how does your weight come off?



  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Mine was steady loss at first, but then the scale started jumping all over the place. It would go up a pound, then down a pound, then up three pounds, then down four pounds! It flipped me out at first, but after it happens a couple times you start chalking it up to just being your body... As long as it's going down overall then you know you're on the right track. You can't let yourself get caught up in the fluctuations because they happen to everyone.
  • newyorkcitymom
    newyorkcitymom Posts: 48 Member
    I weigh daily and use trend weight. I also like to look at the week over week average weights in my Fitbit and judge if my averages are dropping. My day to day weight bounces all over the place but my overall pattern is a pretty steady gradual decline - shown visually in my trend weight trend line. Even given that, the averages also move unevenly. Some weeks I lost less than a pound and other weeks 2 or 3. Part of this really is differences in my eating and activity habits, which usually I can identify, and some is just body fluctuations and the way it seems to process weight losses. After 10 weeks of this, I'm at a point where I can have confidence in my ability to assess whether I am doing what I need to lose and, if not, why. I've also stopped stressing if there are days or weeks where I'm not meeting my targets. I accept that some weeks I'm hungrier or go out more or am more lazy and other weeks I'm really able to kill it. I shoot for an average 2lb weight loss/week, or 1,000 cal deficit, knowing that would be the ideal and is not going to happen every day. Pretty much as long as I'm somewhere between maintenance (or even a couple hundred over) and the 1,000 (or even a couple hundred over) deficit, I know I WILL lose weight. Faster or slower depending on other life factors, but it's going down consistently and that's what matters. And it doesn't feel hard. In fact, 10 weeks has flown by the same way it flew by when my weight was going up without me really noticing. I know I can keep doing this and that's the key. I also know that the next step for me to keep/get better at losing, is higher fitness and a more consistent and higher intensity exercise routine. That will only get easier as I lose weight and gain fitness. Trying to keep/accelerate losing by eating less is a losing proposition for me. It's diminishing returns as you weigh less and your body needs less to maintain and the difficulty of it will make it hard to sustain. I really can't way less than 1,600 calories other than occasionally and tend to average much closer to 2,000. Works for me.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I weigh every day and just look at the trends.
    I will get stuck for a month or so and then lose a couple of pounds. but there is a lot of zig zagging.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    im asking because i stupid;y weighed myself today ( my official weigh in is tomorrow) so im a day early. and it says ive gained 0.4lbs... i was really wishing that by some miracle people can lose over night as ive been so good this week and really thought id lose something.. i gained last week and stayed the same the week before so i really knuckled down this week

    I wish I could tell you that you will see what you want to tomorrow, but you might not! I expected to have dropped or at least stayed the same today, yet Im up 2lbs!! I almost threw in the towel for the day but I remembered this isnt a race, and my body knows more than me! Im guessing its retained water from a more intense workout yesterday. Just dont give up.
  • MarcyKirkton
    MarcyKirkton Posts: 507 Member
    My weight came off consistently until i hit normal bmi. I have gone up and down on 2lbs. for 3 weeks. Yuck!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    weight loss is a trend, not a linear function. you will have weeks with bigger losses and weeks with smaller losses and weeks with no losses and even have to look at the overall trend over time. this goes for maintenance as well...body weight isn't static and thus weight loss or gain cannot be linear.

    you should also read up and gain an understanding of natural weight're always going to have fluctuations due to water retention/release, more/less waste in your system at weigh in, etc.

    nobody puts on weight overnight and nobody just drops the Lbs overnight...this is a long process so you'd be best to wrap your head around reality.