Help! I DON'T like water :(



  • mylittlerainbow
    mylittlerainbow Posts: 822 Member
    I cut up a lemon and throw it into the bottom of my Britta. It needs to be changed out when it gets waterlogged and sinks to the bottom. I also ask for lemon at anybody's house or whenever I'm at a restaurant. My mother uses MIO and that works for her. I do drink herbal tea on occasion, but more often when it's colder out. I didn't like or want or feel the need for water at first, either, but you find that your body gets used to it as you keep on drinking and you actually begin to crave it if you've let too much time go by. And it's so good for flushing the toxins etc out of your system.
  • RoSiulia
    RoSiulia Posts: 20 Member
    Everyone is right thank you x I will try with some flavourings and my tea :) . I thought that it is harmful to drink too much green tea.. reason why I mentioned it in my first message that I don't know if it's good as a water replacement.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited November 2015
    Ick, water. I only drink sparkling water.

    I had water with a slice of cucumber in it recently. That was okay.
  • mwmix
    mwmix Posts: 31 Member
    edited November 2015
    I would be hesitant to recommend flavoring powders like crystal light, as the sugar substitutes used in such drinks are not necessarily very healthy when used regularly or in excess.

    If you like carbonated drinks, buy a water carbonator like SodaStream (or just buy carbonated water) and put a little splash of your favorite (100% juice, no sugar added) fruit juice in it or a squeeze of lemon or lime. You could do the same thing to regular tap water.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    mwmix wrote: »
    I would be hesitant to recommend flavoring powders like crystal light as the sugar substitutes used in such drinks are not necessarily very healthy when used in excess. If you like carbonated drinks, buy a water carbonator like SodaStream (or just buy carbonated water) and put a little splash of your favorite (100% juice, no sugar added) fruit juice in it or a squeeze of lemon or lime.

    Most people wouldn't even come close to drinking enough excess to cause concern.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You're not overweight because you drink too little water. You're overweight because you're eating too many calories. Get your calorie intake straightened out (weigh your food, log consistently and accurately) and you will lose weight.

    However, as for drinking more water, I flavor mine with Mio. Also green tea is good. I drink alot of diet soda myself, but I see you don't, so I'd try flavoring the water and drinking tea.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I rarely drink water, have 5 lbs to lose, and in the last 3 weeks I've lost 4 of them. If you aren't losing you are either overestimating your calorie burns our underestimating your calorie intake.
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    I also infuse my water with lemon and what really helps me is drinking out of a water bottle that has a straw. I agree with the others that say you not losing weight doesn't have anything to do with your water intake.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I love water! But I find when I get bored of it I have to make it fun. Cucumber slices, lemon/lime wedges, a few drops of tangerine or lime essential oils. My new fave is about 1/8 tsp of matcha tea powder in my 16oz water bottle. I let it sit for an hour or so and then I find it blends better when I shake it up. Nice slow caffeine release and a nice flavor.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You can get liquid water enhancers. Add a couple of drops and it gives flavor to the water. Most of them contain no calories.
  • ridge4mfp
    ridge4mfp Posts: 301 Member
    I enjoy the convenience of the True Lemon/True Lime products (crystallized lemon/lime, no calories). It really helped me increase my water intake, and I also use it in my iced tea.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I see posts like this come up every now and then.

    I really don't get it. It's on par with saying I don't like breathing or eating.

    And often the person posting doesn't say they hate water because their tap water is polluted, but they hate all sources of plain water, tap water, bottled, filtered etc

    I don't know just seems very odd.

    But like people have said water is water, you just need to get it in your body, it doesn't have to be pure water.

    Tea, coke, foods that are high in water as far as I am aware will all count towards hydrating your body.
  • kcn2bluesky
    kcn2bluesky Posts: 187 Member
    What I think is odd is how the OP responds to every post except the ones telling her she isn't overweight because she's not drinking enough water.
  • azgolfgirl
    azgolfgirl Posts: 11 Member
    I bought a SodaStream machine. For some reason I can guzzle down fizzy water in greater quantities -- and can control the bubbles.
  • RoSiulia
    RoSiulia Posts: 20 Member
    What I think is odd is how the OP responds to every post except the ones telling her she isn't overweight because she's not drinking enough water.

    I said that I THINK that the problem would be that.. because often when you are thirsty you think that you are hungry, maybe is my routine, maybe my thyroid, maybe the stress, maybe the poor choice of meals. But I do not eat junk foods and I do not drink sodas..
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    RoSiulia wrote: »
    What I think is odd is how the OP responds to every post except the ones telling her she isn't overweight because she's not drinking enough water.

    I said that I THINK that the problem would be that.. because often when you are thirsty you think that you are hungry, maybe is my routine, maybe my thyroid, maybe the stress, maybe the poor choice of meals. But I do not eat junk foods and I do not drink sodas..

    You can gain / not lose weight by only eating vegetables. It is harder because you need higher quantities of food as if you were only eating 'junk food' but totally possible. The only thing that matters is CICO.
  • RoSiulia
    RoSiulia Posts: 20 Member
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    RoSiulia wrote: »
    What I think is odd is how the OP responds to every post except the ones telling her she isn't overweight because she's not drinking enough water.

    I said that I THINK that the problem would be that.. because often when you are thirsty you think that you are hungry, maybe is my routine, maybe my thyroid, maybe the stress, maybe the poor choice of meals. But I do not eat junk foods and I do not drink sodas..

    You can gain / not lose weight by only eating vegetables. It is harder because you need higher quantities of food as if you were only eating 'junk food' but totally possible. The only thing that matters is CICO.

  • healthy_hermione
    healthy_hermione Posts: 64 Member
    I used to just kinda force myself to do it. Now I prefer to drink water. Getting a Brita water filter and drinking water from it helped instead of always buying bottled water.
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    RoSiulia wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    RoSiulia wrote: »
    What I think is odd is how the OP responds to every post except the ones telling her she isn't overweight because she's not drinking enough water.

    I said that I THINK that the problem would be that.. because often when you are thirsty you think that you are hungry, maybe is my routine, maybe my thyroid, maybe the stress, maybe the poor choice of meals. But I do not eat junk foods and I do not drink sodas..

    You can gain / not lose weight by only eating vegetables. It is harder because you need higher quantities of food as if you were only eating 'junk food' but totally possible. The only thing that matters is CICO.


    Calories In, Calories Out, burning more than taking in.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I hate water too. I enjoy lemon in my water and that seems to help me get over my hatred of water.