Problem that isn't really a "problem"



  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I agree with this:
    Your wedding picture shows you to be proportionally well balanced with regards to your height and weight. You have a balanced and healthy appearance that is pleasant to the eye of the beholder. In my opinion you already have what I think you see in others that you want to look like.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hit the weights and forget the scale.
    I was your weight, in fact, at times a few Ibs less last year, and I am the same height as you.
    I looked pretty awful. My lower body was well defined from lots of cycling but my torso and arms had little muscle and my bones stuck out a lot.
    I could not sustain that weight, it is too low for most people of 5'10 to be honest, in my opinion.
    I ended up binging my way up to my current weight, took up weights (which I had previously feared because I did not want to gain weight) added more protein, especially lean meat, added running to my cycling and dropped my bodyfat from 19% at 126Ibs to 12-13% at 138Ibs. I do not even get on the scale anymore.
  • sarajeanelles
    sarajeanelles Posts: 55 Member
    I think you look great. I'm 5'10" too and I currently weigh 153 and I would not look good at your weight. Every one is different, so be happy with who you are. I had a brief bout with an ED in high school (eating about 100 calories a day, like a moron) and got down to120 lbs and had all of the clinical signs of anorexia (chills, loss of period, hair growth all over my body, was not cool) so you are really small framed to look healthy at 126. Like the others said, you are probably seeing people who lift a lot and if you start doing that then you will have to gain weight, so you have to figure out what is more important to you, the scale or a really fit body.
  • lizzig
    lizzig Posts: 1
    I just joined and need some help. I have hit a plateau. I have been doing 1278 calories a day, healthy eating, since Feb and lost 26 lbs. No exercise yet, but going to start in two weeks. I have 6 lbs to go and all of a sudden, for two weeks, I am not losing weight. Suggestions? Thanks!
  • nickymarie011
    nickymarie011 Posts: 152 Member
    I just joined and need some help. I have hit a plateau. I have been doing 1278 calories a day, healthy eating, since Feb and lost 26 lbs. No exercise yet, but going to start in two weeks. I have 6 lbs to go and all of a sudden, for two weeks, I am not losing weight. Suggestions? Thanks!

    Hi there! You may want to begin your own thread. You will receive more replies that way :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Okay... So most of you will think I'm out of my mind but I'm at a bit of a loss...
    My "problem" is the following:
    I'm 5'10 and cutrently weigh 126 pounds which is okay I guess. I weighed 160 pounds at my highest and have kept the weight off for about 4-5 years now. I should be happy with my body and weight but i'm not. I look at so many pictures here on MFP and always think "i'd Love to look like her" and then I sometimes See how much that person weighs... And usually those people are heavier than me which seems impossible because they look so slim...I do work out with weights so I'd not consider myself skinnyfat... It's just that i obviously don't See what i want to See when i look in the mirror. Does anyone else out there feel like that too?

    Your weight is fine...maybe even a little on the low side for your height. Your issue is body composition. Start weight training/resistance training...that's how you get that, "I wish I was her" body....not by dropping more weight.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    3 points:

    1) Yes, there is sometimes mirror distortion. Otherwise, we would not have eating disorders. It's been a while since you lost your weight - so your brain should have caught up.

    2) Comparing our bodies to others is futile. You have your own body. Make it as good as it can be and then work really hard on accepting yourself. We can't change genetics. I will never have skinny legs. I know that when I am at goal - I will still have thighs. It's my body.

    3) Focus on being healthy and not on a "perfect body". It's all that really will last.

    This. You can't be comparing yourself to others as we all have different genetic makeup and you can't change that. I will never have ankles....I have cankles and no matter how small I get that won't change. You have to realize what you can and can't change. If you can't then you have a more serious problem and you need to go to the doctor and get counseling. There are millions of people that would sell their soles to look like you. Be thankful for your blessings and stop whining about what nature didn't give you.

    That's a harsh comment! Thanks for making my day *irony speaking here*. If you haven't noticed, I'm not whining - I just want to know if other people out there feel the same way... but glad you wanted to contribute

    Ignore the rude comments telling you to suck it up, that person is obviously projecting. There is no weight/height/bmi/bodyfat % requirement for having valid body image issues. I'm not an armchair doctor so I'm not going to diagnose you with BDD, but if the thoughts you have about your body and appearance really weigh on your mind and prohibit you from enjoying several areas of your life, you might want to look into some treatment for it. But if it's not that serious and you're just venting, you probably just need to fall in love with your body - work out your goals (which is probably to put on a bit of muscle, so work out how much you need to eat to do so, and get your macros in order) feed it right, work it out, build strength and stamina and be amazed by what it can do, and you will get there. :flowerforyou:
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
    I am 5'10" and have not been 126lbs since high school. And I looked like a boy.

