Fail Week. Share your shame?

Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
edited November 2015 in Motivation and Support
Last week was not a good week for me calorie wise. I have literally eaten everything under the sun and feel dreadful. But I need to stop beating myself up and remind myself that everyone is human and trips up at some point! Anyone care to share their shame as such, just a moment or two of Oh Poop what have I done xD

I missed Zumba for fireworks on thursday then had an XL Kebab for tea
I ate almost under my target yesterday, got a light version of a meal, went home... then ate three slices of cake xD
Someone brought chocolate into my work and its so hard to resist, especially as its a new job and I feel rude refusing!
I ate like a million toasties over the weekend because we got a new George Foreman grill.

Need a kick up the bum and to get back on the right track!

Care to share? :) :')


  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    This has been a good week, but I did eat an entire large Domino's pizza about two weeks ago. I managed to "absorb the damage" though, and go away with it :)
  • shellygw
    shellygw Posts: 33 Member
    Pretty good this week, but about 2 weeks ago, really blew it. Dined out for lunch and supper in the same day and was in a mode of 'I'm tired of caring' and ate what I wanted and finished with more 2.5x my calories for the day. I was embarrassed to see it in print, but realized that it was how I used to eat all the time and try to look at it as a reminder of where I don't want to be again.
  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Love this thread...particularly because the last few weeks have been like this for me and I could really do with a kick up the bum right now. I had sticky toffee pudding for dessert yesterday, apple crumble on Saturday and Jam Rolly Polly on Friday and generally ditched counting the cals.

    My excuse? Work has been awful and I feel really down. I usually bring my own lunch in (or if not, I have salad or sushi) but last week, I couldn't be bothered with the lunch I'd brought in and went out for a salt and fat-laden Pret sandwich instead nearly every day. I have to separate feeling down and eating. I know in the long-term its not going to make me happier (it'll do the opposite) but when I'm in the misery, woe is me zone, it's all about instant gratification. I'm starting to bore myself now with it. Time to buck up.
  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    Friday I was right on target, still had a few calories left (I'm set to 1320, but I occasionally eat at 1200, so if I have leftover calories that's fine) and then my husband and his friend came in with pizza at 9pm. I ate 2 slices and a bread stick, and wasn't able to fit in a work out before bed, so I was way over my calories for the day. Oh well. Things happen, and I don't plan on passing up surprise pizza in the future either. Just means I have to make up for it the next day.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Last week I was all over the place with my calorie goal, but ended up doing okay and lost a half pound. Then came Sunday and all hell broke loose. A day of eating out of boredom, and had a weak moment buying a treat at the grocery store without looking at the calories first. I really wanted some chocolate milk and cake. I put the chocolate milk in the cart, looked at the piece of cake and saw 510 calories, so I put that back. I drank the chocolate milk and when I looked at calories, it's 440 for one small measly bottle!!! I shoulda had the cake (or really, none!)
    From that point I was like, "whatever" and ate what I wanted the rest of the day - going over my calorie goal by at least 800 calories.
  • rhodachupp
    rhodachupp Posts: 14 Member
    Ugh I was tired today and ate horribly!! I'm at least 800 calories over goal but I'll try to make up for it rest of the week.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I haven't exercised in a month, last night was the first night in 3 weeks I didn't have at least 2 glasses of wine, I had takeaway multiple times on the weekend, I'm bloated, greasy, salt-ridden and yuck. I've been using a hectic work schedule as an excuse, but really I've just been letting stress get the better of me and letting myself go hogwild. I need a slappin'
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    I haven't had a good week with eating either. Last week I did great at exercising m-f was hauled a ton of wood on Sat, took Sun. off. The snacking has done me in. I have been craving chocolate since Halloween and we have had some around. It's all gone now, obviously. I had taco's at chipotle, which wasn't too bad for calories. I just am frustrated with myself. I am up 3 lbs this week, which if I felt I ate a ton, would be fine, but I don't really think I had. Haven't been logging everything, so from now on, everything will be logged, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Good luck everyone. I need to get busy doing something, and not eat..
  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    Great comments! Its the snacks that get me now I have a desk job! People bringing in cakes and chocolate and all dreadfully unhealthy goodies! I'm struggling because I only want to lose a couple of pounds to look trimmer and they're so hard to get off! Don't think anythings shifted after 3-4 weeks :( starting to feel all givey-uppy! But the belly bulge bothers me so much! Uh!
  • Shelly803517
    Shelly803517 Posts: 22 Member
    My weakness since halloween has been candy :(

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited November 2015
    Last week I was 300-600 calories over my goal the first 3 days because candy and cupcake and cookies (but somehow still managed to keep a small deficit for the week).

    Then on Monday I had an early dinner because my daughter had a girl scout meeting and I was hungry, and I was at my goal. All good... but while we were gone, my husband ordered pizza for dinner (instead of eating leftovers, some of which I had made especially because he had requested them, which I ended up throwing away yesterday because they had just been sitting in the fridge for almost a week). By 7.30pm I was getting a bit hungry again, and couldn't resist and had two pieces of pizza when I got home. Learned later that they were actually extra cheese pizza too (argh), and my husband complained yesterday that I had thrown the leftovers away.

    Just another week at my house I guess.

    Still exercising though!
  • KatieFerg95
    KatieFerg95 Posts: 11 Member
    I've had two slices of tray bake today. :(
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    I've taken to binge eating at dinner about 4 out of 7 nights a week and have been doing this for about a month then over compensating on other days. I'm in a nasty cycle of bad behaviour and punishment. Not healthy I know but really stuck in a rut. I need to find a way out of this current cycle and connecting through community has helped before and I thought I'd start here. Confession is good for the soul or so they say. So now forward momentum please!!
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    Soopatt wrote: »
    This has been a good week, but I did eat an entire large Domino's pizza about two weeks ago. I managed to "absorb the damage" though, and go away with it :)

    I like your style! Lol.

    Last week I ate a whole Medium Domino's Pizza, plus a side of their BBQ bacon specialty chicken. Felt gross the next day. Drank a ton of water trying to flush out what was probably a week's worth of sodium. But it was delicious. I regret nothing.
  • SoleilxStitch
    SoleilxStitch Posts: 95 Member
    Not really ashamed but last week I had take away nearly every day and had two large pizza hut pizzas across a day and a half, plus garlic bread and cheese triangles washed down with lots of booze. I'm shocked how I don't feel that bad about it , I just needed to get it out the system >_< Last week I was pretty much thousands over my goals. Havent been to the gym for a fortnight either but tomorrow I go back.
  • mommyof4cpa
    mommyof4cpa Posts: 82 Member
    Half my calories today were from halloween candy....wth??????? Oh, and 1/4 of them were from pizza....wthx2???????
  • proudseal
    proudseal Posts: 83 Member
  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    These are amazing :') I feel so much better! I think I insecurity-eat, when I feel insecure at work especially I eat to give myself a mental boost.
    I now have a little soft toy keyring to hold to distract and comfort myself. Sad I know but better than just eating everything in the world!
  • GetMeTo125
    GetMeTo125 Posts: 20 Member
    I have had a rough week at work and turned to food at night. I am so dissapoint ed in myself. Starting fresh today. I have my stuff to go to the gym tonight and have my food plan for the day. To ight I will not eat in the kitchen with the tv..that is my danger. I also have my journal with me. The nights I did not journal I overate..taking just today and not focusing on the 40 pounds I need to lose..rather my food, exercise and gratitude for today. The weight will come off if I take it one day at a time !
  • Sinead1819
    Sinead1819 Posts: 67 Member
    You can do it! :) Determination will get you there!