living with a huge eater? anyone else in that boat?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    yeah, my husband is in that boat. I'm the huge eater. always was always will be. today I worked out and think I deserve precisely one third of the 33 ounce steak he bought. I'm gonna eat it. all. and he will start cutting into his and take a couple of bites and proclaim how great it is and turn to me to ask how mine is and mine will already be gone. and he will act shocked. again.
  • avatrx
    avatrx Posts: 52
    Just an additional thought, if you are actually concerned and he loves meat and fattening foods, there are great meals you can make that taste decadent! Today, for example, I'm making burritos for dinner- 96% lean ground beef, I always cook up some finely chopped onions, peppers, maybe mushrooms to mix in with the beef. A small amount of cheese, sliced avocado, chopped tomatoes- the whole delicious burrito weighs in at probably around 600 calories. Tastes better than most 1200 calorie laden burritos you can buy in a restaurant! I'll have one, hubby will usually have two, but it's healthy ingredients and he loves them (though he doesn't have to watch his weight). There are many things like that you can do- burgers with lean ground beef and a little bit of veggies or ground turkey mixed in, etc. He might start liking those versions!

    That said, after revisiting this thread, I do want to add in that you have gone far on your journey. What motivated you to start? It probably came from within, YOUR decision to want to lose weight and get fit. If your husband decides to watch what he eats or start working out, it will have to come from within too. If you bring these things up to him constantly, it may breed resentment. My best advice is start cooking healthy and delicious meals, and sharing with him, but don't force it on him.

    More good advice. My reasoning for starting? I've never been too overweight but since I goofed up my knee over a year ago - I put on weight. I couldn't get around very well. Plus I'm a pilot and own a small plane. They have weight limits. 2 of my brothers have 'grown' so I have to be conscious of the total weight when we fly together. I wanted to get a glider sign-off but my one brother who is certified to teach in them, can't - because he's over the weight limit. Even with me at under 170 - he over-grosses the limit. DARN. I really wanted to do that. Guess I'll have to pay someone to instruct me...

    I also don't want to have to spend money on more clothes. I have tons. They are beginning to fit again. I bought some 'fat' clothes to get me by - but I really want to get into my old ones. I'm tall. Tall jeans are hard to find and expensive. I started sewing again to get me by. New clothes just weren't in the budget.

    PLUS - I just feel better when I think I look OK.

    I usually pare down the calories in my stuff, but thought the hubby wouldn't like it. I'm going to experiment. I did get him to eat my italian vegetable soup WITH the onions in it. Years ago - I could make 3 gallons of chili and put 2 onion slices in it and he wouldn't touch it. He hates onions. He wants me to puree them. I finally decided it was MY soup recipe and I was going to put onions in it. He tried it and was OK with it. Now he eats it whenever I make it and says he knows there are onions in it but would I please chop them as small as I can. (I won't puree them). A compromise.

    I guess I need to begin feeding him the stuff I eat. Egg white omelets. Bean burritos with a little bit of meat - mostly veggies.
    I can't expect him to survive on watermelon and sauteed green beans although I love that stuff. He will need some meat to go with it................

    I always make my own mayo and I started adding avocado to it. Still has calories, but it's more than egg and oil. He loves putting that on sandwiches. Now I'm trying to get him to eat 100 whole grain wraps as opposed to white bread. He doesn't like wheat or whole grain bread. He thinks they taste like hay. I, on the other hand, don't like white bread.

