

  • Yep, I echo save your money. When I add peanut butter, fruit, etc to my shakes I end up consuming just as many calories as a breakfast anyway. Oatmeal with fruit is so much more filling. As I stated before, I don't knock it because I lost weight using it, but eating your calories will give you the same results as long as you stay under your goal. Don't be like me and realize this too late and still have cans of powder to get rid of :'(:D
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I've tried it in the past and never got very far. In the beginning they're great because it's something fast and easy, and you don't have to think about planning all your meals. They get old pretty fast though.

    I do understand wanting "grab and go" things for the week, and I don't think they're the worst thing for a meal replacement in a pinch (although a good protein shake would be better) but I think if you try using them for two meals every day you'll end up burning out quick. My two cent thought is trying one "drink" per day, and figuring out some low fuss options for another meal.

    You'll have to start doing that anyway, because I don't think anyone wants to drink slim fast forever.....
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I used SlimFast to successfully lose 60 lbs when I was 19. Unfortunately, it made me exceptionally ill; I had an undiagnosed soy allergy and nearly killed myself this way (that I stuck it out for 10+ months is more a testament to my own stubbornness than the successfulness of the product).

    When I returned to normal eating, the weight also returned (albeit over a decade). Inactivity due to illness and injury contributed significantly to that weight gain, however, I hadn't learned new, temperate eating habits when I was on SlimFast, I'd learned how to replace real foods with nutritious shakes. This time around, I'm taking the weight off by eating normal, largely home-prepared foods, but watching my portion sizes. I've lost over 60 lbs this way.

    Both times, getting adequate exercise has also something I've been conscientious of.
  • I used the Tesco own brand version to drop weight before I went on my summer holiday. I liked it because I was actually getting the recommended vitamins and nutrients every day, so it felt safe. We got a blender and mixed it up with ice, milk and other things and it was really tasty and filling. Of all the very low calorie diets we researched, the meal replacement ones are most recommended by doctors, simply because they're guaranteeing vitamins and nutrients while dieting.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I used the Tesco own brand version to drop weight before I went on my summer holiday. I liked it because I was actually getting the recommended vitamins and nutrients every day, so it felt safe. We got a blender and mixed it up with ice, milk and other things and it was really tasty and filling. Of all the very low calorie diets we researched, the meal replacement ones are most recommended by doctors, simply because they're guaranteeing vitamins and nutrients while dieting.

  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I used it in 2000-2001 to get down from 330 to 285. At the time it worked for my lifestyle. But after a while it just got expensive and old. Drinking a cold shake for breakfast and lunch in the winter wasn't any fun for me. Improving some of my food choices and adding activity got me down another 10. Eating real food and tracking calories with MFP has helped me lose another 34 pounds since March. Seems a lot more sustainable for the long haul.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I never found it appealing, though I would eat some of the snack bars on occasion. Never really satisfied though... and the shakes did a good job of making me nauseated for most of the day, so I guess you could say it kind of worked, lol
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Awesome av @wizzybeth
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,756 Member
    Is anyone on slim fast right now? I'm using it because it is very good for the fast life I have. The shakes and snacks help me then I'm home for my dinner meal. Curious if it's helped anyone or am I wasting my time.!
    No,I "did not realize" that Since this is the first time I've actually had to try to lose weight after have a second C Section. So no I do not know anything about losing weight or getting back into shape since my normal range is from 110 - 115 lbs. I have google and that's it lol

    I always get nervous when someone says they are 'on' anything. It is totally fine to use slimfast occasionally, if time to prepare meals is a problem, and you need some calories, do not see how that is a problem. There are better meal replacement shakes out there but the occasional slimfast is fine.

    Using it however to actually be your 'diet plan', is going to get you a lot of hate on MFP.

    Google CICO, and please take the advice of people here who have been there, and fought those battles.

    Kick-start is not necessary, and knowing you want to get off telling. The occasional poster here says they are going to eat like a bird for a few days/weeks...lose a bunch of weight quickly so that they gain confidence, and kick-start their diet upon which point they will then begin to eat 'smarter' for the rest of their life. Kick-starts are not necessary and you will find success comes from a good plan, and consistency.

    Congrats on the new addition, good luck on your journey. Keep asking questions.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I think using a protein shake and adding in your own fruit etc would be a better option if you must do the shake thing. At least you can see how many calories actual food looks like and it's lovely fresh fruit not artificial flavourings which can only become sickly if they're not already immediately having that effect!

    But yeah, I'd rather my quick prepare porridge with some added fruit for breakfast than a cold Slimfast if time and convenience is an issue. I've even been known to add the hot water to a porridge pot and take it in the car to eat when I arrive wherever I'm going!