Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • Momofthree224
    Momofthree224 Posts: 11 Member
    @kmshover I'm so sorry - hope you're feeling better today :(

    @Evamutt - My old girl has been having some anxiety issues lately and the last foster pups we had really put her out of sorts. I hope I have time to volunteer soon! The gym that our family belongs to has recently cut down their more intense classes by 15 minutes or more. Not sure if there is a physiological reason for it or if was only for scheduling purposes. I'm glad you found something that works for you.

    I weighed in last night and have lost 6 lbs since I started logging daily. I don't usually weigh in at night and I had not used this scale before, so there is a decent margin of error but I'm happy I saw some positive change over the two weeks. Had some rescue friends over for lunch today, one of whom is a vegan. She brought tons of fresh and canned stuff from her garden. I recently heard of volumetrics so I ate all the veggies I wanted. Turns out veggies DO have calories so I went over my target intake. Maybe I just picked the wrong veggies? The weather started off rainy and cold, but it's now in the mid 70's and sunny so the dogs can be walked (2/3 are allergic to rain). Dinner's in the crockpot so I might even get in a game of catch with the kids between homework and all our other activities.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @momofthree224 So glad the weekend went well! Your husband and my SO definitely sound like they have similar hoarding styles! Congrats ont he loss!

    @jdelaroy I'm so glad you're feeling better!

    @kmshover I'm so sorry about your ER experience. I hope your pcp was able to help

    @Evamutt Great workout! Glad your heart has been doing better

    I have had a crazy busy week. The weekend was absolutely insane with the move, Monday night I had to do a makeup session for Crossfit testing, Tuesday I had an all day conference 2 hours away from home, and today I've had 4 hours of back to back meetings and an hour long presentation. Thursday should be a normal day, but Friday my Mom and I are planning on scrubbing down the townhome which I am definitely not looking forward to. Saturday I have a 10K planned with a friend out of town this Saturday that I signed up for back in January and now I really wish I could back out of. I haven't been running much and I'm so exhausted. I am really excited to do absolutely NOTHING on Sunday because next week is no less busy!

  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    What a day! I made a smoothie with the "healthy meal" powder & a ground turkey sandwich before I left at noon to take my client to her bible study from 1-3. I didn't eat a thing because I had a protein bar in my car for snack. Well I forgot to bring the bar. After I took her home, I drove to take a dog bed to a friend across town. So much traffic! I stayed a while so I didn't eat a thing from 12-5:30. I was SO hungry when I got home. Made myself a BIG salad with some cut up chicken I made last night. It was good & I'm full but it's so hard not to eat more just so I can chew some more. I did leave room for my nightly popcorn tho. Didn't make it to the gym yesterday or today because I don't like going after 5 when there's so many ppl there & I didn't have time to go earlier & I'm so exhausted to do home exercise ugh! Anyone else feel a need to chew when you don't get a chance to eat at your usual meals/snacks?
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 Holy Heck It is busy week for you. Hang in there.

    @Evamutt I do! I love the process of eating, chewing gum doesn't help either.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    Another busy day yesterday. Thursdays I have my 4yr old grand dtr. she loves to go to the mall so I picked up my friend to bring with us & we stayed for 3hrs but I felt like it was 8. I don't like the mall, it totally wears me out but she had fun. She's been going since she was a baby, lol. We ate at chipoltle. I had a salad bowl with just chicken & veggies in it.After I got home, at 5:30, I got a second wind. Don't know why so I did a home workout. I don't like going to the gym after 5 when it gets crowded. This morning I was at orientation all morning for my job. I'm only going to work 2 days/wk, don't really want to but could use the $$. So I decided since I'm not going to the HIIT classes, where I burned about 350cal, I'm being extra diligent about cutting down on calories so I can be finished with losing weight instead of it dragging on. Fortunately I'm only going to 2 thanksgiving dinners & don't know of any Christmas celebrations we're going to & I normally don't cook anything special
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    I'm halfway done with midterms, on reading week break, which is a little pause to start looking for internships and sort out moving. Getting very excited for all the hiking and in Canada and some USA west coast trips!