    I would love to get down to 150lbs now and look like a healthy woman.

    Pick up some weights and throw away your scale.
  • raychulj
    raychulj Posts: 458 Member
    126lbs for 5'10" seems little. I'd definitely do more weight lifting.

    I agree with this, if your looking at girls that are toned and have definition and you don't see that.. time to EAT CORRECTLY FOR YOUR ACTIVITY and Lift Weights.. you know why I bolded the eat correctly, cause that is probably where you are failing. And throw the scale out, your going to gain weight if you do this.. but as you noticed people that look better than you probably weigh more..
    *slow clap* couldn't have said it better myself. I'm 5'8 and weigh 140 btw. Even going as low as 130 makes me look like skeletor. But we all have different fat distribution, amount of muscles, genetics, and sized frames. Personally I think you look gorgeous.
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    Anyone who feels this way needs to take a picture, fuzz out their face and post it on Facebook with "Hot or Not?". You will soon see you are probably one foxy looking SoB and hopefully get over your obsession of being better than every else :) That goes for the little girls who think they have to crash diet to be at the bare minimum she should be.

    Since you're already lifting weights, I can't suggest it, but yeah. You are FINE looking, there's nothing wrong with you and a lot of people look at YOU with jealousy. So feel better about yourself :) RIGHT NOW!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Okay... So most of you will think I'm out of my mind but I'm at a bit of a loss...
    My "problem" is the following:
    I'm 5'10 and cutrently weigh 126 pounds which is okay I guess. I weighed 160 pounds at my highest and have kept the weight off for about 4-5 years now. I should be happy with my body and weight but i'm not. I look at so many pictures here on MFP and always think "i'd Love to look like her" and then I sometimes See how much that person weighs... And usually those people are heavier than me which seems impossible because they look so slim...I do work out with weights so I'd not consider myself skinnyfat... It's just that i obviously don't See what i want to See when i look in the mirror. Does anyone else out there feel like that too?

    You look fab in your wedding photo!!! IMO you are a good weight for your height.

    Let me put it this way, If you lost say 6lbs do you think it would make your body shape any different? My answer probably not for me to look at or you to see a difference.

    Sometimes we look at other people, mainly people that are using weights, to feel that we do not look as good as their body shape.... so the simple answer is weights.

    But having said that, we can always be striving to be something/bodyshape that is not attainable due to genes.

    Just be the best you can be and be happy :flowerforyou:
  • ea101367
    ea101367 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm looking at you like you look at others! I think I would love to have your body!
    And I think it's completely normal as a woman. :flowerforyou:
  • mrsriisky
    mrsriisky Posts: 129 Member
    126lbs for 5'10" seems little. I'd definitely do more weight lifting.

    I agree with this, if your looking at girls that are toned and have definition and you don't see that.. time to EAT CORRECTLY FOR YOUR ACTIVITY and Lift Weights.. you know why I bolded the eat correctly, cause that is probably where you are failing. And throw the scale out, your going to gain weight if you do this.. but as you noticed people that look better than you probably weigh more..

    Agreed! I am currently trying to change my body composition, and it is making my confidence soar- I also put away my scale. I know I'm a healthy weight, but wasn't satisfied with what I was seeing in the mirror, so I'm working out hard to change it. And, for anyone judging, I think it is unfair not to realize that women of all shapes and sizes can have dissatisfaction with their bodies. OP, you are a healthy weight, if you dissatisfied, start doing some lifting or workouts you enjoy :) Though I would definitely say that avoiding the scale would be great, since you are already very light for your weight- focus on changing your body composition and getting stronger!
  • alikonda
    alikonda Posts: 2,358 Member
    I think every female experiences some of that. When I was a highly competitive varsity athlete back in my schooldays, I *hated* my body because I didn't match the waiflike girls around me, whom I considered to be more attractive. I've since come to realize that how well my body works and how strong I am is *much* more important than what the scale says or what size pants I wear. I find I'm at my happiest, no matter what weight, when I am strong; going for a run changes from a painful ordeal to a pleasant period during which I simply marvel at my muscle coordination.

