Former chubber - dropped 8 stone. Bulk or cut? Help!



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ben2055 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    not sure I agree with the 6% calculation your PT did, but based on your pictures I would put you at sub around 10% or lower body fat.

    Yes, you can run a bulk and would benefit from it.

    I would suggest a surplus of 250 calories and get on a structured lifting program.

    what does your PT mean by "clean bulk"…?

    Hey mate! Yeh i was unsure about that number as i thiught i wiuld be shredded at 6% but he does it for competitive bodybuilders so i guess hes reliable.

    I need more mass dont i? Then when i cut back id be in better shape? Umm I believe he means eating at a surplus but eating clean foods. So defintely bulk correct?

    FYI clean bulk has nothing to do with eating clean. It just means eating in a small - 250 per day surplus - so that you minimize fat gains.

    yes, I would say that you would benefit from a bulk. I would look into a structured program like strong lifts, all pro beginner routine, or something like PHUL or Wendlers if you are more intermediate lifter.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ben2055 wrote: »
    Ok guys thankyou for all your help and input! Im gonna start a clean bulk for 3 months and a structured lifting program with my PT then cut again for may/june!

    I would suggest a four month bulk because it usually takes a few weeks to get your gain calories worked out.
  • Ben2055
    Ben2055 Posts: 96 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Ben2055 wrote: »
    Ok guys thankyou for all your help and input! Im gonna start a clean bulk for 3 months and a structured lifting program with my PT then cut again for may/june!

    I would suggest a four month bulk because it usually takes a few weeks to get your gain calories worked out.

    Brilliant! Okay mate ill do that. Thankyou!