Do you log...



  • rbakedq
    rbakedq Posts: 142 Member
    Also, if you take more than one pill, vitamin, supplement or what ever, every day, create a meal or even a recipe for them. That way you only have to hit one button to add them to your diary.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    Oh that would work too, thanks rbakedq.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    edited November 2015
    Triskele2 wrote: »
    This never even occurred to me. It almost feels a little obsessive like those folks who weigh their bowel movements.

    I guess I can see it as helpful if you're closely tracking nutrients though.

    it's fairly over the top depending on the supplement...obviously things like protein supplements are also going to be packed with calories...but I'm personally not concerned with the 5 calories that are in my multi-vitamin or whatever.
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    I log to make sure I've taken the vitamins and supplement (I take iron, for instance, as I'm a vegetarian who is often put on iron supplements by my doctor) and to see if I'm hitting my targets. :smile:
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    arson714 wrote: »
    Yes! I created a specific group for Supplements so I can add my viatmins, fish oil, etc..

    Same for me - also things like protein shakes, carb gels, sports drinks etc. (things eaten for training performance and recovery in essence) go in there. Think I had more than 2,500 cals logged in Supplements one day but that was a long cycle ride.

    Generally the day to day logging is a reminder more than anything else.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    OP...If it is beneficial to you then log it.

    My doctor has me on a higher level than normal for a while on some minerals and vitamins. I log what I get from my supplements so that I see how much more I need to get from the foods that I eat. I also log my prescription meds since that it is imperative at this stage that I take them daily. It is helpful to me...serves as a reminder.

    If it serves as no benefit to some and it seems a bit obsessive or over the top then don't log those types of things. Some of us find it useful for various reasons however.

    Just to don't weigh my poop. So I guess that I am not too obsessive.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    It certainly can't hurt to log it, and does give me a record of what I have been taking and for how long.

    Not sure where the judgments came from as I simply asked what people do and I appreciate all the explanations of why as it helps me make a choice. Statements made for shock value, well, not particularly what I was looking for.

    There is no one true way, everyone finds their own path to success (or failure).
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    I log them and no it's not "over the top" to do so. Calories are calories after all and accuracy is important for many people. Besides it helps me remember that I took them.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    It certainly can't hurt to log it, and does give me a record of what I have been taking and for how long.

    Not sure where the judgments came from as I simply asked what people do and I appreciate all the explanations of why as it helps me make a choice. Statements made for shock value, well, not particularly what I was looking for.

    There is no one true way, everyone finds their own path to success (or failure).

    I don't see any asked what people do and got a variety of opinions...that's kind of how this works.
  • ejbronte
    ejbronte Posts: 867 Member
    Yes: Monday - Friday, I take multi-vitamin, Vitamin D and a supplement of fish oil, flaxseed and Borage (I lay off the fish oil/flaxseed and Borage mix on the weekends); it all counts up the micros, which I like to keep track of.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    synacious wrote: »
    I log them and no it's not "over the top" to do so. Calories are calories after all and accuracy is important for many people. Besides it helps me remember that I took them.

    Accuracy is not important, rather consistency.

    For instance, if I take a fish oil pill everyday, and never log it, it doesn't matter. I look at results, not symptoms. If I'm not losing weight, it's not because of a 20 calorie fish oil pill. If the reason was a part of me not losing weight, it still wouldn't matter because I'd adjust something to get back on track. Details don't matter in the weight loss game. Trends matter. Overall big picture matters. Details don't matter.

    To say accuracy is not important is ridiculous. It may not be important to you, but that does not mean accuracy and details are not important for other users. This site is not purely a weight loss site. The food diary here is an itemized list of what you've consumed within a day. Including things like vitamins and black coffee or tea are not necessary, no, but they are a choice. I choose to do so because I like my diary to be as accurate as possible with regard to what I've consumed whether it's zero calories or 300 calories. I'm not just counting calories; I have strict macros and micros I adhere to. I also like to look back and see what I'm consuming. I don't have to worry about plateaus or not losing weight because I've never had that problem. Most of the people who do have that problem do because their logging is poor. It may not be because of a supplement, but keeping track of everything helps many people for a multitude of reasons. If it doesn't help you in any way, fine, but it helps others. Logging vitamins is indeed part of a bigger picture and it's an optional action.