

  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    This is what I'll probably do! I need to start jogging, actually. Thanks!

    weigths are nice, they startle your body in a good way. and they're much less boring than just cardio.

    But if you don't feel like joining a gym you can do your own HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) - the idea is to do a minute of your standard excercise (walk), then 10 seconds as hard as you can (sprint), then a minute of your standard excercise, then again 10 seconds as hard as you can. You can vary the proportions, for instance 5 minutes vs 1 minute or 2 minutes vs 30 seconds.

    This is more realistic for me cause my fat butt can't jog for long, yet.

    hehe, the HIIT's were amazing at getting my condition better. at the gym, when I first joined, my PI was like 11 (anything under 10 is: why aren't you in a wheelchair you're so out of shape) and for about 2 years it kept hovering just under 20 (20 to 30 is the "normal" range I think; and 30 to 40 is good shape where above 40 is what professional athletes have). Then they made me do the intervals and whoooomp up above 30 I went in about 2 months time :D

    oh, and keep one HIIT session going for 10-15 minutes straight; then rest. when I was first starting I could do the "sprint" bits maybe 5 or 6 times within the 10 minutes so don't worry if you take an extra break to recover.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    oh, and keep one HIIT session going for 10-15 minutes straight; then rest. when I was first starting I could do the "sprint" bits maybe 5 or 6 times within the 10 minutes so don't worry if you take an extra break to recover.
    er, I meant, not the "sprint" bit, but the whole thing including the walking parts.