    it's an ongoing thing. we'll get there.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Also married long time--33yrs.........close in age to you..........and could be twins with all the story. Things have changed a bit: dh was diagnosed with high BP, high cholesterol, and diabetes--on meds for all, woke him up a bit (slowly) least now he doesn't start the day with (and live on) Pepsi; he first changed to diet Dr. Pepper---going through three 12 packs a week for about 4 yrs., now on some artificial flavor lemonade. Has finally stopped smoking. I shop but he'll still go buy himself a half gallon of ice cream (sugar---hello?) or a large bag of Fritos (sodium city!!!) and finish it in about 3 sittings. Eats huge portions of most things; but does eat more salads
    soaks them in full fat Ranch though..........and is down from 240 to 192 (YAY!!!); really should not be above 175--180. Baby steps; we encourage where we can. It's OK to talk about this here; you are least it's OK with those who can identify and understand. We love them; jealous of them----not hardly--just wish the light bulb would go on and stay on. Best of luck to you.
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    First up tell your hubby to do some dishes your not the maid!
    I made my guy right down all the calories he was eating in a total day, so that way I wasn't telling him what I thought but he could see where he was. I also limited the amount of money he could spend on food, and what was aloud to be in the house - even thou he does do the cooking.
    The only problem I have now is when he is at work he has sodas and chips, but we are getting there slowly.

    At the end of the day they have to have the drive to loss the weight and be healthy, if he isn't willing to change 100% there is nothing you can do.
  • Runekitten
    I feel your pain. I am a student at home for the summer and my dad is a big man who eats a lot. Most of what he eats is supper bad for you as well (mostly things out of the freezer). When ever I try to eat less than him he complains about me not eating.
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    If you have been married for 42 years, you quite possibly are of the generation mind set that you have to set the table and eat your meal at the table with all the food at the table. One of the things that my sister and her husband did to help him lose weight was to set all the food on the island and fill their plates and take it to the table to eat. The rule that they chose to make for themselves was they could take whatever they wanted on their plates to the table, but they would not go back for seconds. That has helped my brother-in-law in particular because it is not sitting in front of him tempting him for seconds, but he doesn't feel deprived because he can put whatever he wishes on his plate the first time around.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    Mine eats donuts, cookies, candy, all the carbs in the world and glares at me if I touch something over 200 calories. He's 5'10, 140 lbs and couldn't gain weight if he tried. I am 5'2, 180 lbs and seemingly gain weight if I LOOK at a carb the wrong way.
  • NatureChik1985
    First up tell your hubby to do some dishes your not the maid!
    I made my guy right down all the calories he was eating in a total day, so that way I wasn't telling him what I thought but he could see where he was. I also limited the amount of money he could spend on food, and what was aloud to be in the house - even thou he does do the cooking.
    The only problem I have now is when he is at work he has sodas and chips, but we are getting there slowly.

    At the end of the day they have to have the drive to loss the weight and be healthy, if he isn't willing to change 100% there is nothing you can do.

    Sounds more like you have taken the mom role. That always ends well...
  • cheeky1990
    i also am in the same boat, not married and havent been together for long, but reading everything here has really made me think about alot of things. my bf eats ALOT of crap!!!!
    i know how frustrating it can be. i was the overweight one when we met, and my bf was very healthy, now the tables have turned. i still am not where i want to be, but he is now the overweight one. he used to tell me often that i could always lose a few kilos, and i never really cared or listened, but in the end i eventually did. he started us off on the healthy life journey, i never had much interest in it, but once i saw the weight coming off, just by eating healthy, i just had to keep going and thats wen i started exercising daily.
    he now complains about his weight alot, but still wants to eat all the junk food. i do most of the cooking and all the groceries so i try not to buy junk food but i get complained at if i dont buy junk food!! and he doesnt seem to want to exercise, he talks about it alot, but never actually does it.
    if we dont feel like cooking his first thought is mcdonalds, mine is subway! i still eat more junk than i should, i blame him alot, but when it comes down to it, its my choice, i dont have to eat the mcdonalds on the rare occassion that we do get it. even though i try and opt for a healthier burger or something, i do still eat the mcdonalds!
    he also sits in front of the computer all day, and i do feel like his mother sometimes, because he doesnt help out around the house much at all. i also dont want to nag and complain at him, but sometimes i get so frustrated i just cant help it!!
    at the end of the day, we all make our own choices, even though he has gained alot of weight since ive met him, i dont love him any less, theres just more of him to love!!! it would make life so much easier for me if he did help out a bit, and ate healthier and exercised with me, but unless he really wants to do it, its just not gunna happen. at least not without a fight!!
    i know none of this was probably helpful!!! but at least u know ur not alone i guess!! all the best!!