a great holiday!
  • cayladebra
    cayladebra Posts: 33 Member
    @HGSmith0920 Thank you. I was definitely tempted and failed on so many levels. I have basically restarted today.

    Saturday me and the Hubs went downtown to the market and we bought fresh meats and veggies and fruit and homade pastas. I wanted cookies and ice cream and sweets galore. Being home with food is hard. While Im at work during the week it isnt so bad because there isnt direct access to anything other than the meals already prepared. Im at home and all I want is food.

  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Hey girlies! Hello from France!
    I've been losing weight like crazy this past week, have never seen myself so skinny. My new area is super hilly, been hyking and walking all the time, plus don't have all my kitchen stuff yet, so my weekly average calories are 1000kcal :o
    Need to fix it up as I don't want to end up in a binge. Don't have a scale and don't know if I should bother buying, cause moving again in 3,5months, but the measuring tape says -2cm everywhere.

    Surprised to see such silence here! Come back people!

    Have a healthy, fit and delicious week everyone :)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi ladies! Work is crazy and we started the house search so I'll be MIA for awhile. The weekend I definitely went over calories, but it was totally worth it. Today I'm back on track. It's just been hard since I'm so anxious about the housing search that I'm not sleeping. We're going out to view houses on Thursday, wish me luck one is a good fit!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    The food was totally worth it. I LOVE sausage, I grew up on it. my parents made it from scratch. I don't keep any in the house or I'll eat the whole pack, like I used to so sometimes I get the cheddar jalapeno but with chicken, not too many calories for that. So it's Tuesday & I'm almost recovered from the weekend, yes it takes me this long. I was so tired out like I went on a long trip. Went to bed at 10 last nite & woke up at 8 today. Went for almost an hour walk with dogs. Getting ready to go to gym, rowing machine & weights & pool. I so miss my HIIT class, wasn't able to go since last Thursday, tonight I go to my church group so I'm back to it tomorrow.I'm going to eat dinner at home 30min before I leave so I won't want any chili Verde, beans,rice & home made tortillas or any dessert, we eat before our meeting. Hubby grilling boneless/skinless chicken thighs today, his will have bone in it.They're SO good! I could eat them all week either cut them up & put in salad, or with lots of veggies or open faced bread with lite mayo. We marinade them in teriyaki then put a little of the Carolina BBQ sauce on them when almost done. I haven't lost any wt scale wise, but the shorts I wear are too big! yay. After gym we're going to Costco, almost out of yogurt & Kirkland is my favorite.
    Last week I "tried" to make the protein fluff a few times I read about but it didn't come out too well so I gave up but last nite I made my usual smoothie...almond milk,yogurt, protein powder,frozen mixed fruit but I put some of the xamtham gum I bought for the fluff & it came out like the fluff & tasted great, & very filling ,low cal. I got some banana/caramel protein powder from my sis in law who uses & sells Herbalife so I'm going to be making that more often. Anyone else make protein fluff on here?
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    It was totally worth it. I LOVE sausage, my parents made it from scratch & I can eat a whole package so I don't keep it around. last week I tried to make the protein fluff I read about but it didn't come out well both times so I gave up but last night I made my usual smoothie consisting of almond milk, yogurt,protein powder & frozen fruit but I added some xantham gum I bought for the fluff & it came out like the fluff, it was good so I'm going to be making that often, it's so filling. anyone on here make that?
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt homemade sausage sounds amazing! How was the gym last night? I've never made protein fluff but it sounds odd

    So I've been a basket case for the last week over this housing stuff. I'm stressed and I'm not sleeping. It's a big decision! We found a house we LOVE. Downside, it borders a busy road so even though it has a giant privacy fence you can hear the traffic. I think I could live with it, but I'm concerned about resale. I know the only reason this house is in our price range is because of location, but seriously the house is gorgeous and I could walk to work every day. What do you ladies think?
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Good morning friends!

    @evamutt Sounds like a good time. I have never even heard of protein fluff. So, I can't help you there.

    @rachel0778 House hunting is such a big step in life. How is the housing market where you live? Here in CO it is almost impossible. We are in desperate need of more houses. They can't build them fast enough, and prices of houses and rent just keep going up. If your market is like that then I say snag it. If it isn't quite so booming, maybe take a day or two to think about it. Do a pro's and con's list. Will you be staying at your work? Will it fit into your future needs? But all in all if you Love it, and it fits in your budget I would probably tell you to buy it.

    So sorry, I disappeared for almost 2 months. Life got crazy at work, then I had some health issues and was told I needed to take it easy for a few weaks, and then I lost motivation and was ashamed of myself. So trying to get back on track. I gained about 15 pounds in 2 months. How come it is so much easier to gain than lose. Blah. So I have come in the green 3 out of 4 days this week. I was only over by 35 calories yesterday. It was my rest day, so I still think of it as a win.

