Weight Watchers Weekly Allowance



  • ftsolk
    ftsolk Posts: 202 Member
    I think I could do ok with setting my MFP goal to losing 2 pounds per week (1,200 calories) and not counting fruit/veggies for now. I may need to tweak later, but that seems like an ok starting point.

    I do like the idea of having a weekly activity budget though. That'll be harder to replicate here.
  • Liss812
    Liss812 Posts: 18 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    I actually like Sparkpeople because it has a better database for "generic" foods- whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. If I search "apple" the first one is a USDA official entry.

    Tip: search like this: "apple USDA" :)

  • Burtie_Burt
    Burtie_Burt Posts: 12 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    You just need to pick something, keep it simple without mixing several programs together and stick with it long enough for it to work. You seem to be stuck in a cycle of indecision and over complicating every single diet or program while making little to no progress.

    That sums up exactly my problem trying to lose weight over the years. Too impatient, too indecisive.

    All programmes work - it's just a question of making them work for you. And stick with them to give them a CHANCE to work.
  • wallingf
    wallingf Posts: 29 Member
    ftsolk wrote: »
    If you are a current online subscriber (or Etools member) you can change the date on your computer to your next weigh-in date after December 6 to see the new plan.

    Yes thanks! I actually did this last night. It gave me one more daily point, but that will get used up in the 2tsps of olive oil I use daily (that went from 2 to 3 pts....). I haven't tried some of my other food choices, but I suspect some will go up.....NONE will go down :-P.

    I understand what they are doing (really pushing people to make healthier choices) but I don't like the way they are doing it. If you are one who doesn't want to eat that way, you will be eating way too many calories, be hungry, and fail. Imo they should stick with their current formula and just spend more time at their meetings educating people on healthier food choices. Under their new formula, some people on 26 points could now easily eat UNDER 1000 calories (if they don't like fruit and tend towards higher saturated fat and sugar choices).

    Seriously, why couldn't they have just updated their application to turn something red or give you a warning if your daily total starts to exceed a certain level of saturated fat and sugar?

  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    see when i was sneaky and did the preview (jumped the computer forward), my daily points when up by a few but my weeklies went down some...but a lot of foods i normally eat when up in points as well, but its because they were either higher in saturated fat or sugar, which is now included in the calculation. For me, this didn't come as a surprise. i knew some of the foods i eat on a regular basis wouldn't fit into the "healthy" category, even though they were low points. I think the new program will actually make me eat healthier versus just eat whatever crap that can fit in my points. their formulas are usually pretty good. and i've done both MFP and WW and have double tracked before. for me, with MFP, i just see calories, so I can eat a lot of stuff with high fat and sugar content and still be way within my calories, but may be like 30 points over in WW for that day. Their formula just shows you all calories aren't created equal.

    But to say you dont like the new program without even giving it a real try...I mean... I don't know if that's a good idea. I think you may just see that some of your options weren't as healthy as you once thought they were. The new program is supposed to be going along with the new dietary guidelines which focus a lot on the amount of saturated fat and sugar that is consumed that is WAY OVER the recommended amounts!
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    I understand what they are doing (really pushing people to make healthier choices) but I don't like the way they are doing it. If you are one who doesn't want to eat that way, you will be eating way too many calories, be hungry, and fail. Imo they should stick with their current formula and just spend more time at their meetings educating people on healthier food choices. Under their new formula, some people on 26 points could now easily eat UNDER 1000 calories (if they don't like fruit and tend towards higher saturated fat and sugar choices).

    Seriously, why couldn't they have just updated their application to turn something red or give you a warning if your daily total starts to exceed a certain level of saturated fat and sugar?


    I guess if you don't want to eat "healthier" and just lose weight by eat less and within calories, maybe do another program besides WW. (this isn't trying to come across as snarky, just a suggestion) :)

    i know for me, with the health issues i've been having, i need to lose weight and EAT healthier...so WW is just easier for me...plus like FTSOLK said earlier (I think it was her), its so nice to be able to grab some fruit and veggies as snacks and not really have to track it or figure it into your points....but I really never eat enough veggies and usually only eat 1-2 fruits a day.