Feeling the Uglies



  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    First off, stop visiting those stupid compliment threads. I think they are ridiculous and I've seen some people on there say not so nice things about others above them in the thread. Being on those threads is NOT a way to gain self esteem. Secondly, you are a very cute and pretty woman. For starters, your hair is freaking awesome. I am not sure if you are a natural red head, but you ROCK the look. Not everyone can rock red locks, so that is awesome in itself.

    I personally do not feel like you need to change your clothing style either, of course, unless you want to. I think we all wear our own style and just because it may not be what is on the runway OR what everyone else thinks is 'hip' does not mean a darn thing.

    OAN, you need to work on yourself internally. Once you feel beautiful/hot, others will begin to recognize you as that. Confidence is a sexy mother effin' trait. Rock your style, be proud of yourself and strut your stuff.. I don't mean that you should be conceited, but you need to learn to not give a crap about others opinions of you (especially on those compliment threads) and learn to be happy with what ya got! You are uniquely you :)

    Btw, you kind of remind me of Hayley Williams from the band Paramore. It's a good thing, shes a doll!
  • Prismapencils
    Yeah. I know. I should not care. That's pretty darn hard though. I think a good chunk of the human population wants to be liked by others. It may be an innate survival trait. I don't know. As I said before, I was really, really starting to gain some confidence. If you had spotted me a year ago, I would not be proudly sporting a whole-body swimsuit picture. I wanted to be able to go into the thread thinking that I would not care what others though--they dun know ma liiife!. Unfortunately, I failed that test. I still need to work on it as you and others have mentioned. For starters, not walking into that trap in the first place.

    I don't know what OAN is? oh..and? Um.

    Thank you for the kind words. Although, the only similarity I see with Haley is the red locks. She really is beautiful. My hair is naturally this color. Although, I often see women that I think would be able to rock the red much better than I due to having better facial features. This is that negative self talk that I routinely have to say, "STFU" to all the time through affirmations. Do people really find confidence attractive? I know the answer is usually a massive YES, but I really don't. Or maybe I'm confusing confidence with arrogance. Either way, I find it annoying. I like humility and humble attitudes on talented people. When I see someone with confidence, I immediately look for holes in their performance, thinking, "You're just like the rest of us, bro. Don't pretend you know anything more."

    So, I don't know if I want to lock this thread or not. I've gotten some decent feedback to think about. Maybe this can be a place to vent whenever you're feeling less than awesome?