    I did my first full circuit at the gym this morning. You are supposed to do it 2 times for 30 minutes. I didn't know how to use any of the machines so, I am impressed with once around. My arms now feel like Jello.

    I missed you guys, and I am glad to still see some familiar faces around here.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @jdelaroy - welcome back, we've missed you! I've not been around this thread much myself recently - serious issues around motivation and lack of sleep (oh the joys of a toddler that can come into our room now when he wakes up in the night!). Anyway, good to have you back :)

    @Rachel0778 - much of what Jen says about the house purchase. Plus - is it an investment or do you see it as your long term home? Does the noise of the road bother you that much - are you buying with your other half and will it bother them? I grew up with traffic noise so think I would be ok with it - but my husband has never had to and would pretty much rule a house out on that alone. What time of day did you view it? Go back at rush hour to see how loud it is then - could you live with that every day? Ultimately if you really love it, I would buy it - but make sure you aren't jumping in to something you will regret!

    As I said, some serious motivation issues going on here - but I'm back in the new Hogwarts Challenge and that is helping me to get back on the horse a bit. We had a really nice week off - now for the work slog to the end of November when we have a long weekend away for our 10th wedding anniversary! Not much else to report - just battling through the week on too much work and too little sleep :(
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Hello, everyone!

    I'm ill, got tonsillitis and no voice. :( Nevertheless, it's been a week of walking, hiking and eating with a massive kcal deficit. With moving and traveling, haven't had time to cook anything proper in a week.
    Can't wait to get healthy, a daily uni routine and a workout plan soon.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I've learned not to look back... I tend to leave the past in the past, but once in a while it's healthy too remember just how far we've come.

    I was always the "fat" kid, never into sports or athletics, hated gym class, always self-conscious. As a young adult I learned to love myself and gained a ton of confidence, but always secretly envied those skinny fit girls. One day lightening struck... I told myself I didn't have to just wish for what "those fit people" had, that I could have it too. In that moment I changed everything about myself.

    A little more than 6 years ago I was close to 190 LBs and had never truly exercised or even thought about what I was eating or how much I was eating. I took my first class... sculpting. Using the 3 LB hand weights and going slow as molasses I was exhausted within minutes and was sore for days. But I was immediately addicted. I began to research foods and nutrition. I began to exercise every day. I fell in love with Zumba. I started logging and tracking my food and calories. I did hours of research on nutrition, exercise and the human body. I joined a couple of different gyms and started taking any and every class I could find.

    Over the past several years I never lost my motivation... I simply don't ask where it comes from. It just IS and I go with that. The fire that was lit inside of me just keeps growing and growing. Even through my mothers sickness and ultimate passing I still danced. In fact, it kept me sane.

    Current day - I am a master licensed nutritionist. I've earned my second rank in Muay Thai. I lift heavy weights every day and get my cardio on every damn day. I do yoga here and there to stay flexible. I am currently in competition prep for my first body building show (bikini division). I turn 49 this year and feel like I'm in my 20s. In my circle of friends I am the "fit" girl, the gym junkie, the personal trainer... You know how sometimes you walk into a gym and see a woman lifting weights who is all jacked up, and you have to look twice? Now when people walk into a gym they look at me that way... and I love it.

    What a journey! It can be done. Learn to love and to trust yourself. Don't compare yourself to others. Find something that works for you and keep doing it. When it doesn't work anymore, find something new. Pay attention to the silly cliché's... they speak volumes. Like "When you don't feel like doing something the most is when you make your greatest accomplishments" Truth! "Visualize what you want to become" Truth! "Pain is weakness leaving the body" Truth!

    Never give up.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @janetay01 Thank you for the welcome back. I missed you guys tremendously. Sorry you are having problems with the little guy. One of mine had the same issue. We ended up, every time they would get up in the night, we would take them and put them back in bed. Didn't really say anything to them. Except that they were alright and it was time to sleep. I think after a week or two of this, they would start going back to sleep on their own.

    @gymprincess1234 I am sorry you aren't feeling well. Feel better soon and hopefully you will get settled quickly.

    Ugh, I thought we were going roller skating last night, so I ate like I was going to have more calorie than I thought. BF called off, he was in a lot of pain, and he didn't want what I had planned for dinner. Ended up doing fast food. Then he gave me a donut. I couldn't say no. So way over my calories. Then this morning I caved and ordered a Chi Tea Frappucino laden in sugar. If I am really careful and run at lunch I might be okay. Think I am going to go over tonight too. Sigh, at least it is Friday.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.