    I think you've had a few people recommend throwing away (or at least completely ignoring) the scale - I fully endorse this idea!

    This blog post ( ) is a favourite of mine regarding this topic. Find some body love and appreciate YOUR figure for what it can do for you! It's hard not to fixate on the numbers, but you can be so much happier without them! Since this has been a fairly new revelation for me, as well, I have a few links to some other articles/blogs that I can share if you want. Just send me a message. =)
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    I think there are a few things you may want to think about.

    1. Consider that you might actually look pretty fabulous already....I know ... a tough one.... but it could just be possible huh!! :smile:

    2. There is no way you can possibly need to lose more weight so the only way you can alter your look would be to work out.

    3. I started NROLFW about 5 weeks ago and am loving it so I would def recommend giving this a go. However, don't expect miracles or super fast results and make sure you eat enough. If that toned, lean look with a bit of muscle definition is what you are after there is NO reason why you can't get that.

    4. If you have a mental picture then go for it but be realistic. I'm 4' 11" and there is no work out in the world that will give me beautiful long legs. What I can achieve is a trim waist, some bumps in the right places for a change and a body that feels good.

    Follow your vision but don't fail to see the good's right there in front of you!!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    At 5'10" and 126, you're already borderline underweight. If you're looking in the mirror and not feeling "slim" enough, please see a professional.

    I know how you feel to an extent. I have reached my original goal weight. I'm healthy and pretty fit, but I feel awful about my body some days. I know that's crazy because there are people on here who are 200 pounds overweight. How can I feel so big when I'm a healthy weight? However, I am not where I want to be yet. I can lose a few more pounds and continue weight training to tone my muscles and lean out.

    You, on the other hand, really can't lose any more weight and you're already doing strength training (I assume you've been doing it for long enough to see results). At this point, you really shouldn't be feeling so negatively about yourself. It could lead to issues down the road so please seek help if you can.
  • mrsriisky
    mrsriisky Posts: 129 Member
    I'm looking at you like you look at others! I think I would love to have your body!
    And I think it's completely normal as a woman. :flowerforyou:

    Also, very much this! My thick legs have never looked like that in jeans, and boy, what I wouldn't do for your hair!
  • michellechawner
    OP I have the same problem.

    I am currently 5'5 and weight 128 - I think I still need to lose another 10, maybe 15, but my goal is to only lose 8 more... I have the same issues, looking in the mirror I cry because all I see is fat... I see all the PROBLEMS, not the good things I've done already. I used to weight 167 (in 2009), and was happy at 125, but now I'm 128 and I don't feel like like I did years ago at 125. I also constantly compare myself with others in photos, and I know I shouldn't. Again, I KNOW I SHOULDN'T, but I still do.

    I am a healthy weight now, and I should be happy! But I can point out so many problems and I feel so... lost still. Like the last 12 i lost still has no effect on my mind... I still see myself as that chubby chick.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    What a lot of other people said, but also this: you're looking at pictures on MFP that people have staged and taken when they're at their best. You see yourself throughout the day, and reality is you're not always at your best - sometimes you're bloated after a meal, sometimes you're in bad lighting, sometimes your hair's a mess, sometimes you're wearing something unflattering. Try to remember that the girl you're jealous of has her less flattering moments too; she's not always flexing for the camera while wearing her sexiest pair of yoga pants. It's not fair of you to compare your everyday perception of yourself to someone else's moment of perfection. If it helps, take pictures of yourself when you really like what you see and look at them when you need a reminder that you're already gorgeous and don't need to look like anyone else.
  • kellylamppp
    I know EXACTLY where you're coming from! I'm 5'5" and 130lbs but I'm not happy with my body at all. I think for me the issue is that I was always short and skinny up until high school when I grew 6" and gained 40lbs over the four years. Then my freshman year of college hit and I gained a few more pounds, leaving me in a rut this summer feeling gross. I've started to come to the realization that I need to tell myself "you are not fat" and realize how many people would love to have the body I'm upset with. I look around and see people with amazing bodies knowing that I will never have their tiny thighs after my years of dancing, that my stomach pooch is genetic and I need to accept the differences in our bodies instead of hate myself for being different. I think a big thing that will help both of us is to really look at ourselves in the mirror and think of the things that we love most about our bodies and spend less time looking at everyone else's being envious! I don't know if you get jealous but girl I know i do! Once we accept our differences and get our heads screwed on right I think we'll both be happier!! Hope this helped you a little b/c I think writing this really did just help me too!