Can not loose weight!

I'm 33 weight 250 pounds. I eat under 1200 calories a day just simply because I'm not a big eater and never have been. I have done everything including diet pills. My doc don't believe me so he said log what you eat and don't go over 1200 calories. I just laughed and said no problem for me. He just looked ate like I was lie in or some kind of closest eater. I have struggled with this since I had my first child in which I gained 100 pound. So I was 17 with a newborn and 100 heavier. Nothing and I mean nothing has helped me... can anyone explain this to me???


  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 277 Member
    If you're 250lbs then you must eat more than you think, overeating makes you gain weight and nothing else. Enter your stats on here for 1-1.5lb loss a week, buy a food scale, weigh and log everything. Try this for 3-4 weeks and see if you lose then :)
  • adriandeno29
    adriandeno29 Posts: 12 Member
    Trust me I don't eat much .. i have been logging my food on here for 10 days and it won't give me a change because I'm not hitting the goal of 1250 calories . Some days I'm only at 400...
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Somehow, you are consuming more calories than you think you are consuming. There's no other explanation. What you need to do is figure out from where those calories are originating.

    Maybe this flowchart from lemonlionheart will help:

  • adriandeno29
    adriandeno29 Posts: 12 Member
    Nope. Last 3 days all I ate was a small side salad with two strips grilled chicken and ranch dressing. Small cup of coffee one small scoop suger and one small scoop creamer and one 8oz glass of tea. So please tell me how I am going over the calories. ????
  • Thisnameischosen
    Thisnameischosen Posts: 2,770 Member
    How long do you stick to a diet?? Do you fall off the waggon quickly then binge?? I used to do that and was just getting bigger and bigger!
    What do you drink??
  • gostumpy
    gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
    Small salad with two strips of chicken for the entire day?

    Was that for Breakfast?



    Where is the 1200 calories? If you eat 3 meals 400 calories each, then you are at 1200... and closer to healthy. What you describe is not healthy nor sustainable. No-one can eat only a salad and two chicken strips every day. Maybe for a week or two.

    What did you eat a week ago?

    A month ago?

    You mention the last 3 days, those are just a drop in the bucket in losing weight. You can eat healthy all week and have a bad weekend and all that healthy eating will not help you lose weight.

  • leahbowman
    leahbowman Posts: 21 Member
    eating less than 1200 calories a day is where you are going wrong, you need to eat this amount of calories otherwise you are practically starving yourself and by doing that your body will store your fat.
  • adriandeno29
    adriandeno29 Posts: 12 Member
    No i don't diet I eat pretty healthy. Don't eat junk. I only can Handel one small piece of chocolate when it's that time of the month. I don't drink anything . I'm never thirsty and when I try to force anything I feel nauseous but never ever get sick.
  • adriandeno29
    adriandeno29 Posts: 12 Member

    And I don't gain nor do I loose.......
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Open your diary
  • adriandeno29
    adriandeno29 Posts: 12 Member
    I didn't log over the weekend. Was so busy with my two older kids being dancers in a sweet 16 and running here ad there... i only eat once a day maybe twice. I have been trying really hard to eat in the mornings but it's hard for me.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited November 2015
    I didn't log over the weekend. Was so busy with my two older kids being dancers in a sweet 16 and running here ad there... i only eat once a day maybe twice. I have been trying really hard to eat in the mornings but it's hard for me.
    Weight solids with a food scale and measure liquids. Log everything for no less that 4 weeks and then see where you stand.

    I'm a grazer and I was eating much more than I though I was. I only knew that after I started logging like it was my job.

    Also, you don't have to eat in the mornings if you don't like eating in the mornings. It's not when you eat and drink or how often but how many total calories you eat and drink.
  • adriandeno29
    adriandeno29 Posts: 12 Member
    It's a challenge for me to get to or over the calories it's frustrating . I had to force myself to eat eat eat to make it one day last week and it was the worst feeling and it hurt like the food was stuck and not going down. But my sister in law was so proud of me. She k ows my struggle. All she dose is EAT JUNK AND SUGER AND CAKE and she's a bean pole.
  • adriandeno29
    adriandeno29 Posts: 12 Member
    gostumpy wrote: »
    Small salad with two strips of chicken for the entire day?

    Was that for Breakfast?



    Where is the 1200 calories? If you eat 3 meals 400 calories each, then you are at 1200... and closer to healthy. What you describe is not healthy nor sustainable. No-one can eat only a salad and two chicken strips every day. Maybe for a week or two.

    What did you eat a week ago?

    A month ago?

    You mention the last 3 days, those are just a drop in the bucket in losing weight. You can eat healthy all week and have a bad weekend and all that healthy eating will not help you lose weight.

    Yes what can I do differently. ?
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    It just doesn't add up for you to never eat over 1200 calories a day yet still be 100 pounds overweight. Somewhere, at some point, you must be consuming extra calories. You say you had a glass of tea, is that sweetened tea? How much sugar is in it? Do you typically drink several of those in a day?
  • Thisnameischosen
    Thisnameischosen Posts: 2,770 Member
    Eat more
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    It's a challenge for me to get to or over the calories it's frustrating . I had to force myself to eat eat eat to make it one day last week and it was the worst feeling and it hurt like the food was stuck and not going down. But my sister in law was so proud of me. She k ows my struggle. All she dose is EAT JUNK AND SUGER AND CAKE and she's a bean pole.
    Don't be frustrated. Once you start logging you'll have some data to see where you can make changes.

    For weight, it's not about "good" food or "junk" food, it's all about calories.

    I log everything just before I eat it so that I can change my mind about what and how much if I want before I've actually eaten.
  • adriandeno29
    adriandeno29 Posts: 12 Member
    It just doesn't add up for you to never eat over 1200 calories a day yet still be 100 pounds overweight. Somewhere, at some point, you must be consuming extra calories. You say you had a glass of tea, is that sweetened tea? How much sugar is in it? Do you typically drink several of those in a day?

    No just one 8oz glass and unsweetened tea
  • adriandeno29
    adriandeno29 Posts: 12 Member
    It just doesn't add up for you to never eat over 1200 calories a day yet still be 100 pounds overweight. Somewhere, at some point, you must be consuming extra calories. You say you had a glass of tea, is that sweetened tea? How much sugar is in it? Do you typically drink several of those in a day?

    No just one 8oz glass and unsweetened tea

    My doc is going to order several tests because something isn't right
  • Pollywog_la
    Pollywog_la Posts: 103 Member
    Trust me I don't eat much .. i have been logging my food on here for 10 days and it won't give me a change because I'm not hitting the goal of 1250 calories . Some days I'm only at 400...

    I believe you when you say how much you eat. CICO (Calories in calories out) is not helpful in several ways. You have reduced your calorie intake (Which seems really low. I am a similar weight and eat around 1900 cal a day) and your body may be thinking it has to hold on to what it has, so it may be compensating by reducing energy expenditures.

    In theory, you should be losing weight, but it may take time. But if you maintain this low calorie level, you will more than likely lose muscle mass and lose energy before weight disappears.

    Do you know your macros? (carbs, fat, protein).
    I personally am carb sensitive and cannot lose weight with higher than 50g carbs a day, and I usually eat less than that because it raises my blood glucose, which raises insulin levels, and insulin is THE main hormone for storing fat. And it increases hunger.

    MFP can tell you what your calorie intake should be based on sex, height and weight and how much you want to lose per week. I would stay closer to that. Your current level is BELOW starvation levels and would make it hard for you to get enough energy and nutrients.