    On the fitness side I am at the same place I was before, unintentional maintenance or more like one day deficit, the other overeating. Nothing new to report unfortunately. I'm trying my best to have more deficit days, need to kick start the loss for once!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt Great job sticking to healthy food even though you were super hungry, that is a huge accomplishment! How did orientation go?

    @gymprincess1234 Good luck on your midterms! I love visiting Washington and Oregon, I bet you'll have a great time hiking on the West Coast.

    @gemwolf110 Great job sticking with healthy meals even though the week has been busy!

    @jdelaroy I rely on gum as a crutch sometimes. The act of chewing seems to help me.

    Holy Hannah, I think this weekend was even busier than move in weekend! Friday, we cleaned the old place for 6 hours and then I met up with coworkers for a happy hour that night.

    Saturday, I woke up at 5:45am to participate in the 10K. I ended up finishing in less than an hour, which considering I haven't ran that long in almost a year and I haven't ran longer than 2 miles in the last month is a serious accomplishment! We spent the rest of the day furniture shopping and quickly learned that dark wood is the only "in-style" color so if your kitchen is a lighter wood, you're screwed. After 5 hours of shopping, we did decide on a living room set, bought couch covers and a bench cover, and found a used table online for only $100 that actually matches out kitchen (yay-savings!).

    Sunday, I cooked cupcakes for the potluck, cupcakes for the neighbors (they were out so I left them at their door), cookies and bread for my Grandpa who is letting us use his truck to get the table, and a middle eastern egg bake and butternut squash soup for my meals this week. After that I vacuumed and cleaned floors. I am WIPED OUT! And tonight we have a FAFSA night so I'll be working until after 9pm. Ugh.

    This house is burning me out and I've only had it for a week!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    Hope everyone had a good week end. Yesterday my dtr & family came from out of town to have her dtr's Grace, 10th B day here with family. It was really great. They had KFC & a "cake" made from stacking glazed donuts. I helped myself to the KFC, had 4 wings, 3 breast fillets , all extra crispy 2 biscuits & 1 donut. I's a lot. It's been over a year, anyway I started sipping baking soda & water in the evening so I won't get sick. At 2 am the worst re flux ball I've ever had woke me up gasping for air. After that it was going back & forth from bed to the bathroom literally every few minutes till 4 am! Been recovering all day. I may never eat kfc again, but for sure I'm never having that large of a serving. This friday is my bible groups "night of thanksgiving" & I'm having MY normal size serving & a few tablespoons of dessert. I never want to feel like this again
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    wow Rachel0778, I'd need a few days to recover from all that!! Hope you get some good sleep
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt That sounds awful! I'm so sorry to hear your body rebelled last night! And I definitely do need a break lol

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! What are your Halloween plans/traditions? I didn't get to bed until late, but I did still wake up and get my workout in this morning so that I would be ready for trick or treaters tonight.

    Chance is less than impressed with his costume, but he'll have fun barking at trick or treaters.

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @evamutt Hope you recover soon. Maybe it will serve as a reminder the next time you want to indulge. I wish it would for me when I go overboard.

    @rachel0778 He is adorable. I will be taking my 2 younger ones out trick or treating. My eldest is staying home to hand out candy.

    I had a bad day yesterday, ate lots of sugary stuff. Hoping today will be better.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    chance is adorable! Hope you're having a better day today jdelaroy
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy I'm right there with you. Although since Halloween is my favorite holiday I'm trying not to beat myself up too much

    @Evamutt Thank you!!!

    I had fun dressing up and handing out candy to trick or treaters, but I was a little sad that my SO got stuck at work and didn't make it home until after trick or treating time. He's going to have to work a ton more hours through the rest of the year to make his year end bonus and I'm already a little bummed. What do you ladies do to combat the lonely feeling, especially when the lonely feeling brings you closer to the chocolate?
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    Hi all!

    My work blocked MFP from my work computer (no idea why!), which sucks, because I love using the desktop version, especially to keep up with this group!

    I had a horrible eating weekend. On Monday, I made a cute little goals sheet for the next 6 weeks. A big goal for me is 1 treat meal per week... not a cheat meal turned into a cheat day turned into a cheat weekend. :wink: I am also starting C25K again. I only completed 2 days the first time. I am going to love checking off my weekly progress! I also took a "before" pic to see what changes I can notice in 6 weeks' time.

    I have tried to post more on Instagram with recipes, fitness stuff, etc. to see if that will help keep me on track. If any of you want to follow me, you can find me @rachelcalsbeek.

    I hope you are all having a good week so far!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 I lost to the candy yesterday too. It is so hard when the SO is away. Mine has been working a lot of late nights too. I am not sure how to handle it. A big part is to try and stay busy. Harder to do as the weather turns yucky. But, you have a brand new house, that you can do all kinds of fun stuff to. LOL Good luck to your SO.

    @rachelcalsbeek Silly work! I love the idea of your 6 week goal chart. Maybe I need to do that. Right now I am struggling with eating.

    Had a decent day yesterday, ate too much candy, got in over 20 k steps. That included a 40 minute walk at lunch, that I really didn't want to do. Then an hour of trick or treating with the kids.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    What I do personally when I'm lonely, afraid,insecure,angry etc is a few things, first, I turn to more,lean on, depend more on Jesus, then I share with a trusted friend, but not all the time. Then I learn to use the tools he's given us, like how what we think & put in our minds is how we're going to feel so when I feel alone, I say, I'm not alone, when I'm angry, I give it to him etc. Makes a huge difference in my life, otherwise I wouldn't have lasted this long I've been married 45yrs, raised 4 great kids, but there were many years when it was like I was a married single along with wanting to be a real single woman, but God got me through all those times & hubby let him work in his life a lot more, so things are better than they have been in several years, He is faithful even when we are not & the last part of my life has become better than the first. Wish I knew what I know now a long time ago, would have spared me a lot of heart ache ( I still get some, that's life, but not devastated like when I was young)
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt I'm glad your faith got you through those tough times. I'm not a religious person, but I like the idea of questioning our feelings and to reframing things since it truly is all about how you view it.

    @jdelaroy You are right, the house definitely has a set "to do" list to keep me busy! I do feel less alone when I'm busy so I'm going to try to increase that!

    @rachelcalsbeek Sorry your workplace banned the website :( Keep us posted on how you do with your goals!

    Yesterday was a really good day. My family got together for the 5 year anniversary of my Grandmother's passing. Afterwards my Mom and I went out shopping and I found a heavy duty winter jacket at Goodwill for $10. It's pretty 80's-tastic, but it's super warm and within my budget so I'm not complaining. I also went to my pole dancing class. I didn't realize how much I missed that class and getting together with a big group of women around my age after work. I need to make sure that class continues to fit into my budget! I think I might try to find a Book Club or something else as well. Keeping busy is the name of the game!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @evamutt Thanks for the advice, I will have to try and remember that. Wish I had seen this last night.

    @rachel0778 Sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday.

    I did lousy yesterday. I ate way too much food, and did no exercise. The BF still hasn't made it home from work, from yesterday. He is on his way home now. I expect a text in the next hour. Hopefully, I will do better today.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    I've been doing well food wise all week, since Sunday. Staying under 1300/cal/day. I've been enjoying doing home exercises lately. I wasn't sure if I was getting sick, so I asked the other grandparents to watch our grand dtr today, but I started feeling better in the afternoon. I think I was just super tired out from yesterday when I grocery shopped before work then food prepped & cooked, after work . I did some home exercise. walked dogs 3 times & taking my time cleaning. Tomorrow nights our thanksgiving dinner with my study group. I'm making carrot cake with crushed pineapple to take. I'm not worried about being tempted while it's here. Fortunately I don't crave sweets too often. Today I did have a craving for my non fat greek plain yogurt but sweet so I mixed in a few Tbl of cool whip & some hot cocoa mix. It was so good. Planing to have one serving of dinner & 4 Tbl of varied desserts tomorrow night & that's it. Our hostess is layering the turkey,mashed potatoes & stuffing. If I like it, I may do the same for our thanksgiving. Can't believe tomorrows Friday already. Where did the week go?
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,332 Member
    This is the Grand dtr that turned 10 last week end. This was some years ago when she dressed up Dinah dog in this cute costume